

Horray for some of the folks in California!

Big Al
March 27, 2018

Some of the folks in Orange County are now exhibiting common sense in not supporting the concept of “sanctuary” cities in California. What is Jerry Brown thinking?

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    Mar 27, 2018 27:41 AM

    Absolutely, Al. The ringleaders in all these Sanctuary cities ought to spend some time in a cell.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:00 PM

      It simply makes no sense to me,GH, that we have laws that are not enforced. Does it make any sense to you?

        Mar 27, 2018 27:14 PM

        None at all.

        Though I think the Feds overstep their bounds in many areas, immigration control strikes me as a proper role for the Feds.

        I would like to see many laws removed from the books, but enforcement should not be elective.

        In Latin America I see that selective enforcement of laws is a great way to foster corruption and permit political persecution.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:32 PM

          No,GH,law enforcement cannot be elective.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:41 PM

            BTW, if one looks into the history of immigration policy from the 1960s (especially the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965) it’s stunning.



            Look into those who made this happen. Sorry to harp on the same old theme, but is it my fault if the same suspects always crop up?

            Mar 28, 2018 28:51 PM

            In my simple mind, this one graphic ought to silence all debate on the immigration issue, without even going into all the economic and social costs.


            The owners of the central banks are behind all this, and they do it in cahoots with the International Financial Institutions (World Bank, IMF, WTO).

            For instance, read Chossudovsky on The Globalization of Poverty, or Perkins’ Confessions of an Economic Hitman

            The same sanctimonious people and institutions pushing the brave new multi-culti, feminist, gay, poly-gender, gun-controlled world, e.g. the UN and Bretton Woods institutions, have been raping the developing world since WW2.

            The resulting poverty and violence create refugees and the immigration problem.

            I know most people protesting Trump in the streets want to do the right thing and fix these problems, but they are utterly misled and confused, and their benevolent instincts have been turned against them, derailed into an impossible and self-defeating project of righting wrongs through uncontrolled immigration. There is a large element of self-hatred involved, as young people are bludgeoned with collective guilt and shame in the schools and mass media–which, by the way, is controlled by people of a different culture with a long history of being at odds with white Christian culture.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:47 AM

    An enlightening discussion of trade and tariffs, by Michael Hudson:

    In a nutshell:

    “There are many good arguments for protectionism….In order for protectionism to work, the tarrifs should be on outputs, not on inputs. A protectionist strategy is to buy raw materials cheaply, and sell finished manufactured goods at a high value-added price….Trump is doing the reverse: He’s increasing the cost of steel and aluminum raw materials inputs. This will squeeze the profits of industrial companies using steel and aluminum – without protecting their markets.”

      Mar 27, 2018 27:55 AM

      Between Hugo Salinas Price’s and Michael Hudson’s commentaries, I think it is safe to say that Trump is lost in the woods on trade and tariffs.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:32 PM

      GH, the raw materials for aluminum are bauxite, energy (coal, hydro, nuc, oil) lime, carbon. No tariffs on the raw materials – the end product is critical to national security, domestic manufacturing, and is a finished material, not just a raw material, that is further made into products. Losing domestic aluminum or steel production capacity undermines US manufacturing and ensures an unbalanced service based economy inevitably dependent on China. This has been quite evident in the last 3 decades. Trade policy over that period has created global corporate wealth, but not US citizens wealth. Specific tech and intellectual property tariffs may make short term global investors nervous, but it is essential to re-balancing our economy to lead to world, and not turn it over to oligarchs.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:21 PM

        Good points, Jim

        I believe tariffs and protectionism have a role. I suppose I overspoke about Trump, because I didn’t mean to imply that he’s completely off-base. But I do think that Hudson and Salinas-Price point out some serious weaknesses.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:45 PM

          Hudson did make a pretty good argument for protectionism.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:08 PM

        Yes, Jim you do make some good points which I would like to discuss in a Daily Editorial perhaps tomorrow.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:34 PM

      I enjoyed Hudson’s article. Your take on it, GH,, was also quite good.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:49 AM

    Bolton Means Another War for Israel is Coming
    by Philip Giraldi

      Mar 27, 2018 27:58 PM

      I read the article, GH, and I am not sure why you drew the conclusion that this will happen simply based the appointment of Bolton. I would also be very unhappy to see this conflict to include Syria as the article stated. That, as you know, could spell th “beginning of the end”.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:56 PM

        That wasn’t my conclusion, Al, but rather the title of the article. Sorry for the confusion.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:13 PM


          I didn’t mean that was your conclusion. Although, perhaps that is what is sounded like.

          As I wrote above, I am very concerned about actions in the Middle East which would obviously involve Russia. That would not be good at all.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:53 AM

    How many Trump supporters are aware of his family link to Jewish Supremacist group Chabad?

