

These are the factors Doc and Chris are watching that would add to downside risk

Big Al
April 26, 2018

Yesterday, Doc and Chris gave an assessment of things in the broad markets; they see a sideways to somewhat downward pattern for a while, though nothing too dramatic in either direction. As promised, today they share their views on what could add to that downside risk.


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    Apr 26, 2018 26:48 AM

    The discussion on Junk debt and debt in gen’l is discussed by Wolf this morning:
    Long run, Doc sounds quite bearish, especially on a macro sense. Very good discussion. Thanks.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:03 AM

    The cycle is ending……..bankers and wallstreet are ready to get fired…..

    Apr 26, 2018 26:10 AM

    Sugar looks sweet to me so I’ve been scooping it up on recent weakness…

      Apr 26, 2018 26:01 PM

      Sugar as been pounded into oblivion, so not a bad contrarian pick up at all. I have been watching sugar fall relentlessly, wondering when the carnage would stop. The timing seems right to take a stab.

        Apr 26, 2018 26:48 PM

        SLV:GLD hasn’t looked this good in a very long time and the pullback this week only made it better. Speed line support held on a closing basis and today marks the eighth close in a row above the 50 day MA – which is now pointing up.
        Silver beating gold is obviously good for the whole sector.

      Apr 27, 2018 27:00 AM

      Sugar, Sugar (Original 1969 Music Video)

    Apr 26, 2018 26:16 AM

    Good discussion Doc And Chris. Right on point with short term rates and junk bonds. The market is in for a route for sure.

    The stock exchanges ( NYSE and Shanghai ) are just unwinding the QE debt. They have nothing to do with the real economies of Main Street. It’s been that way for years, but when the debt gets unwound, it will return to better fundamentals. And the fed won’t do anything to stop the next drop in the markets, as the ownership of the fed is being removed. The fed will be nationalized and won’t be in control of monetary policy. They are just a regulatory body now. It’s over for the fed…

    Apr 26, 2018 26:19 AM

    I missed the news about the Fed being nationalized and no longer being in control of monetary policy…can you elaborate?

      Apr 26, 2018 26:46 AM

      It’ll be in the (fake/deep state) news soon, but, it’s a done deal already.

        Apr 26, 2018 26:49 AM

        I don’t know where you get this stuff but it is amusing.

          Apr 26, 2018 26:52 AM


            Apr 26, 2018 26:22 AM

            FAKE FED/Rothschild…..have already stolen all the money they need, or should I say ENSLAVED everyone in the USA….mission accomplished…..They are moving on….to ASIA.

            Apr 26, 2018 26:23 AM

            People have to be idiots……thinking the USA will ever pay off the DEBT….

          Apr 26, 2018 26:10 PM

          4D Chess

    Apr 26, 2018 26:20 AM

    I think Apple is the key next week – depending on its results I think we either crash or we are off to the races again towards new ATH’s.

    I have no idea whether the market has already priced in possible Apple poor sales.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:29 AM

    Everybody’s favorite trader announced his ‘short’ this morning and was quickly faded by those who bet contrary to him:

      Apr 26, 2018 26:56 AM

      Gartman has to get something right eventually but I’m still playing the odds that he’s wrong….

        Apr 27, 2018 27:06 AM

        Gartman is the ultimate contrarian indicator, the biggest flip-flopper, and worst market timer around. How in the world does he still get interviewed week in and out?

    Apr 26, 2018 26:32 AM

    DIA is at significant resistance…

      Apr 26, 2018 26:02 AM

      This bill is unconstitutional , even both Utah senators agree.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:17 AM

    GH>>>>>>>>>>>>>I left you a message……concerning birth certificate on OBAMY…..
    KENYA has it signed sealed and delivered …….

