

Hour 2 – Politics – A Full Hour Discussion With David Horowitz

July 13, 2019
David Horowitz

“Dark Agenda The War to Destroy Christian America” is Available from Amazon and all book sellers. Click on the image of the book above to go directly to Amazon.
  • Segment 1 – Our sole guest this week is David Horowitz author of Dark Agenda The War Against Christian America.
  • Segment 2 – We continue with David Horowitz as he explains why he believes there is a war against Christian Americans.
  • Segment 3 – We continue our discussion with David Horowitz with David stressing the hypocrisy in America.
  • Segment 4 – We wrap up KER Politics with David Horowitz author of Dark Agenda The War to Destroy Christian America.

Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4

Jim McKinney will be collaborating with me in the future on most of our KER Politics Segments. I decided to do this because of the wealth of experience he brings as a retired Army Intelligence Officer with “boots on the ground” experience throughout the world which includes personal conversation with many of the leaders of the world.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:50 AM

    Let me remind you that it was LBJ that escalated the Vietnam war.
    Unfortunately, it is not just Democrats that place seeking power above everything else. Politicians of both parties often behave that way.
    If Democrats apprear to be against most wars, may I suggest that it simply that most of the nemies of the U.S. are solialist or communist, and thus the natural sympathies of Democrat lie with the enemies, not the U.S.
    Further, it seems to me that Democrats are generally not opposed to war, but are opposed to the U.S. winning a war.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:44 AM

      Don’t know whether you’ve read Roger Stone’s book: In it he describes LBJ as power crazed, and one of the people he interviewed for the book who had seen him in action up close called LBJ a functioning lunatic. Many of the problems facing this country today started with LBJ.

        Jul 13, 2019 13:37 AM

        Fair enough Rufust445, I will read it. Thank you

      Jul 13, 2019 13:29 AM

      May I remind you, Professor, that you are absolutely correct.
      Any thoughts what may happen tomorrow. Our thought will be posted within 20 minutes.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:55 AM

    Oops, my internet is slow again! Apologies for letters missing in my comment.
    enemies of the U.S. are socialist or communist, hence the Democrats tend to align with the enemies rather than the U.S.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:38 AM

      The proof may very well be within the pudding!

    Jul 13, 2019 13:09 AM

    With regard to destroying “Christian America”, perhaps it appear thus because multiculturism is the flavor of the day. The rise of Islam, promoted by Obama and Hillary, has worked hard, if covertly, to turn public opinion against Judeo-Christian moral teachings.
    CIA Director: John Brennan, muslim.
    Huma Abedin, muslim.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:20 AM

    With regard to “Corruption of the Church”;
    Again this is the appearance of corruption of power, and those in power seeking to maintain power.

    With regard to “Slavery”
    David Horowitz is simply ignorant.
    From memory, but I believe substantially correct:
    The movement in Britain to abolish slavery started in 1807.
    Slavery was ABOLISHED in Britain in 1833. (I think the law passed in 1830)
    It is ridiculous to suggest British entry into the U.S. civil War would have been pro-slavery.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:36 AM

      CFS, yes the UK abolished slavery before the U.S., and I agree that Slavery was not “invented by the British” as David said, it existed long before in many cultures and still exists today in some places. But don’t you agree that if Britain had entered the War on the side of the Confederates, that in itself would have constituted support to slavery? Had the UK helped defeat divide the U.S., don’t you believe they would have continued to exploit the South for profit, if not one day de-facto absorbing the South into the British Empire for economic profit?

        Jul 13, 2019 13:06 AM

        As old as I am, I can’t speak first hand on the subject, but from what I’ve read, even down to parliamentary discussion about conscripting sailors at the time of Napoleonic wars, there is just no way Britain would have supported slavery. The English parliament had paid out reparations of almost $20 million for compensation of freeing of slaves. That would be about $ 10 Billion or more in today’s money. The slave trade on British ships had been banned for over 50 years by the time of the Civil War. As much as Britain loved to exploit empire, there is just no way it would support slavery in the mid nineteenth. century.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:56 PM

      Jesus the Christ ended slavery over 2000 yrs ago. any thing else is a lie from the father of lies. He also made all races and men and women equal in the site of god. AMEN

        Jul 13, 2019 13:28 PM

        Amen Ron…….

