An Editorial that, in Big Al’s opinion, states the obvious about the current state of The Catholic Church
For the first time, I understand how the Reformation happened.
Reading the stunning letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano – in which the former papal nuncio says he had personally informed Pope Francis five years ago about the serious accusations against then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick – is both heartbreaking and enraging. If Vigano is right, it means the corruption in the Catholic Church has reached not just the highest levels of Roman Curia but the papacy itself.
Last week, Vigano effectively nailed his 95 theses to the door of St. Peter’s. The archbishop called out not only the Holy Father but also more than a dozen cardinals he says covered up McCarrick’s alleged abuses, including three successive Vatican secretaries of state – and calls for Pope Francis to step down. It is virtually without precedent for a Vatican insider to make such serious charges against a sitting pontiff and members of the Curia – much less to call for the pope’s resignation. Vigano’s allegations need to be investigated, the documents he cites need to be released, and the pope needs to answer these charges.
Vigano said he twice wrote to his superiors in Rome, in 2006 and 2008, explaining that McCarrick had, among other things, requested “depraved acts of seminarians and priests,” had derided “a young seminarian who tried to resist” and engaged in the “sacrilegious celebration of the Eucharist.” He got no response. Eventually, he learned that Pope Benedict XVI had ordered that McCarrick be “forbidden to celebrate (Mass) in public, to participate in public meetings, to give lectures, (or) to travel.”
After Benedict resigned, Vigano was granted a private audience with the new pope on June 23, 2013, during which Francis asked him about McCarrick. Vigano wrote that he told Francis, “Holy Father, I don’t know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance.” Francis soon lifted Benedict’s sanctions, Vigano said, and made McCarrick a trusted adviser. “He knew from at least June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was a serial predator,” Vigano wrote.
Vigano’s accusations are serious and credible. He has everything to lose by making them public. He cited specific letters and documents that he and others sent to Rome – which he said are readily available in the files of the Holy See and the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington. The Vatican must now release them. And his account was backed on Monday by Monsignor Jean-François Lantheaume, the former first counsellor at the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, who said Vigano “tells the whole truth. I am a witness.” Most importantly, in his letter the archbishop declared that he is “ready to reaffirm them under oath by calling on God as my witness” – which means he is calling for his own eternal damnation if he is lying.
Vigano is courageously sacrificing his own episcopal career to expose the truth. Now is the time for others with inside knowledge to step forward and do the same. Catholic cardinals wear a red hat to symbolize their willingness to shed the blood of martyrdom for Christ and His church. Sadly, few seem willing to risk their own position, much less their lives.
On his flight back from Ireland, Pope Francis responded to Vigano’s testimony by declaring, “I will not say a single word on this.” Sorry, that’s not good enough. Five hundred years ago, faithful Catholics waited too long to root out corruption in the Vatican – with disastrous consequences. We can’t make the same mistake again.
Marc A. Thiessen writes on foreign and domestic policy.
Reminds me of the BLUES BROTHER scene,,……….when they were trying to collect the taxes for the Cook County assessement………
Pretty funny scene!
Why am I not surprise you would say that? FORTUNATELY I have learned sometimes not to take you particularly seriously!
Hello Robert…..You were lucky you had nuns , but they were wicked bastards.
Me i spent three & a half years in a home run by priests , & christian brothers ( what a fecking joke )…Three & a half years been mentailally , phyically & sexualy abused by these so called servants of GOD..I hate the fecking catholic church , but i hate the irish govt. at the time who knew what was going on but did nothing to stop it , because in those days the vatican was more powerfull than the govt. in ireland.
I am so glad that the bastard vatican has lost its power in ireland . I will stop my rant now before i go into the nasty details.
GOD BLESS you IRISH……….hoping you have better days ahead………..
God Love you, and that is all that matters……..
Love to Loves…………
Yes, OOTN that is truly all that matters.
Yes, Irish, God bless you. You survived as a good man.
I believe the sickness runs far higher and much deeper than most people believe. With increasing clarity and discernment, the emotions of shock, outrage and terror become more pronounced. I wish life can go back to the days of Andy Griffith. Then again, even that was every bit an illusion.
Yes, of course, it was. Rand, I have to tell you, I am extremely concerned about the future and I am taking action as you can see.
That’s PA
It’s never too late to reform; but some reforms take longer than others and are resisted longer to start with. The catholic church will reform , or die.
