Dave Erfle – Geopolitical Conflicts And Trade Wars Are Causing Gold & Silver Stocks To Pop While General Markets Drop
Dave Erfle discusses the volatility in markets as a result of both geopolitical conflict and the economic uncertainty about the global trade wars underway. Gold, silver, and the precious metals stocks continue to be well bid and diverge from the continued decline in US stock markets. He believes this illustrates a rotation in capital as investors pull profits out of the highly-valued tech stocks and cryptocurrencies, and park some of it the safe haven of precious metals.

Weekend Show – Matt Geiger and Doc – Metals M&A Outlook: Equinox-Calibre, Technical Analysis For Gold, Silver, Gold Stocks
Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! This weekend show is focused on the precious metals sector, looking at recent M&A deals, trends,…

Michael Oliver – Technical Momentum Setup In Gold, Silver, US Equities, XAU, Dollar, Bonds, and Commodities
Michael Oliver share his technical outlook and momentum setup in gold, silver, US general equities, precious metals stocks via the XAU index, the US dollar, bonds / interest rates, and commodities, and longer-format discussion to get into the nuances of each market.

Darrell Fletcher – Commodities Strong Start To 2025: Oil, Natural Gas, Gold, Copper
Darrell Fletcher, Managing Director Commodities at Bannockburn Capital Markets joins me to discuss the current trends and dynamics in the commodities market. Darrell shares…

Sean Brodrick – Opportunities in Gold, Silver, Steel, Lithium, And Cybersecurity Sectors
Sean Brodrick shares opportunities he sees in gold, silver, steel, lithium, and cybersecurity stocks, in lieu of macroeconomic trends and tariff ramifications expected in 2025.

Dave Kranzler – Value Proposition In Junior Precious Metals Stocks Like Heliostar, Integra, Cabral, Discovery, Aya, and US Gold
Dave Kranzler with a wide-ranging discussion on the precious metals complex and what junior gold and silver stocks he is bullish on in this current environment.

Erik Wetterling – Investing Opportunities In The Small Gold Producers And Developers
Erik Wetterling, The Hedgeless Horseman, discusses the attractive value proposition he sees in various small gold producers and developers, and why he believes they will be forced to get rerated to higher levels as this bull market unfolds.

John Rubino – Fundamental Strength In Gold Presents A Compelling Catch-Up Trade In The Junior Precious Metals Stocks
John Rubino breaks down the fundamental reasons why gold has been continuing to break higher in 2025, and why he expects to see silver, and the junior gold and silver stocks have a compelling catch-up trade.

Dave Erfle – Opportunities And Investable Trends In The Junior Precious Metals Stocks
Dave Erfle, the Junior Miner Junky, focuses on the opportunities and trends he sees in the junior precious metals stocks; outlining that we may be entering the part of the cycle to finally move down the risk curve into the junior development-stage companies with ounces in the ground that will have good optionality to rising metals prices.

Bob (aka BDC) – Technical Analysis On Gold, Silver, URNM, Nat Gas, NAK, and Saturation Table Turns
Long-time KE Report blog contributor, Bob (aka BDC), reviews charts analyzing gold, silver, uranium miners via the ETF (URNM), nat gas, and Northern Dynasty (NAK) through the lens of various technical tools like Fibonacci levels, Chapman Waves, and Gartley Patterns.

Weekend Show – Rick Bensignor & Jordan Roy-Byrne – How Stable Are US Markets? How High Can Gold & Gold Stocks Go?
Welcome to The KE Report Weekend Show! This weekend’s show is focused on what’s working in the markets and discussing just how high…

Christopher Aaron – The Precious Metals Sector – This is It and IT IS NOW
Christopher Aaron reviews his medium to longer-term technical outlook on gold, silver, the precious metals stocks, and the Dow:Gold ratio. Christopher lays out the sentiment and valuation indicators along with chart-based evidence that “This is it, and IT is now!”

Nick Hodge – Investment Themes In Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Palladium Resource Stocks
Nick Hodge, with a longer-format discussion on and the macro and micro themes that feed into investing in gold, silver, platinum, and palladium stocks, and Nick shares a number of the PM stocks he is animated by in each category.

Sean Brodrick – Taking Advantage Of The Volatility In Early 2025 In A.I., Semiconductors, Tech, Utilities, Uranium, Gold, And Silver Stocks
Sean Brodrick reviews some of the macro news moving the markets, andand how he’s positioning into the volatility we’ve seen over the last 2 weeks in AI stocks, utilities, uranium stocks, gold, silver, and precious metals stocks. There are sectors he is limiting exposure to while there are plenty of opportunities and sectors he believes will do well in 2025 in light of the Trump administration economic strategy.

Dave Erfle – Gold closing In on $3k, Silver Over $33: What Will Be The Next M&A Stocks
Dave Erfle, Editor of the Junior Miner Junky joins us to recap the strong moves in gold and silver and focus on what stocks…

Guanajuato Silver – Outlook On Gold And Silver, And How Political Developments In Mexico Are Impacting The Mining Sector
James Anderson, CEO of Guanajuato Silver (TSX.V:GSVR – OTCQX:GSVRF), with a higher-level discussion on his macro outlook for both gold and silver, and how recent price trends will influence the mining equities. Additionally we also review how the new political administration in Mexico is impacting the mining sector in this jurisdiction.

Robert Sinn – Gold And Silver Had A Good January – How Will This Filter Down Into PM Mining Stocks?
Robert Sinn, (aka Goldfinger) shares his technical outlook on gold’s breakout, and silver’s move higher last week and over the month of January; along with how these moves in the PMs are filtering down into the precious metals stocks. We also discuss the Chinese economy and investing psychology.

Peter Krauth – Pro Tips On Investing In Junior Silver Stocks – Blackrock, Summa, Dolly Varden, GoGold, and Kingsmen
Peter Krauth joins me for a wide-ranging discussion on the macroeconomic factors moving the precious metal sector, and some pro tips on investing junior silver stocks, including Blackrock, Summa, Dolly Varden, GoGold, and Kingsmen.

Silver Tiger Metals – A Sentiment Shift In Precious Metals, More Mining Permits Have Been Issued In Mexico, And Deeper Drilling At El Tigre Building Towards An Underground Mining PEA
Glenn Jessome, CEO of Silver Tiger Metals (TSX.V:SLVR – OTCQX:SLVTF), discusses the positive shift in sentiment from precious metals investors, the better project economics at record gold prices, the additional Mexican mining permits that have been issued, and a look ahead to all the underground exploration and development work initiatives building towards a Preliminary Economic Study on the underground mining phase, at the El Tigre Silver-Gold Project in Mexico.

Craig Hemke – Gold Strength To Start The Year
Craig Hemke, Editor of TF Metals Report joins us to focus on the strength in the gold market to start the year. We explore…