    Jul 13, 2019 13:29 AM

    Further, for education purposes:
    The First slave shipping from Africa to the Americas was Portuguese.
    In terms of numbers of slaves transported across the Atlantic, the majority was Spanish.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:32 AM

      You can’t discuss slavery without mentioning David Sassoon who was controlling slavery around the world. Sassoon’s intermarried with – you guessed it- the Rothschilds.
      If you you fail to do so you are either ignoring history and real knowledge or a shill.

        Jul 13, 2019 13:32 AM

        Now we’re moving away from the Americas, and talking more about Jewish greed and Asia.
        I don’t think there was much British slave trade involvement in the Opium wars, so I don’t get the point.

          Jul 13, 2019 13:54 PM

          As I said, you can’t discuss slave trade without naming the usual suspects:

          What you think Is irrelevant. The hard facts are what matters.
          Respectfully, you should do more researching.

            Jul 13, 2019 13:45 PM

            Maybe I’m ignorant, but nothing you have said or posted has relevance to:
            Slave trade, which is the transportation of captured people.
            Slave trade in America, which was the topic under specific discussion. Frankly the Opium trade, as bad as it was, is simply a Red Herring to the discussion,

    Jul 13, 2019 13:45 AM

    The first Slave movements to current U.S. mainland or territory is Danish (to Virgin Islands)
    or to Jamestown was Dutch.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:40 AM

      Dutch and English Colonization in New England In 1609, two years after English settlers established the colony of Jamestown in Virginia, the Dutch East India Company hired English sailor Henry Hudson to find a northeast passage to India.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:42 AM

      More English …..check the boats….and list of the names of the passengers.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:16 AM

    (May I suggest Brave over Chrome or other browsers for zerohedge)

    (How the Rich live!)

    Jul 13, 2019 13:42 AM

    At $5 billion, the fine the U.S. Federal Trade Commission is about to levy on Facebook is by far the largest it’s given to a technology company, easily eclipsing the second largest, $22 million for Google in 2012.
    The long-expected punishment, which Facebook is well prepared for, is unlikely to make a dent in the social media giant’s deep pockets. But it will also likely saddle the company with additional restrictions and another lengthy stretch of strict scrutiny.
    Multiple news reports on Friday said the FTC has voted to fine Facebook for privacy violations and mishandling user data. Most of them cited an unnamed person familiar with the matter.
    Facebook and the FTC declined to comment. The 3-2 vote broke along party lines, with Republicans in support and Democrats in opposition to the settlement, according to the reports.
    The case now moves to the Justice Department’s civil division for review. It’s unclear how long the process would take, though it is likely to be approved. A Justice Department spokeswoman declined to comment on the Facebook matter.
    For many companies, a $5 billion fine would be crippling. But Facebook is not most companies. It had nearly $56 billion in revenue last year. This year, analysts expect around $69 billion, according to Zacks. As a one-time expense, the company will also be able to exclude the amount from its adjusted earnings results —the profit figure that investors and financial analysts pay attention to.
    “This closes a dark chapter and puts it in the rearview mirror with Cambridge Analytica,” said Wedbush analyst Daniel Ives. “Investors still had lingering worries that the fine might not be approved. Now, the Street can breathe a little easier.”
    Facebook has earmarked $3 billion for a potential fine and said in April it was anticipating having to pay up to $5 billion.
    But while Wall Street — and likely Facebook executives — may be breathing a little easier, the fine alone has not appeased Facebook critics, including privacy advocates and lawmakers.
    “The reported $5 billion penalty is barely a tap on the wrist, not even a slap,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut. “Such a financial punishment for a purposeful, blatant illegality is chump change for a company that makes tens of billions of dollars every year.”
    He and others questioned whether the FTC will force Facebook to make any meaningful changes to how it handles user data. This might include limits on what information it collects on people and how it targets ads to them. It’s currently unclear what measures the settlement includes beyond the fine.
    Privacy advocates have been calling on the FTC to come down on Facebook for a decade, but over that time the company’s money, power and Washington influence has only increased.
    “Privacy regulation in the U.S. is broken. While large after-the-fact fines matter, what is much more important is strong, clear rules to protect consumers,” said Nuala O’Connor, president and CEO of the Center for Democracy and Technology. The CDT is pushing for federal online privacy legislation.
    Some have called on the FTC to hold Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg personally liable for the privacy violations in some way, but based on the party line vote breakdown, experts said this is not likely.
    Marc Rotenberg, president of the nonprofit online privacy advocacy group Electronic Privacy Information Center, said he was “confused” as to why the Democratic commissioners didn’t support the settlement and said he suspects, without having seen the actual settlement, that this was due to the Zuckerberg liability question.
    “But I thought that was misguided,” he said, adding that EPIC instead supports more wholesale limits on how Facebook handles user privacy.
    Since the Cambridge Analytica debacle erupted more than a year ago and prompted the FTC investigation, Facebook has vowed to do a better job corralling its users’ data. That scandal revealed that a data mining firm affiliated with President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign improperly accessed private information from as many as 87 million Facebook users through a quiz app. At issue was whether Facebook violated a 2011 settlement with the FTC over user privacy.
    Other leaky controls have also since come to light. Facebook acknowledged giving big tech companies like Amazon and Yahoo extensive access to users’ personal data , in effect exempting them from its usual privacy rules. And it collected call and text logs from phones running Google’s Android system in 2015.
    Wall Street appeared unfazed at the prospect of the fine. Facebook’s shares closed at $204.87 on Friday and added 24 cents after hours. The stock is up more than 50 percent since the beginning of the year. In fact, Facebook’s market value has increased by $64 billion since its April earnings report when it announced how much it was expecting to be fined.
    Rep. David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, said in a statement that the fine gives Facebook “a Christmas present five months early. It’s very disappointing that such an enormously powerful company that engaged in such serious misconduct is getting a slap on the wrist. This fine is a fraction of Facebook’s annual revenue.”
    Cicilline leads the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust, which is pursuing a bipartisan investigation of the big tech companies’ market dominance.
    The fine, however, doesn’t spell the end of Facebook’s troubles. The company faces a slew of other investigations, both in the U.S. and overseas, that could carry their own fines and, more importantly possible limits to its data collection. This includes nearly a dozen by the Irish Data Protection Commissioner, which oversees privacy regulation in the European Union.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:08 AM