    Israeli Michael Berg explains a bit about what Chabad stands for.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:30 PM

      This kind of information is critical for every race to understand. I want to thank-you for posting it. I read and listened to the protocols of zion five years ago and I’ve never been the same. It helped me understand why the world is as it is. Whats hard to understand is why other people don’t seem to get it, or never talk about it.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:39 PM

        Human nature and the power of propaganda, I guess.

        Ever read about the Asch experiments on conformity? Or Milgram’s on obedience?

        Mar 27, 2018 27:05 PM

        Due to our (Americans) conditioning, it is very difficult to discuss these themes.

        People become emotional and agitated. Rational, evidence-based discussion becomes difficult if not impossible.

        What can be done to un-brainwash a massive population? It’s taken me 20 years of study and plenty of psychological discomfort.

        As Russell says, pray for sanity.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:50 PM

          Russell is one idividual who I don’t want to loose from our site. Yes sir, Russell, we all need to pray for sanity.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:46 PM

      Michael Berg again:

      “There is a rational explanation and justification for Anti-Jewish feelings.
      …a satanic element within Jewry is engaged in warfare against mankind…”

      Michael Berg, a young Israeli, says ordinary Jews need to tell Organized Jewry,
      YOU DON’T REPRESENT ME or they will be blamed for its misdeeds.

      This is a KEY point. Most Jews are no more guilty for the crimes of this satanic element within Jewry than most Americans are for the many crimes committed by our leaders. Not that there is no guilt for average Americans and Israelis, but they are more brainwashed victims than perpetrators.

      But when the truth comes out about the crimes of the Judeo-Masonic cabal, as Makow calls it, unless enough Jews have visibly fought on the side of right, the backlash, though unjustified, could be ugly.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:23 PM

        Of course, a great many do already.

        Hats off to Henry Makow.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:34 PM

          And Michael Berg.

          James Perloff. Brother Nathanael. Mike Krieger. Jon Rapoport. Uri Avnery. Israel Shamir. Gideon Levy. Gilad Atzmon. And countless others.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:44 PM

      from the article……….That is why a Debt Jubilee… required……
      According to Chabad, Jews themselves are “God”. Usury is permitted and encouraged against non-Jews

        Mar 27, 2018 27:51 PM

        Dt. 15:1-6 1″At the end of every seven-year period you shall have a relaxation of debts, 2which shall be observed as follows. Every creditor shall relax his claim on what he has loaned his neighbor; he must not press his neighbor, his kinsman, because a relaxation in honor of the LORD has been proclaimed. 3You may press a foreigner, but you shall relax the claim on your kinsman for what is yours.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:02 PM

          0 And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land to all its inhabitants; it shall be a jubile

          Mar 27, 2018 27:19 PM

          Perhaps, intheory, Jubilee is a good idea. Within our current society I simmply don’t see how it is possible. Enlighten me OOTB!

            Mar 28, 2018 28:08 AM

            This is going to take some time………
            First you know scripture, then history, …….then our current situation.
            We have to come to terms with some present day problems….world wide,
            First, if you cloud your mind with doubt to begin with you will not see the answer.
            The money changers have done a great job keeping everyone ignorant, while they continue to put everyone in bondage/debt slavery for their benefit.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:10 AM

            Let us not forget………there is $21Trillion Missing….from the US treasury

            Mar 28, 2018 28:22 AM

            The best way to do it that I have heard is Australian Economist Stephen Keen’s idea. I haven’t revisited it for a long time, though…


            I believe it was his 2011 appearance.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:07 PM

        From the article.
        Every Jew is a “God” in flesh. …….
        ..problem with this thinking is what got them in trouble to begin with….

          Mar 27, 2018 27:10 PM

          Ever hear of the Tower of Babel…..

        Mar 27, 2018 27:18 PM

        I would disagree in the case of non secular Jews. Unfortunately, I understand most Israeli’s are secular. Many, though certainly not all, of my Jewis friends are certainly secular by their own admission.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:48 PM


      I read this article and plan to look into it further. Thank you for arrousing my curiosity, my friend.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:15 PM


      I found this article to be more than a little bit interesting and I am certainly going to look into the group call Chabad further.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:30 PM

    Al, I believe Orange County is a Republican stronghold. Nevertheless, I gotta agree with you on this one…………don’t understand the idea of sanctuary cities.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:21 PM

      Silverdollar, I don’t even come close to understanding this concept.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:38 PM

    Excellent posts GH.

    I hope a few people at this site read some of them,
    as you know I see the challenge as the christians supporting Israel.

    How to open their eyes is beyond me.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:27 PM

      Seems to me the cabal has its zombie armies on the Left, the Cultural Marxists, and on the right, the Christian Zionists.

