The Correspondents’ Dinner – Big Al says “Crude and inappropriate comments from some entertainers.
Big Al says: “Simply put Wolf’s comments were crude and not appropriate for the White House Correspondents” dinner. Don’t let American events like this turn into Roman circuses!”
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Well said, Pardu.
Could any of this happen without the mass media (hollywood, music, video games, porn)?
Does anyone dispute who controls the mass media?
If you grant that the mass media is a key problem, then we have a dilemma: how do we resolve the problem when the perpetrators turn the first amendment to their agenda? I’m pretty sure the first amendment did not anticipate domination of the press and popular culture by a hostile alien elite.
In a history and poli-sci class in college decades ago, someone raised a question about the influence of Soviet propaganda on a certain event. The professor’s answer was short and to the point: “The intellectual capacity of the press in this country is such that they can be influenced by propagandists.”
I com[letely agreee Pardu. Notice her dress. Really sophisticated isn’t it?
I think that’s a standard publicity shot for her standup routine. In what clips I saw from the WHCD, she appeared to be wearing a dress.
I agree the comedy at the corespondents dinner was not funny . Next year i hope the just have a humorist , not a so called comedian . That said i hope mike pence is already making plans for a sane and rational transition. At least he doest tweet and talk all the time. love to you all S
thanks for they comment and you thoughts about hope, Russell.
Kathy Griffin was there. She reminds me of another actor who hated a Republican presiden, John WIlkes Booth.
Michelle Wolf Does Unto the White House as It Has Done Unto Others
Unfortunately, The Atlantic does make a point. We can all learn about each other.
Sorry, meant to say “from each other”
I did not watch it, so , I can not comment………
It is worth watching, OOTB, (on
1,296 young Americans have died from a Heroin overdose since the President’s latest missile strike.
Heroin deaths,Opioid deaths are surely a result of bad comedy.
Do you know much is from heroin vs how much from synthetic opioids Johnk?
Heroin alone is 1 every 23 minutes.
Years ago on National Public Radio, I heard that one out of every four Iranian men are addicted to Heroin.
I’m sure if we can just get some decent comedians, everything will be just fine.
I guess she’s pretty bitter…after all it looks like she can’t even afford pants that don’t have holes in them.
Oh, I’ll bet you that she can, Eddy!
Off topic, does anyone think this in not the truth of the situation in Syria?
This is in the Jerusalem Post?
Indeed. Much is spoken of plainly in the Israeli press that the Jewish press in the US keeps from Americans, and that is ‘anti-semitic’ for a gentile to utter.
sheesh, the more you read, the more outrageous it gets:
Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them
Not a positive article for the Zionists!
Its consistent with what Ive read and seen in vids.
It just boggles the mind to think how evil the people that do this to Syria have to be.
“Christian leaders in the Middle East oppose U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.”
“in Iraq, where they backed Saddam Hussein because they found some protection under his relatively secular regime, and then we saw it in Syria, where they back Assad for parallel reasons.”
“Last summer an Eastern Orthodox priest with roots in Lebanon and the Palestinian territories and with connections to Damascus explained to me his view of the proxy war, as he saw it, in Syria. On one side were Saudi Arabia, the United States, and Israel. On the other side, Iran, Hezbollah, and Russia. The second side happened to be good for the Christians, although they were not its focus, just as for the most part they were collateral damage, not the target, for the forces arrayed against Assad.”
GH, I personally have some serious questions about what is going on in the entire Middle East. A number of my close friends feel similar to Bob M. One said just today in answering my question about Israel. He said that: “Israel is just a proxy for the U.S.”
I have to say that this interview was very interesting and certainly thought provoking. I would say that I am not an expert on the Middle East. A lot of folks who I know are however Middle Eastern experts. On taught Middle Eastern History at Stanford the university from where he got his PhD. He says to me that the “Arabs” are truly not the bad guys.
It seems we are on the verge of an erasure of Christians from the Middle East as a result of terrorism and the Zio/Anglo/American wars–the culmination of the Donmeh Jew-led Armenian genocide of a century ago.
A good case may be made that the terrorism is primarily Zio/Anglo/American at root, as well.
I’m sure American Christians would be aghast if they understood the role they are playing in the destruction of Christianity. But it is very hard to get them to understand it, as JohnK’s quote just below expresses perfectly.
“Even the most intelligent people can very seldom discern even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as to oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions they have formed,perhaps with much difficulty-conclusions of which they are proud,which they have taught to others,and on which they have built their lives.”- Tolstoy –
A couple years ago? I posted about the place Jesus was baptized being destroyed by isis.
I thought christians might have gotten a little upset, at least a mention somewhere, but I didnt see or hear anything about it.
They Live – Fight Scene — as someone said, the exaggerated fight scene symbolizes the difficulty of getting people to open their eyes
I had forgotten how hilarious this scene is.
Hats off to Rowdy Roddy Piper!!
Can you send the source of this to me at
So the woman was vulgar, anyone see Maclain and Maclain about 25 years ago?
I called it “toilet humour”, I dont see how comedy could be any worse.
Maybe the shows that show people hurting themselves, especially kids, but as comedy shows, nothing could get worse than Maclain and Maclain.
The only person I know of that really was not offensive to anyone was red skelton.
Very good observation, b, But I do remember others like perhaps Bob Hope; Jerry Lewis; Bob Newheart; and, Tennessee Ernie Ford. I am sure that there are more.