    You think Voting in the U.S. is safer from hacking?

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Pennsylvania’s message was clear: The state was taking a big step to keep its elections from being hacked in 2020. Last April, its top election official told counties they had to update their systems. So far, nearly 60% have taken action, with $14.15 million of mostly federal funds helping counties buy brand new electoral systems.
    But there’s a problem: Many of these new systems still run on old software that will soon be outdated and more vulnerable to hackers.
    An Associated Press analysis has found that like many counties in Pennsylvania, the vast majority of 10,000 election jurisdictions nationwide use Windows 7 or an older operating system to create ballots, program voting machines, tally votes and report counts.
    That’s significant because Windows 7 reaches its “end of life” on Jan. 14, meaning Microsoft stops providing technical support and producing “patches” to fix software vulnerabilities, which hackers can exploit. In a statement to the AP, Microsoft said Friday it would offer continued Windows 7 security updates for a fee through 2023.
    Critics say the situation is an example of what happens when private companies ultimately determine the security level of election systems with a lack of federal requirements or oversight. Vendors say they have been making consistent improvements in election systems. And many state officials say they are wary of federal involvement in state and local elections.
    It’s unclear whether the often hefty expense of security updates would be paid by vendors operating on razor-thin profit margins or cash-strapped jurisdictions. It’s also uncertain if a version running on Windows 10, which has more security features, can be certified and rolled out in time for primaries.
    “That’s a very serious concern,” said J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan professor and renowned election security expert. He said the country risks repeating “mistakes that we made over the last decade or decade-and-a-half when states bought voting machines but didn’t keep the software up-to-date and didn’t have any serious provisions” for doing so.
    The AP surveyed all 50 states, the District of Columbia and territories, and found multiple battleground states affected by the end of Windows 7 support, including Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Arizona and North Carolina. Also affected are Michigan, which recently acquired a new system, and Georgia, which will announce its new system soon.
    “Is this a bad joke?” said Marilyn Marks, executive director of the Coalition for Good Governance, an election integrity advocacy organization, upon learning about the Windows 7 issue. Her group sued Georgia to get it to ditch its paperless voting machines and adopt a more secure system. Georgia recently piloted a system running on Windows 7 that was praised by state officials.
    If Georgia selects a system that runs on Windows 7, Marks said, her group will go to court to block the purchase. State elections spokeswoman Tess Hammock declined to comment because Georgia hasn’t officially selected a vendor.
    The election technology industry is dominated by three titans: Omaha, Nebraska-based Election Systems and Software LLC; Denver, Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems Inc.; and Austin, Texas-based Hart InterCivic Inc. They make up about 92% of election systems used nationwide, according to a 2017 study . All three have worked to win over states newly infused with federal funds and eager for an update.
    U.S. officials determined that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election and have warned that Russia, China and other nations are trying to influence the 2020 elections.
    Of the three companies, only Dominion’s newer systems aren’t touched by upcoming Windows software issues — though it has election systems acquired from no-longer-existing companies that may run on even older operating systems.
    Hart’s system runs on a Windows version that reaches its end of life on Oct. 13, 2020, weeks before the election.
    ES&S said it expects by the fall to be able to offer customers an election system running on Microsoft’s current operating system, Windows 10. It’s now being tested by a federally accredited lab.
    For jurisdictions that have already purchased systems running on Windows 7, ES&S said it will be working with Microsoft to provide support until jurisdictions can update. Windows 10 came out in 2015.