And speaking of things in need of reform….
How about politics on the left coast….?
glad CFS stuck around………he may be a heathen……but, I enjoy his comments…..Just kidding cft…………love ya like a brother…………….ootb j.
As do I OOTB
Just because I’m not a Christian does not make me a heathen, does it?
I assume you have to be atheist to be heathen.
I forgive you your lack of knowledge in following the true God.
You did notice , ……..I said , just kidding…..
there is no lack of knowledge…… 🙂
a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.
synonyms: pagan, infidel, idolater, heretic, unbeliever, disbeliever, nonbeliever, atheist, agnostic, skeptic; archaicpaynim
“the evangelist preached to the heathens”
Romans 1:22 King James Version (KJV)
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
10We are fools for Christ’s sake, but ye are wise in Christ; we are weak, but ye are strong; ye are honourable, but we are despised.
17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. 19As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. 20Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. 21To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. 22He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
The CC needs to get back to its roots and the basics.
Way too much corporation stuff ruininng the religion.
I’ve been in for 57 years and it never amazes me how much faith we put in our leaders like they are GOD. They are not. They are just a bunch of smucks like the rest of us who keep making the same mistakes.
Keep it simple. Pray, give thanks and be nice.
All the rest is bullshit.
I agree completely Tony! I always have by the way.
what did he say……….lol………..tony is the man………..”)
China no more……….
$11.5 TRILLION……..think about it
Countries are BLOWING UP………..
People have known about the catholic church for centuries.
The abuses in Canada with government approval went on until 1986.
Catholic church was not the only one.
I never really understood why people would give 10%, altho cfs made a point about their schools, maybe some were good and some were not?
After I discovered what the religions did I never would allow any child I was responsible for to be alone with any priest pastor chaplin etc
I honestly never understood how anyone could or can.
The point was made tho, that there are many priests that really do oppose whats going on, I believe that, but without knowing which one is which.
And it always turns out to be the “nicest” person.
I read a book decades ago that predicted the end of the church, maybe its happening.
Unless drastic and meaningful changes occur b, it has ended for me.
b, Any organization composed of humans will contain some black sheep; be it the Catholic Church or Boy Scouts or Farmers of America. That is the way of the world. What is less forgivable is Leadership within any organization, on knowing of problems, making a choice to cover the problems up rather than fixing the problems. That is the bigger sin.
Fatima prophecies?
It seems to me excommunication of Pope Francis and errant Cardinals is appropriate. I just don’t see how one would get there.
But then, decisions made at the Council of Nicea were, in my mind, fundamentally flawed by imposing the Roman concepts of only allowing male clergy.
For educational purposes:
Off Topic: The treasonous legacy of Obama in Space:
Rumors out of Europe indicate they will accept reciprocal zero tariffs on automobiles.
Germany anxious to maintain exports.
Looks like a great article, will finish when I can.
But I wanted to make a comment before I have to go for the moment — How does the Catholic Church relate to the NWO? Is the UN not part of the NWO also? The War Machine responsible for the crimes related in the article I posted on Syria?
Do you realize that the printer for the UN, the Lucis Trust, was originally the Lucifer Press? The also were big into New Age publishing. Have I fallen for a crazy theory, been bamboozled?
Al, you may be coming to realize that it is much worse than you ever wanted to believe. This is why a number of us keep pointing out this conglomeration of countries, corporations, institutions, individuals, etc. It is not ‘The Jews’ as you sometimes seem to think I and others are trying to construe it. It is *some* of them, freemasons, people in positions of power all throughout society. If the peak is not the central banking cartel, then what is it? And if the Mesmerizing Mass Media and Government Indoctrination/Conditioning/Schooling isn’t their most powerful tool, then what is? The CMIC? The ‘praetorian guard’ — the intelligence agencies and police? The Pharmaceuticals?
It would be interesting to look into the control of all of these. And how were the fortunes behind these powers founded?
But now we’re getting into dangerous territory, and I think I prefer not to learn much more, at least not til a great many more step up. Stepping up is getting a realistic understanding of what is going on in the world, and going through the often difficult process of helping family and friends do the same. They’ll mostly just call you crazy 😉
Fortunately, thanks to Big Al, Kory, their guests, and many great commenters, KER is a great place for people to get ahead of the curve, and try to create a peaceful resolution to the chaos that has been sown. This mafia/cult is at it’s core what could be called ‘Satanic’, I believe–ultimate materialists, immoral or amoral, live by the lie, confusion, darkness, infiltration, subversion. They work by sowing division, hostility, hatred, violence, distrust, etc.
