

The US Dollar Rebound That No One Is Talking About

March 28, 2018

Chris Temple joins me to focus on the rebound in the USD. Looking like a potential short term triple bottom it is not out of the question to see the dollar continue to move higher. This goes in the face of the long Euro, short USD trade that has been in play since early last year.

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    Mar 28, 2018 28:21 PM

    Finally…………Pentagon admits waste……..where is the $21 TRILLION

      Mar 28, 2018 28:23 PM

      They can not keep track of the inventory………..more reason for SMALLER GOVT>
      Too many left hands in the cookie jar.

      Mar 28, 2018 28:57 PM

      Jerry, how is it going?

      I saw that article and was going to post a link to it but you beat me to it.

      Instead, I will post a link about that POS F35. Another giant rip-off.

        Mar 29, 2018 29:43 AM

        People should visit the airplane grave yard…..and think about it………………jmo

        Mar 29, 2018 29:15 AM

        At what point can MIC fraudsters be prosecuted for treason?

          Mar 29, 2018 29:34 AM

          When the people revolt……..and say we have had enough…….

            Mar 29, 2018 29:36 AM

            First step is arrest the bankers…… arrest people in the revolving doors…..

            Mar 29, 2018 29:42 AM

            I don’t know what order it has to happen, but it needs to happen.

            Start squeezing rats, any rats, and they will sqeal. Repeat until the whole rotten web is exposed.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:50 AM

            Then there is the praetorian guard.

            Mark Passio makes the case that being an order-follower is Satanic in essence because it is giving up the free will and personal responsibility with which God endowed us.


            He also makes the point that, if we do not understand the occult, we really cannot understand what is happening in the world today. Dark material that I would rather not have to know about, but I believe he is right.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:07 AM

            sgt report is saying Trump is preparing to charge alot of people, setting up indictments.
            Bill Holter says as much in his interview.

            This expelling diplomats is a preparation for war, as trade wars are also the path to war.

            American armour amassing on the Syrian boarder with Jordan,American fleets lining up offensively, China gathering their fleets,Russia pointing out their hypersonics, Saudi preparing to attack Iran yadda yadda.(sounds alot like what was happening just prior to ww1)

            So, if Holter is correct, it looks like we have a race going on.

            Which comes first? the charges or wars, is the talk of charges simply to keep people from looking at the war preparations?

            Is Trump really looking to charge anyone? He seems pretty committed to Israel to me.

            Maybe they intend a sacrifice or two, who knows?

            All I can do is watch, if I mention what I see anywhere Im a conspiracy nut with fake news, which is another thing that happens just before wars.

            I posted a couple things on another site, turns out Im a nazi. lol

            Mar 29, 2018 29:13 AM

            Cut the funding ……cut off the praetorian guard.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:17 AM

            American People, need to wake up……..the enemy is domestic first, then foreign…

            Mar 29, 2018 29:18 AM

            War can only be declared by congress………and funded for two years…..

            Mar 29, 2018 29:21 AM

            Get rid of the Fraud FED RESERVE, is a beginning, cut off the funding of useless war

            Mar 29, 2018 29:22 AM

            Occult – Wikipedia
            The occult (from the Latin word occultus “clandestine, hidden, secret”) is “knowledge of the hidden”

            Had to go a ways to find it, Ive read the original meaning of the word occult was “unknown”so is there a planet opposite us on the other side of the sun? would be occult.

            I think religion changed the meaning a bit, but the meaning of words changing is kinda normal.

            Magic at one time was simply info one person had another didnt.
            Illusionists today get accused of being magicians on occasion, imagine what people would think of an illusionist within the Holy Roman Empire. lol

            Mar 29, 2018 29:29 AM

            War can only be declared by congress.

            Your right Jerry, so we simply invade without declaring.
            Anyone notice?