      Apr 26, 2018 26:18 AM

      FAKE PRES< FAKE FED<FAKE GOVT(Act of 1871)

        Apr 26, 2018 26:12 PM

        Thanks, Jerry

        You’ve probably seen this one

        “I am a graduate of Columbia University, Class of 1983. That’s the same class Barack Obama claims to have graduated from. We shared the same exact major- Political Science. We were both Pre Law. It was a small class- about 700 students. The Political Science department was even smaller and closer-knit (maybe 150 students).”

        “For five years now (since 2007 when it became clear Barack Obama was running for President), I’ve been quoted in the media as saying that no one I’ve ever met at Columbia can remember ever meeting, or even seeing, our college classmate Barack Obama.”

        “So I asked every classmate I met at our 30th reunion, many of them Political Science majors, if they ever met, or saw, or heard of Obama. The answer was a resounding NO from every one of them.”

        “Keep in mind these people I spoke to are all- to a man and woman- dedicated liberal Democrats who voted for Obama. I’m guessing 90% are major Democrat contributors.”

          Apr 26, 2018 26:39 PM

          Hello GH………thanks for the post……….I have seen similar commentary discussing OBAMA and his class participation, ….which no body knows about or seen Obamy in a class., I guess that is why they decided to SEAL HIS RECORDS, and would not let anyone see his grades………Hell, he never went there and does not have any grades to speak of…WHAT A CON MAN….Rothschild Plant, NWO…..CRIMES at the Highest level.

        Apr 26, 2018 26:20 PM
          Apr 26, 2018 26:42 PM

          Thanks GH………..just opened the info………looks like I will be busy for awhile. I have never seen this one, so I will spend a little time exploring this one………..THANKS AGAIN, really appreciate the INFO……………………………….OOTB

          Apr 26, 2018 26:59 PM

          The Illuminati Jews are not typical of Jews in general who mostly are dupes. They are Satanists who breed with generational Satanists from other backgrounds and impersonate every race religion or nationality. Obama is a “Christian,” a “Muslim” and even a Jew. He is an Indonesian, Kenyan and an American. He is Black and White. He is a perfect leader for a new world bereft of race, nation and religion. In fact, he represents an alien Satanic force, the Illuminati, intent on gradually enslaving mankind.

            Apr 26, 2018 26:03 PM

            The Illuminati have usurped the leadership of Jews in the same way as they have usurped the leadership of Blacks, Christians, Americans and Europeans in general. We are all equally culpable. Put another way, American imperialism is largely an Illuminati Jewish phenomenon. The ordinary Jew is no more responsible for its ravages than the ordinary American.

            Apr 26, 2018 26:04 PM

            Obama called “Rothschild’s Choice.”

    Apr 26, 2018 26:42 AM

    Hi BobUK, you may be right about Apple, but the market feels like it really wants to go down, I don’t see new ATHs but then again, I’m usually wrong, I just wish I could find a fund where I can bet against myself!

    Apr 26, 2018 26:59 AM

    Hey b you still playing pots????…..all the recent news in the US regarding legalization has made the US plays really attractive at these levels

      Apr 27, 2018 27:15 AM

      I took my prize money from winning on of the stockpools pot stocks contest last year and put it into (RKS) Rochshield Capital Corp, after you had brought it up and I looked into their strategy further.

      RKS has pulled back heftily with the rest of the pot sector and the crypto/blockchain bubble pop the end of last year, but I still like that they are seed investors in such a variety of start ups in both emerging sectors. They are like Pot/Crypto prospect generators. I’m considering adding more in the near future.

      Wolfster – Any other companies stand out as unique value in the sector that have a legitimate chance of breaking out?

    Apr 26, 2018 26:15 AM

    Doc, MMM and IMBBY are way down. How low do you think they could go? Thanks.

      Apr 26, 2018 26:48 PM

      BB; both may get short term bounces but they look like they’ll be dogs for a good long time. I can almost say for sure for MMM. You probably will get MMM at a lower price in 2019.

        Apr 26, 2018 26:35 PM

        Thanks, Doc. I already got MMM much cheaper in 1980 and sold half years later to get several times my money out. So I’ll let the remaining 200 shares ride, but I’m beginning to wish I had sold 100@260.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:06 PM

    GDX:GLD ratio looking good on the daily chart. fingers crossed.