        Mar 27, 2018 27:46 PM

        Please allow me to rephrase from zombie armies to ‘legions of confused supporters’.

        I can’t say I wasn’t silenced and confused by the CMs to some extent in my younger days.

          Mar 27, 2018 27:24 PM

          Point taken, GH!

            Mar 28, 2018 28:24 AM

            I get a little fired up sometimes :-/

      Mar 27, 2018 27:22 PM


      Are Christians who support Israel supporing non secular Jews in reality?

      If they are not then they really don’t know what they are truly supporting.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:02 PM

    Why do I talk about this stuff?

    Well, why are white men committing suicide in ever rising numbers?

    Why is America ever more obese and unhealthy?
    Why are we always at war?
    Why are so many women on antidepressants?
    Why is fertility an issue for so many?
    Why are so many children medicated? outrageous vaccine schedules for infants (and epidemic autoimmunity problems), ritalin, gardasil
    Why is our food supply permeated with GMO food full of glyphosate?

    None of this could happen without the bankers and mass media, as well as their respective industries.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:04 PM

      Tucker: Something ominous is happening to men in America

      Mar 27, 2018 27:23 PM

      None of us are unscathed by the war these villains are waging on us.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:37 PM

      Keep talking………………. this is all part of the grand plan to rule. When they crash the system people will beg for a solution, which they will be happy to provide from the panic stricken masses. A cashless society which they control. We will be finished. The United States is the last hope. People should realize its game over.

      A century of partial tolerance gave us Jews access to your world. In that period the great attempt was made, by advance guards of reconciliation, to bring our two worlds together. It was a century of failure. We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build . f
      From the book You Gentiles
      Maurice Samuel

      Mar 27, 2018 27:26 PM


      I think that your final sentence is a bit of a stretch. Mass media with their advertisements? Well sure. Bankers? Not sure they really care!

        Mar 28, 2018 28:17 AM

        Probly not important, as in wouldnt change anything, but Al,Bankers dont care??

        You could watch Bill Still “the Money Masters” u tube

        Rothchild took the bank of England, 1815, today its estimated the Rothchilds have amassed 400 Trillion, the entire word is 900 trillon.

        Bankers care very much.

        Low level bank managers? People at their head offices…dont have a clue.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:27 AM

        What increases the bankers power is financed, what doesn’t isn’t.

        It would be fascinating to see the overlap in control between the big banks, mass media, and the various multinationals that control our energy, food, medicine, etc.

          Mar 28, 2018 28:29 AM

          But yes, of course, a bank manager in Bakersfield isn’t who I’m talking about. Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:39 PM

        It’s so much more than advertisements, Al!

        It’s casting, plot lines, characters. It’s also fake news–news stories can also be advertisements. It’s the vast majority of the information matrix that most people live in. At best, inconvenient facts and perspectives are downplayed or omitted, convenient ones are promoted. At worst, they knowingly invent or pass on lies, or simply neglect their responsibility to investigate. Collusion between industries for marketing campaigns, e.g. to sell vaccines. etc.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:07 PM

    It is what you don’t know you don’t know that will get you.
    I find it interesting that some people prefer to express opinions rather than seek knowledge.

    I understand why Democrats place immigration and sanctuary cities above love of their countries.
    They are simply scumbags who are buying votes and seek to remain in power at the expense of destroying their country.

    Here’s interesting information….

    Mar 27, 2018 27:14 PM

    When I used the word “Democrats” above I was, of course, referring to politicians, not the average man-in-the-street democrat, who votes Democrat more out of greed or personal gain.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:20 PM

    Not sure if this was already posted, but very important:

    “The problem with Facebook is not *just* the loss of your privacy and the fact that it can be used as a totalitarian panopticon. The more worrying issue, in my opinion, is its use of digital information consumption as a psychological control vector. Time for a thread”

      Mar 27, 2018 27:29 PM


      I have stayed away from Facebook, etc since Day One, thank God

        Mar 28, 2018 28:32 AM


    Mar 27, 2018 27:46 PM

    Here was a bill submitted in 1993 …..for the USA BANKRUPTCY

      Mar 27, 2018 27:48 PM

      They threw him in jail for 8 yrs……

        Mar 27, 2018 27:49 PM

        It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the
        Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933,

          Mar 27, 2018 27:50 PM

          The little jewish crooks could not handle the truth…….

            Mar 27, 2018 27:51 PM

            anyone on the ball already knows who these crooks are……

          Mar 27, 2018 27:55 PM

          The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United
          Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials,
          and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War
          Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of
          the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of
          government is known as a Democracy,

            Mar 27, 2018 27:58 PM

            Clinton and Old Poppy Bush were in Office at that time…..