So as has been pointed out many times here by those versed in the Bible, that the struggle must be won on the spiritual level to be won on the physical level–an end to war (or at least a lot of it), for instance. So people need to understand what is going on, and who is doing it.
I find sizable factions on both the Left and Right to be certifiably insane. The Christian Zionists and Rapture Folks? Those who never challenge a war or false flag? The people who see the entire world through the lens of Identity Politics and Cultural Marxism? Self Righteous Leftists who remain wilfully ignorant of the influences behind Hillary Clinton and, really, the whole line of Presidents since…when? Reagan (but with Poppy Bush in control perhaps)? JFK? I really don’t know. Carter Seems nice, but was picked and surrounded by NWO people.
See this one for the Lucis Trust reference, and tell me if I’ve been bamboozled.
Lots of Crazy facts out there. Harry Dexter White, chief US negotiator at Bretton Woods, a Communist???
Has anyone killed more innocents than the Communists? How can anyone want to have anything to do with the Communists? And not be suspcious of Socialism? Of course, we’re in some sort of Socialistic/Fascistic/MindControl/Police State ourselves that doesn’t really deserve to be called Capitalism…Gotta rip the problem out by the roots–the unlimited fiat power of the money cartel, and their media monopoly…Liberals are censoring like crazy now!!! Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Youtube, Google….game’s on! Either they are panicking, or they are confident that the masses are so ZAAmbified that the fruit is ripe and ready to fall into their hands.
Sorry to be so gloomy, but as they say the night is darkest before the dawn. Hitting bottom is realizing how extreme everything has gotten, taking personal responsibility, and apprehending the ringleaders. So we might as well be optimists. Or do we let them have their way…?
Non-violence is key, but will be very difficult if the horrendous crimes become widely known. Violence is to their advantage. Probably some sort of truth and reconciliation, and absolute isolation from the rest of humanity of a great many criminals. I have no problem with that being in comfort, if it means they go without tearing the world apart.
John Taylor Gatto, Ultimate History Lesson, Youtube
Secrets in Plain Sight, Youtube
Manufacturing Consent, Chomsky
American Pravda, Ron Unz, The Unz Review, the whole series is probably worth working through
Sorry for poor editing 😐 — but it’s comprehensible, I think
R.E. ” the influences behind Hillary Clinton and, really, the whole line of Presidents since…”, the last four presidents, Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, Obama/Clinton, in particular, seem remarkably consistent and brazen in most of their policies.
I don’t think that I agree with you regarding Bush 1.
Another resouce,
Confessions of an economic hitman, Perkins, Youtube
To be realistic, the will try to rip the world apart in war to achieve their dreamed-of Supremacy. That’s what they themselves have often said, and that’s what history has shown, from the French Revolution through the World Wars, through the last 30 years of war, and many more.
Again, Non-violence is key, though it should always be an ‘option on the table’, in righteous self-defense. In the past, when it hasn’t been, it was lambs to the slaughter.
I interviewed John Perkins when his book first came out and have come to appreciate it and him more and more over the years as my knowledge has increased
To clarify my comment on the Catholic Church, it seems it has been *subverted* by the NWO.
A real shame. I haven’t paid much attention to Christianity since early adolescence, until recently, but if the evil ones wanted so badly to destroy it, it’s probably because it had/has a lot that was good. Does our civilization and culture not derive in a large degree from the Christian Tradition? Warts and all, it has a lot going for it. If we could just fix a few problems…
A number of well-informed Christians speak well of Eastern Orthodox, it seems…
As a simple point of interest, I was raised Russian Orthodox and my Christian beliefs definitely step from that religion.
A great; interesting; thought provoking comment I must say. Way to go GH!
R.e. “I find sizable factions on both the Left and Right to be certifiably insane.”
I would argue that extremists on both sides are marionettes of the same Puppet Masters, as have almost all of us probaby been, to some degree.
Not sure that I can disagree with you GH
It’s too late to root out the sickness. It has festered for too long.
I’m cynical about the Catholic church, I spent a couple of years in Catholic school and I remember well the nasty mean sisters who just loved smacking your knuckles with a ruler. They hated everyone. Even I was shocked at what was revealed in PS and in Ireland.
The top of the Catholic church just crapped in their own lunch bucket.