    Next Friday we get the May employment report. Can’t imagine we get any sort of major breaks before then. Instead, I would expect tight consolidative action in metals and currencies leading up to that day. We’ll see.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:14 PM

    Pro Golfer John Daly on Golfing with Donald Trump & Bill Clinton – 11/7/16

    Apr 26, 2018 26:14 PM

    Long VCEL. Breakout

    Apr 26, 2018 26:23 PM

    Anybody have any thoughts on USA (americas silver). It keeps going up and down like a yo-yo. Some big trades.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:41 PM

    Hey Dick Tracy……..where is the gold…..get on this case as soon as you can……..Irish Tony will help you.

      Apr 26, 2018 26:42 PM

      Wonder if the Canadian miners will be safe…………

        Apr 26, 2018 26:46 PM

        Check the Rothschild gold account……and the Queen’s while you are at it………

      Apr 26, 2018 26:52 PM

      Jerry read this, Canadians just set a record for borrowing on their homes. It makes me laugh but the end result for most in this country will be catastrophic. DT

        Apr 26, 2018 26:32 PM

        Hello Dick……….I saw that , …..thanks for the thought,…..I saw something similar at zerohedge, ….It certainly speaks volumes . We have been talking about this for several years, …you have given me some great info. in the past,….. thanks again for thinking of me, concerning the real estate issues, I am really concerned for the future of the youth going forward, the Fed has really screwed things up as far as I am concerned.
        The two things that everyone needs is FOOD AND SHELTER…..and to continue borrowing and risking one’s Shelter, to buy junk, is really stupid…..The Real estate industry and bankster should be held accountable. First the Real Estate industry requires a license, and has a responsibility to safeguard the public…..The Real estate industry has become a JOKE in the last 20 yrs., …..only concerned for the COMMISSION, which is another story.
        Banksters have robbed everyone blind……Bondage at the highest level, how long have we been talking about that….really,….People need to get a handle on this,….The FED IS NOT YOUR FRIEND, and neither is any banker………..SORRY RANT OF THE DAY.

    Apr 26, 2018 26:51 PM

    I’ve been a broken record for weeks that May would be the next opportunity to purchase some PM stocks at favorable prices on a dip and it sure looks like it now with gold/silver breaking down. Not investment advice but starting next week and into the last week of May, I’ll purchase more then I have in a long time.

      Apr 26, 2018 26:33 PM

      Doc, what do your technical’s say for KNT:V, K92 Mining. They are producers, the last drill result had a unbelievable grade, even better than Pretium Resources. Are you even watching this play nobody other than me on this board and Ex of course like it’s potential. DT

    Apr 26, 2018 26:08 PM

    Lemetropole cafe..

    High volume, very little price movement. Welcome to the 2018 gold and silver markets.. “Buying the dip” now means chasing paper gold a couple bucks lower, selling the rally” means “profit taking” a couple bucks higher. Hundreds of thousands of contracts are trading either side of the “net”. Are the cartel algos truly so maniacal that they’ll scalp anything for a few pennies? Are EFP’s getting done at price fix? I’ve never seen such high volume in a market going absolutely nowhere. Gold trading volume exceeded 200K by 10:00 AM, and as of noon now sits at 255K. Silver volume was well over 76K by 10:00 AM, and by noon exceeded 100K. Once more the trading volume for the May silver contract is going to be TWICE its entire OI going in. This is the silly season for sure. Today’s mild selloff btw occurred well after a lot of the high volume trading had occurred.