    Hart and Dominion didn’t respond to requests for comment.
    Microsoft usually releases patches for operating systems monthly, so hackers have learned to target older, unsupported systems. Its systems have been ground zero for crippling cyberattacks, including the WannaCry ransomware attack which froze systems in 200,000 computers across 150 countries in 2017.
    For many people, the end of Microsoft 7 support means simply updating. However, for election systems the process is more onerous. ES&S and Hart don’t have federally certified systems on Windows 10, and the road to certification is long and costly, often taking at least a year and costing six figures.
    ES&S, the nation’s largest vendor, completed its latest certification four months ago, using Windows 7. Hart’s last certification was May 29 on a Windows version that also won’t be supported by November 2020.
    Though ES&S is testing a new system it’s unclear how long it will take to complete the process — federal and possible state recertification, plus rolling out updates — and if it will be done before primaries begin in February.
    Election administrators notoriously suffer from insufficient resources. Recently, many jurisdictions splurged on new election systems, some using their portion of $380 million in federal funds provided to states.
    Counties in South Dakota, South Carolina and Delaware all recently bought election systems, while many others are evaluating purchases.
    The use of election systems that still run on Windows 7 “is of concern, and it should be of concern,” said U.S. Election Assistance Commission Chair Christy McCormick. EAC develops election system guidelines.
    McCormick noted that while election systems aren’t supposed to be connected to the internet, various stages of the election process require transfers of information, which could be points of vulnerability for attackers. She said some election administrators are working to address the problem.
    Officials in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona say they have discussed the software issue with their vendors. Other states mentioned in this story didn’t respond to AP requests for comment.
    Pennsylvania’s elections spokeswoman Wanda Murren said contract language allows such a software upgrade for free. Arizona’s elections spokesman C. Murphy Herbert said ES&S has also assured the state that it will provide support to counties for an upgrade.
    Susan Greenhalgh, policy director for the advocacy group National Election Defense Coalition, said even the best scenario has election administrators preparing for primaries while trying to upgrade their systems, which is “crazy.”
    Certification, which is voluntary at the federal level but sometimes required by state laws, ensures vendor software runs properly on operating systems they’re tested on. But there is no cybersecurity check and the process often fails to keep up with rapidly changing technology.
    Kevin Skoglund, chief technologist for Citizens for Better Elections, said county election officials point to EAC and state certifications as “rock-solid proof” their systems are secure, but don’t realize vendors are certifying systems under 2005 standards.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:18 AM

    OWL ……ask Jim, if he knows anything about Dyncorp….

      Jul 13, 2019 13:43 AM

      Jerry, you see that Tommy Robinson interview I posted?

      Speaking of which couldn’t sleep last night so I took a sleeping pill then read some of your postings…big mistake…had the weirdest dream…you and OWL broke Tommy Robinson out of that English prison…OWL didn’t want to do it but you talked him into it…think he was impressed with your break out of KER jail…

      You two got Tommy out to the prison gate…but guess who you ran into…

        Jul 13, 2019 13:44 AM

        Must see Tommy Robinson interview.

        You see this Irish?

        (Also, a good generation z’er on the useless wars and if the neoturds have their way you’re going to have yet another one coming up real soon.)

          Jul 13, 2019 13:11 AM

          Regards to Tommy……..The Police according to Webb….are infiltrated with perverted CIA deepstate mi6, ect….

            Jul 13, 2019 13:14 AM

            This all comes full circle of the den….of corruption, which Hilly and Billy, Epstein..ect are part of….DynCorp….