            We are at the end of empire, as natural as being human.
            We get to combine this one with the 6th mass extinction, we better build the ship that takes our seeds and dna to a livable planet quick.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:15 AM

            Occult does, of course mean hidden (oculto = hidden in spanish), but has many different uses. The first definition in the Oxford English Dictionary:

            Involving or relating to mystical, supernatural, or magical powers, practices, or phenomena. ‘an occult ceremony’

            What I believe Passio means is the above, related to how it uses knowledge of human psychology and spirituality to enslave.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:19 AM

            The Public is to stupid to ask……….about war……too busy with sports, and booze

            Mar 29, 2018 29:21 AM

            EVERY CONGRESSMAN IS GUILTY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

            Mar 29, 2018 29:47 AM

            From RT

            We’re coming out of Syria very soon, let others take care of it – Trump

            Excellent news if true.

          Mar 29, 2018 29:46 AM

          I agree with you gh, today occult means “spooky stuff”.
          I was simply saying that I have read the original meaning was “unknown” which is of course…scary.
          Especially when the gods make the wind by exhaling from inside caves.

          Havnt listened to all yet but that fellows point concerning order takers is pretty good.

      Mar 29, 2018 29:40 AM

      If many heads don’t roll as a result, then those responsible for making heads roll are criminals in plain sight.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:05 PM

    Do you think democracy works?
    Do you trust our government?


    Mar 28, 2018 28:07 PM

    Very interesting – thanks both.

    Mar 29, 2018 29:36 AM

    SUSAN RICE….is now the President of NETFLIX…….revolving door politics, I think so…did the FED buy Netflix stocks……A little help from your friends , what a joke,on the American people, ……She should be in Jail , not racking in more cash……….JMO

    Mar 29, 2018 29:27 AM

    AKG looking promising today

      Mar 29, 2018 29:30 AM

      Asanko Gold (NYSEMKT:AKG) +13.6% premarket after South Africa’s Gold Fields (NYSE:GFI) agrees to acquire a 50% share of its Ghana mining subsidiary in a $202.6M deal.

    Mar 29, 2018 29:28 AM
    Mar 29, 2018 29:34 AM

    Palladium hit as China continues to switch to more and more electric vehicles.

    should increase copper demand, but China built up large stockpile.

      Mar 29, 2018 29:24 AM

      China knows , they do not need oil to run a car………historical fact.

    Mar 29, 2018 29:56 AM

    Off Topic:

    (What can one expect a Marxist to believe?)

      Mar 29, 2018 29:29 AM

      Did Bella Dodd tell the truth?

      ” “In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within.” The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that: “Right now they are in the highest places in the Church” — where they were working to bring about change in order to weaken the Church’s effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that “you will not recognise the Catholic Church.” ”

        Mar 29, 2018 29:35 AM

        Henry Makow:

        Bella Dodd – The “New World Order” is Communism

        “We need constant reminders that Communism is a fait accompli
        in the West and that freedom and democracy are an empty charade.
        In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high ranking defector from the US
        Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers
        are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controls the USA.”

        Dick Tracy – The red scare was not nearly as much of a farce as we have been led to believe. Look into Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White, and Clinton Roosevelt, for instance.

          Mar 29, 2018 29:01 PM

          Yup, its communism by the back door.

          The nazis, franco and mussolini were very close to the catholic church.

          If ya wanna delve into it a little bit we find out they were all pretty much against communism too, the mafia, secret societies…little things.

          The good guys on the other hand, had London, the very center of the Rothchild banking empire.

          Maybe if we stand backwards upside down and use a mirror it will all become clear.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:14 PM

            If “the victors write the history” then one might conclude that those who control the history–owners of mass media–were the victors of the conflicts of the 20th century. That they don’t present themselves that way is hardly surprising.

    Mar 29, 2018 29:04 AM

    Proving most of her fees were Quid pro Quo… more quo!

    Mar 29, 2018 29:45 PM

    Gold gets spooked by the 1360 mark… yet again!