    We’ve now quickly reduced silver OI by nearly 50,000 contracts with the net result, literally, the net…. at $16.50. Houdini himself couldn’t have staged a greater escape than what these miraculous short sellers have accomplished. No matter if they’re spec short, cartel short, or small trader short, everybody manages to get out of their short positions pain free. Will the plummeting OI ultimately finally prove to be bullish? Or will the cartel instead do what they always do and start the paper selling con game all over again? Still waiting to hear from the crowd who construed the specs getting short and the “commercials” getting long as wildly bullish. Apparently the cartel didn’t need to make any more money, and took a mulligan on this one. That, or COT is as bogus as everything else being reported.

    This is price fixing, plain and simple. NO freely traded market could ever do what we’re witnessing.

    James Mc

      Apr 26, 2018 26:05 PM

      Good points Markedtofuture. Watching recent action has been interesting to say the least.

      Apr 27, 2018 27:11 AM

      BOGUS……more like it!

        Apr 27, 2018 27:13 AM

        Big con game………….silver…..says it all…..

        Apr 27, 2018 27:56 AM

        Yeh abit of bogus as well for sure!

    Apr 26, 2018 26:59 PM

    Nickel may be the next big Pilbara rush if mining tycoon David Lenigas is right –

    Mining tycoon and Pilbara gold pioneer David Lenigas says his popular explorer Artemis Resources is more than just a gold play following a recent nickel find. Artemis kick-started a Pilbarea gold nugget rush last year with Canadian partner Novo Resources. What are the big challenges now as you move towards production?

      Apr 27, 2018 27:21 AM

      Best and Bad……..just a recap……..of 2017 mining stocks

        Apr 27, 2018 27:22 AM

        The bottom 10: 1. Eldorado Gold (NYSE:EGO) -58.4%, 2. McEwen Mining (NYSE:MUX) -22.7%, 3. Gold Standard Ventures (NYSEARCA:GSC) -18.8%, 4. Harmony Gold (NYSE:HMY) -16.7%, 5. NovaGold Resources (NYSEMKT:NG) -12.9%, 6. Barrick Gold (NYSE:ABX) -9.4%, 7. Goldcorp (NYSE:GG) -7.5%, 8. AngloGold Ashanti (NYSE:AU) -6.6%, 9. New Gold (NYSEMKT:NGD) -6.3%, 10. Alamos Gold (NYSE:AGI) -3%.

          Apr 27, 2018 27:23 AM

          Best for last……….
          First, the top 10: 1. Kirkland Lake Gold (NYSE:KL) +179.5%, 2. Iamgold (NYSE:IAG) +52.2%, 3. Seabridge Gold (NYSEMKT:SA) +36.8%, 4. Kinross Gold (NYSE:KGC) +36.6%, 5. Royal Gold (NASDAQ:RGLD) +36.6%, 6. Gold Fields (NYSE:GFI) +34.5%, 7. Franco-Nevada (NYSE:FNV) +31.3%, 8. Sandstorm Gold (NYSEMKT:SAND) +29.2%, 9. Randgold Resources +25.8%, 10. B2Gold (NYSEMKT:BTG) +24%.

            Apr 27, 2018 27:27 AM

            When the bull market gets moving most of those bottom 10 will outperform the top 10.

            That is simply a case of the funk the miners have been over the last year, and the more highly torqued Majors and Mid-tiers outperformed to the downside, where the “safer” Majors / Mid-tiers Streamers got the bid. This will flip when the PMs actually take off and the under-performers will turn into out-performers and leave the “safer” companies in the rear view mirror. 🙂

            Apr 27, 2018 27:35 AM

            It is even more extreme with how much the Jrs have pulled back to the downside in 2017, but there we be a reciprocal thrust to the upside that surpasses most of the Majors/Mid-Tiers/Streamers when the sector gets hot. This is the cyclical nature of resource stock investing at it’s finest. The biggest movers in the 2016 thrust up and the Q1 run in 2017 where the smaller Jrs – not any of the stocks on the lists above, but most larger funds don’t invest in them. This is the biggest “edge” retail investors can get with their ability to position in unloved, under-followed, Jr resource and energy stocks. (of course investors still need to separate the companies with real teams/projects/potential from the marketing fluff).