          Jul 13, 2019 13:37 PM

          I personally believe much of what Tommy Robinson says is true.
          However, he was not jailed for live-streaming outside a trial of Muslim criminals. He was jailed for Contempt of Court.

          I have a lot of sympathy for Tommy Robinson. I believe the British “Justice” system, in this case, stinks.
          But Tommy Robinson is not very intelligent. If you flout judges’ orders, rightly or wrongly, you should expect a ton of bricks to fall on your head.
          The British belief in multiculturalism is destroying England, and in my opinion utter folly. It is, however, government policy, and overtly speaking against government policy in England simply invites trouble.
          Tommy Robinson, I trust will be as awkward and non-compliant as possible in jail and get himself placed in solitary confinement again. That is a price he will have to pay to be safe.
          He would have been much better to have been a major organizer of citizens against Muslims outside of jail, but his stubborn streak of wanting to do most protesting personally is a problem. He is now paying the price and has set back protests against muslim behavior.
          Sadly, the BBC, as lapdog of the Government, can destroy protests by making false claims of violence against Tommy Robinson and his activists.

        Jul 13, 2019 13:14 AM

        EBO…..your comment on the Ker Jail… too funny…..ha,ha,ha…love it….

          Jul 13, 2019 13:16 AM

          Had to make the comment above first……now, I will review the tape….be back later…

            Jul 13, 2019 13:19 AM

            But guess who you and OWL ran into in the break out…it was a group of storm troopers blocking your escape…but guess who was their leader???

            Jul 13, 2019 13:07 AM

            Hilly and Billy……….lol

            Jul 13, 2019 13:08 AM

            No wait……Obamy…

            Jul 13, 2019 13:21 AM

            Good guesses…but it was Jimmy McKinney! And dressed as Darth Vader…at that point I woke up covered in sweat…a real nightmare…don’t know what happened to you guys and Tommy next…sorry.

            Jul 13, 2019 13:52 AM

            Tommy’s injustice should be front page……..The sheeple better wake up…..
            There is going to be push back, in the USA…jmo

    Jul 13, 2019 13:52 AM
    Jul 13, 2019 13:30 AM

    Your guest is grossly wrong on his assertions regarding religion, and he is grossly wrong on the issue of war. I had to stop listening at the beginning of the second session. I unlike you Al have no affinity for listening to “all sides”, instead I search for truth.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:55 AM

      You think that I don’t search for truth, Mark M?

      Jul 13, 2019 13:19 PM

      How is it possible to search the “truth” without listening to all sides and judging veracity?
      An I to assume the loudest is the “truth”?
      or that “truth” will be given to me by divine providence.
      Do I expect never to make a wrong judgment at first, and not later be persuaded by better reasoning?

      Jul 13, 2019 13:46 PM

      I have read “Dark Agenda” and I highly recommend the book. I agree with every thing in the book. I have to disagree on the comment that the Left was against every war since WWII: which was the last war that we won (“The new rules of war” by McFate). I have to use Mr. Horowitz own words against him. “Talk is cheap” If the left was actually against war, we might have skipped one of the many illegal wars since WWII. Is it possible that the humanitarian bombers on the left were verbally against war while secretly backing it? If the left was truly anti-war then I would immediately join the left. This assertion is absurd!!!

    Jul 13, 2019 13:43 AM

    SerialBrain2: The Explosive Message Trump Coded in his Speech on Independence Day.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:35 AM

      Thanks for the post………

    Jul 13, 2019 13:37 AM

    Excellent…Could some guest you choose AL next explain the relationships between liberal destroyers of America and the Globalists….This alliance does seem to be custom made in attracting psycopaths from around the planet…..If that is so and I believe it is…We are simply in a twisted enormous global war/showdown between good and evil…YES?

      Jul 13, 2019 13:56 AM


    Jul 13, 2019 13:55 AM
    Jul 13, 2019 13:40 AM

    OWL>>>>>>>>>Ask Jimmy…….does he know anything about DynoCorp……………DYNOCORP….