            Mar 27, 2018 27:03 PM

            There is a fundamental difference between “paying” and “discharging” a debt. To pay a debt, you
            must pay with value or substance (i.e. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). With FRNs, you can
            only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system.

      Mar 28, 2018 28:33 AM

      Wow. Thanks for the post. This will take some digestion on my part.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:06 PM

    Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRNs are an
    inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). when
    ever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a
    corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:14 PM

      This has been going on for over eighty years without the “informed knowledge” of the American
      people, without a voice protesting loud enough. Now it’s easy to grasp why America is
      fundamentally bankrupt.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:19 PM

      In order for the USA to get a DEBT Jubliee, the Jewish Way………everyone claim they are JEWS for a DAY…………………If, they want to claim we have a JUDEO CHRISTIAN country, Then it will be perfectly legal…………………think about it.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:44 AM

        Ha ha. Yes, it all goes both ways, doesn’t it?

        Likewise, ‘White Supremacists’ just rolls off the tongue so nicely that we get to hear about it constantly. But uttering ‘Jewish Supremacists’ might cause fainting and gnashing of teeth.

        Nevermind that, as far as I know, there is no Christian scripture that preaches supremacy, while the Talmud most certainly does.

        Israel Shamir suggest that their racism is the way beat Trump’s liberal Jewish opposition:

        “It is easier to turn the racism weapon against the adversary, for the Jewish adversary of Trump is as racist as any KKK member is likely to be, or worse. Last week it became known, that in Israel, Jewish settlers established a road sign saying: “The area where you are located is under Jewish control. The entry of Arabs is absolutely forbidden and constitutes a mortal danger to you!” You couldn’t find such signs in the Deep South even in Jim Crow days! Was there any response from “antiracist” American Jews? (This is a rhetorical question).”

            Mar 28, 2018 28:54 AM

            White privilege. Jewish privilege?

            Toxic Masculinity. Toxic Femininity?

            Time to fight fire with fire. They don’t have a leg to stand on.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:02 AM

            Doh!–I overstate the case again.

            They don’t have a leg to stand on


            Sure, they have some valid points, but they misuse them to reach outrageous conclusions. Just as many valid points can made in the opposite direction, and the rickety ideological edifice they have built will crumble.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:23 PM

    Mr. Jerry could you put a link or explain……the Debt Jubliee…. I looked up on Google…..your far more educated than google…

      Mar 28, 2018 28:52 AM

      Hello Whit,
      I would be more than happy to share any and all info concerning Debt Jubilee with you and others…..Since it was a concern of the LORD early on and is a biblical principal that DEBT is a form of slavery… and something we are all involved with like it or not.
      DEBT Slavery in any form, is a distraction to the LORD., ie, if you are to busy worrying about debt, you have less time for HIM.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:17 AM

        The Jubilee, is a fresh start. A Debt Jubilee, of a NATION, that is why it is allowed every 50 yrs….is a relief from excessive debt which can not be repaid in a person’s or that
        generation’s life time. The Lord knew this and allowed the Debt Jubilee of the Nations,,.Since we begin with debt/ needs an understanding that at a certain rate of usury , a loan is impossible to repay..using the…RULE OF 72, get a handle on this rule and you will see how a borrower , charged a high rate of interest, will never repay the loan,if, all things remain constant,.. and if, the debt keeps compounding, because of the high rate of interest, and if, you keep adding to the
        debt, with minimum payment(like the USA has been doing for 70 plus years or longer),
        One can not keep passing a debt on to the backs of the next generation…..
        Example: The Exodus in the bible, good example of history, and a demand from the Lord to let his people go…..Unfortunately, the crooked Money changers, have hood winked every one on the planet, with their usury game, via the govts, and currently the US govt
        pawns. which ,by the way have stolen $21Trillion from the US TREASURY.(the People’s Money)
        Of course those who oppose a Debt Jubilee, will be those who think they like a Democracy rather than a Republic…..and Constitutional rules.
        Read the article on US BANKRUPTCY in 1993…..(I posted this above)

        Mar 28, 2018 28:07 AM

        Mr. Jerry, I read your paragraph as I was doing chores. It gave me goose bumps….for I know as a person, faliures have happened in my life for the goodness for my family and to get back in touch with the Lord. My Wife and I sat down for breakfast, she read your paragraph and Ohh did we talk. About society, money, and so on. Before I went back outside I told her now I know why those ole ranchers lived so long….( the ones that didn’t drink and smoke to much) No stress attitude, very little debt, and they go church on. Thank you!!

          Mar 28, 2018 28:20 PM

          Thank you so much for your reply., I hope you and your wife do get some calm…
          You are blessed……Rev.1:3…..
          The Lord is the beginning and the end…..The Alpha and Omega
          Hoping Jesus blesses you and yours……Stay strong in the LORD.

            Mar 29, 2018 29:29 AM