Millennial Precious Metals – Focused in Nevada with 7 Projects, 2 Development Stage and 5 Exploration Assets
Jason Kosec, President and CEO of Millennial Precious Metals (TSX.V:MPM – OTCQB:MLPMF) joins us to introduce this new exploration Company (listed in May 2021) focused in Nevada with a total of 7 Projects. The Company came out of the gate with a 1.2million oz total gold resource, from the Wildcat Property (~776,000 oz at 0.40g/t gold) and Mountain View Property (~427,000 oz at 0.57g/t gold).
We start with an overview of all 7 Projects with a focus on the development stage Wildcat and Mountain View Projects as well as the Red Canyon Project that is slightly more advanced in terms of exploration. All of these Projects will see drilling and an updated resource from Wildcat and Mountain View this year. For the other exploration Projects we have Jason outline the strategy for moving these forward.
Jason also provides and overview of the management team, key/large shareholders, cash in the bank and budget for 2022.
If you have any follow up questions or want more information on any aspect of the Company please email us at or
Click here to visit the Millennial Precious Metals website and read over the Corporate Presentation.