      Jul 13, 2019 13:10 PM

      I want to KNOW IF JIMMY KNOWS>>>>>

        Jul 13, 2019 13:12 PM

        I have asked THREE TIMES>>>>>>>>>>IF the INTELLIGENT agency KNOWS>>>>.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:19 PM

      DYNCORP……..Dyncorp…….DynCorp………I asked about it yesterday, and spelled it correctly…..let’s all get on the same page…..
      Since Professor , you did not know yesterday…..I am asking and have asked JIMMY, if, he

    Jul 13, 2019 13:58 AM

    The above cite re: Epstein plane and CIA involvement is unverified…..I’m still digging at this moment.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:10 PM

    July 13th Livestream for Patrons

    HRC & Billy pull a Cosby starting around the 1:50 minute mark

      Jul 13, 2019 13:32 PM

      Even at speed 1.5 she has low information desity.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:10 PM

      Hope that purdy girl is right about the arrests but I wouldn’t hold my breath…

    Jul 13, 2019 13:07 PM

    Anecdotal evidence of Trump and Epstein relationship (non-relationship):

    Jul 13, 2019 13:38 PM

    OPUS 167 Mossad Epstein Connection

      Jul 13, 2019 13:47 PM

      This guy may be right, but where is the evidence?

      Epstein was apparently rich enough to buy an island, clearly had expensive plane and boat habits.
      That’s a lot of money for a stupid person, who does not come from a rich family.

      Jul 13, 2019 13:40 PM

      Mossad-Epstein connection…..supposedly because of association with Jew Robert Maxwell, who was working as a Mossad spy.
      Bit of a problem there. Maxwell was not put on trial. British Foreign Office believes Maxwell was working for Russia.

      The UK Telegraph is probably the most trusted UK newspaper.

        Jul 14, 2019 14:24 AM

        Get a handle on Dyncorp………and the rabbit hole gets bigger ….

        Jul 14, 2019 14:53 PM

        Epstein married Maxwell’s daughter…….according to Webb….

    Jul 13, 2019 13:54 PM
    Jul 13, 2019 13:12 PM
    Jul 13, 2019 13:15 PM
    Jul 13, 2019 13:20 PM
    Illegals under 25 to get medicaid if bill passes.
    Seems like $ 3 Billion misappropriation of funds to me.

    Jul 13, 2019 13:50 PM

    The more you know about certain politicians, the more you understand they are incompetent, lying scum.

      Jul 14, 2019 14:56 PM

      See who is on the foreign intel group in congress………and who is around the us ports of entry… those districts……
      On July 14, 2019 at 11:16 am,
      OOTB Jerry says:
      Jimmy….Thanks for the reply… another one for you….

    Jul 13, 2019 13:10 PM

    Digging away…..
    I understand there are approx 1,000 FBI Agents being investigated under the PARM program: Post-Adjudication Risk Management Program . (Suspected of loyalties towards a foreign power.)

    Jul 13, 2019 13:49 PM

    The shirt and mug salesmen have another good one…

    Jul 14, 2019 14:43 AM
      Jul 14, 2019 14:24 AM

      If I heard correctly he thinks stocks, mostly large cap US are the place to be over the next couple of years. Stocks correct in the Fall then go to new highs mostly DOW, large cap US. DOW gets to 31 – 32k in next year or two. What do you think of this forecast?

        Jul 14, 2019 14:27 AM

        Stay in there long enough and Jamie and gang will have all your money……
        Marty might be the con man……some reason he get invited to the world’s largest investment club……lol.

          Jul 14, 2019 14:43 AM

          I tell ya Jerry, it looks to me like this market is one huge bubble…the whole outhouse could implode at any time…but what do I know? I’ve thought that for years.

            Jul 14, 2019 14:49 AM

            And I think Jamie and gang will get all our wealth one way or another…certainly they will try…manipulation, inflation, confiscation…they got all sorts of tricks up their sleeves.

    Jul 14, 2019 14:09 AM

    SerialBrain2 – Winning: Trump now controls the chemtrails! (Pt.2)

      Jul 14, 2019 14:22 AM

      I was just noticing that there have not been any chemtrails around Indiana lately…
      Going to be a lot of stupid people , who poo pooed everyone that was talking about chemstrails as a conspiracy……

        Jul 14, 2019 14:26 AM

        Gooberment has been dumping crap into the atmosphere for decades…weather modification attempts go way back…don’t know why anyone would contest that.

          Jul 14, 2019 14:27 AM

          Contest that it has been going on for a long time…

    Jul 14, 2019 14:58 AM

    CFS, do you know the mug salesman’s undisclosed location???

      Jul 14, 2019 14:42 PM

      Can’t figure it out, CFS???

    Jul 14, 2019 14:40 PM

    Mr. Big Al Korelin, you out there???

    Moral of the Dershowicz story…if you don’t want a massage…but for some reason have to have one…get it from an “old,old Runssian.”…..and keep your underwear on.