“Every conclusion arrived at as a result of study of the fragments of information available in respect to money and its creators in the world of the Ancient Civilizations, indicates the existence of a far reaching conspiracy in respect to monetary issuance influencing the progression of man’s history in the earliest times of which written record exists. It is also outstandingly clear that it was parent to that acknowledged and most obvious conspiracy such as exists today. Hence was able to develop that conspiracy against mankind most exemplified by a continuous propaganda of hate against all authority: in pre-antiquity and antiquity against the many city gods, and in relatively modern times against the kings that rose out of the ruins of that which had been Rome. As those controlling totally the economic life of a state through monetary creation and emission, must have felt that kings and gods were more of a nuisance than anything else, the instigators of this conspiracy in whatever place and era, obviously were those who first did the business of bankers; the controllers of values, and consequently the economic life of the states wherever the precious metal standard was used.”
A good compliment to Michael Hudson’s book on debt jubilee, “…and forgive them their debts credit and redemption through the Bronze Age to the Jubilee Year” (scheduled to be released early summer 2018).
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Lloyd Blankfiend came out yesterday to announce that GS is getting into Bitcoin. One well known online gold vendor even accepts Bitcoin as payment, not that I intend to use it to purchase any of their wares.
May it be GSuck’s wafer thin mint!
Kind of makes sense doesn’t it GH?
GH Thanks for all your posts. Very informative.
Yes Space, he is a very astute and valuable member of our “family”!
Your welcome, Spacenormal, and thanks Al.
With info at hand, both the cultural marxists and the financial/corporate/war apologists can all be stuffed back in the holes they crawled out of. The emperor wears no clothes.
Everything interesting that I come across, I bookmark with a few keywords added to the title. Then I can just type keywords into my browser window and links for articles on the topics appear. More detailed searches may be done via the bookmark library. This is firefox, but I imagine other browsers are the same.
I really thought I had heard it all until”partially responsible for the downfall of our Country”
The gift of mental power comes from God,Divine Being,
and if we concentrate our minds on that truth,
we become in tune with with this great power.-Nikola Tesla_
Turn off your T.V.
Quit being so cheap and subscribe to an independent news service.
You know the people who weren’t at the dinner.
I went to the news service which you recently suggested and could not sent them any message. So, what is with that?
I’ll look into it. Right off hand I would not say I’m surprised. Sibel exposed then Director of the FBI Mueller years ago and that made her life a living hell.
OK there Big Al. Go to Newsbud .com (Where Integrity Matters) at the top of the page there is a contact button. That would be a good place to start.
This Deep State stuff reminds me of a slogan that was going around when I was in engineering school years ago: “When you’re up to your @$$ in alligators, it’s easy to forget you came in to drain the swamp.”
Al, it would be very interesting for you to interview Richie Allen and Greg Hunter on the topics of fake news and the ‘alternate media’. They both worked in mainstream media, as I understand, and both now produce their own programs.
It seems a near certainty that attacks on freedom of speech, online censorship, viability of alternate media online, etc. will continue in a sustained uptrend. How can the alternative media defend against attacks, up to and including an ‘internet kill switch’? A low-bandwidth, decentralized internet via radio transmitters is possible, I believe.
Internet security expert Paul Rosenberg would also be very interesting.
I want to echo JohnK about paying for news.
Mainstream media is funded by massive advertising dollars. The product being sold isn’t the news to the viewer, it’s the viewer to the advertisers.
Subscription media may truly serve its readership.
Supporting a few of one’s favorite free alternate media who work on a shoestring is also a worthy use of funds.
Reminds me of a quote by a GM VP that I read in print years ago, just before he retired. “The truth is, the public doesn’t know what it wants, and it’s up to us (GM) to tell them.”
Your two line explanation of the media was empirically amazing.
My Bad.
President Trump banging a Porn Star is way more important.
Way more important than banging a young intern. Oh, I am sorry, “I did not have sex with that Lewinsky”
It depends what your definition of ‘is’ is 🙂
You are right.
Of course your beloved Bush’s will always be walking on water.
Remember George Bush voted for Hillary.The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.
The State of affairs we find our selves in today was pretty much guaranteed the day George Bush decided to start working for the Government.
And notice I didn’t say working for the people.
“I Shouted out,who killed the Kennedy’s and after all it was you and me.”
Sympathy for the Devil
Ever looked into the psyop of the birth of rock and roll? Tavistock, Laurel Canyon.
I love the music, but…
The birth of Rock and Roll is another, such as why World War 1 Happened.
It’s all according to who your listening to.
People like to put labels on things.
Music is Music. Good or bad.
Just like there “is” no fake news. There are only people that lie.
Here is one that came from CFS. It’s worth reposting.
World Without Cancer
The Story of Vitamin B-17
G Edward Griffin who also penned The Creature From Jeckyl Island.
Hunza people eat apricot seeds or Vitamin B-17. Average life span 120 years
I will add that Mr Griffin’s book, World Without Cancer provides an eye opening account of the History of the American Medial Association.
46% Favor Government Guaranteed Jobs for All
There does come a tipping point, does there not? What then?
Interesting again. Last night I listened to Professor Joan Tronto from the University of Minnesota and Reverend David Craig from Purdue do a debate about the oligopy of American Health Care.
Of all Countries America spends the most on Health Care per person and still has millions with no coverage.
It was suggested that we start approaching Health Care as a means and not a question of ends.
Turns out most medical costs are incurred in the last year of your life.
As al said…It is about the money…..She is just a mimic….Just a whore…Just an opportunist….when she is older and knows something beyond virtue signaling…..She will relive that evening over and over and not with a smile…
my 2
Big Al, I agree with you that people of notoriety, who feel it is hip or cool to be vulgar, profane, and mean spirited are to a degree responsible for the demise in our culture because people in our society who desire to copy the famous in Hollywood and elsewhere, mindlessly duplicate that which is demeaning in the culture.
Language, cruelty, dress, attitudes, and behaviors are symptoms of a moral slide. We are sliding down to Gomorrah rather then ascending up to nobility and righteousness. It is a sad commentary on our day.