

Daniel McAdams opines on the Neocons and John Bolton

Big Al
March 27, 2018

Big Al would appreciare your opinion on this article by Daniel McAdams so that we can discuss it within our Forum. Thanks for taking a little bit of your time on this.

Are the Neocons Winning?

Dear Friends of the Ron Paul Institute:

When we read the news it can be easy to get discouraged. Many libertarian Trump supporters mocked our warnings that arch-neocon John Bolton was sniffing around the White House far too often and may find himself a juicy bone. At the time they said: “Stop fear-mongering! Bolton will NEVER get a position in the Trump Administration!”

Then it happened.

So they started saying: “Stop fear-mongering! Trump hasn’t started any wars! This is just his way of making peace!”

Then Trump went on a rampage, expelling some 60 Russian diplomats on the very dubious claims of British prime minister Theresa May that the Russian president suddenly and inexplicably decided to poison a former Russian double agent released from prison by Russia to live out his retirement in the UK — and to do so in the most dramatic and attention-grabbing way possible!

They said, “stop fear-mongering, Trump’s got to play the ‘deep state’ game until the Mueller investigation wraps up!”

Should we believe them? Aren’t there big risks of such blind faith in a politician proven to be extremely malleable and extremely inconsistent? Especially when we are talking about nuclear war?

At the Ron Paul Institute and Ron Paul Liberty Report we’ve carefully avoided all the pro and con Trump “camps.” We are definitely not members of the pro-Hillary “Resistance.” But neither are we so blind and naive that we would mistake truly darkening clouds overhead for a bright and sunny game of 4-D chess.

“They’ll never do that!” should have ended long ago. At least in the post-Cold War era it should have ended 19 years ago, when the US led an unprovoked attack on Yugoslavia based on lies put forth by the “humanitarian interventionists.”

Plenty has been written about Bolton including no small amount of self-serving hyperbole. But with Bolton, hyperbole is itself hyperbolic. We only need stick to the facts to paint the picture.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief-of-staff to Colin Powell, professor at the College of William and Mary, and academic advisor to the Ron Paul Institute said in a recent interview that John Bolton is one of the most dangerous Americans he has ever met.

We should believe him. He knows what he’s talking about.

On Thursday we will release a pre-recorded Ron Paul Liberty Report with special guests Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling. Together with Ron Paul and me we make up the speakers at next month’s South Carolina conference titled “Non-Intervention: America’s Original Foreign Policy.” As you’ll see on Thursday, I played devil’s advocate with Jacob, asking him “why should people take all the time and effort to come out and sit and listen to us talk about foreign policy and liberty?” Jacob didn’t miss a beat — and I guarantee his answer will compel each and every one of you within reasonable traveling distance to purchase your ticket and join us!

So…what are you waiting for? Get your ticket and join us!

Because we have kept tickets absurdly low at $5.00 for general admission and free for students, we are taking on some costs in putting on the event. We would enormously appreciate any of you who would like to co-sponsor this event with us with a tax-deductible donation. Join us as a co-sponsor of “Non-Intervention: America’s Original Foreign Policy” and for those who send in $100 or more between now and the time of the conference we will publicly recognize you as a conference co-sponsor in our very special publication printed exclusively for conference-goers — and your name will scroll with the credits of our Ron Paul Liberty Report in an episode shortly after the conference! You will also have your nominal entrance fee waived if you RSVP to me a week in advance at

Are you interested in sponsoring this event in a more substantial way? Please contact me at and let’s discuss it.

Get your tickets to Non-Intervention: America’s Original Foreign Policy here.

I sincerely hope you will consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity. 
Thank you very much for your continued support for peace and prosperity.

Sincerely yours,

Daniel McAdams
Executive Director
Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity
    Mar 27, 2018 27:14 PM

    I think Trump is increasingly isolated, and weakening his election pledge agenda because of the relentless criticism in the media. It would not surprise me if Bolton has been flattering of Trump, and Trump’s vanity has over-ruled his better judgement.

      Mar 27, 2018 27:30 PM

      Please stop. The Zionist and communist are in complete control

      Mar 28, 2018 28:59 AM

      I agree, CFS.

      Thanks to the mass media and Lefty dupes for providing Trump cover while they chased him ever more deeply into the arms of the ziofinancemilitary complex. And thanks to Trump cheerleaders for giving him a pass on every bad signal he sends us.

      It’s not unlikely that this is all unfolding according to plan.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:16 PM

    MCMaster was a bad choice, however, in the first place. If Bolton does what Trump tells him to do, he may be OK.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:31 PM

    Funny, McAdams “talks” peace and prosperity, Trump “does it”.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:41 PM

    Rocket man just rolled over and gave up. CFS is always wrong but NEVER in doubt…

      Mar 28, 2018 28:56 AM

      Chris, Did you know China just invited Rocketman to Beijing and Xi has informed him how N. Koreaa will behave?

    Mar 27, 2018 27:35 PM

    Lest you forget (or think false flags don’t happen):
    Posted mostly for Hillary supporters, but also to educate.

    Mar 27, 2018 27:47 PM

    Off Topic:
    Remember the Florida Schooling Shooting?
    Here are some questions you really should listen to, from an “expert”.

    Do you still trust the “government” and the media?

    Mar 27, 2018 27:19 PM
    Mar 28, 2018 28:49 AM

    Daniel McAdams nails it.

    Trump fans keep assuring us, but their posts are always thin on concrete detail and reasoned argument.

    I’ll believe in Trump when he gives an unmistakable sign that shows what side he is on. Until then, if Donald walks and talks with the ducks, I’ll assume he is one.

    I get a real kick out of the notion that a country that is overwhelmingly still with its head in the sand is going to be rescued from itself by SuperTrump. At best the rubes stand to have a change in ownership. The rubes will free themselves by opening their eyes, studying, discussing with friends and family–i.e. by deciding not to be rubes.

      Mar 28, 2018 28:22 AM

      At what point will the non Trumper’s remove the crainuim depository? When he removes monetary policy from the fed and goes to the gold standard? Or when he starts the roundup of the criminal cabal?

      Oh, that’s right, it still wouldn’t be enough.

      I feel for people sitting around the dinner table talking bad about Trump in front of thier kids and grandkids. They will look back 20 years and say, ” damn, grandpa sure missed the boat on Trump, what the hell was HE thinking?!”

      Trump will go down in history as ” the best president ever “.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:24 AM

        Again, thin on concrete detail and reasoned argument.

        No offense, Chartster, but that is a simple factual observation.

          Mar 28, 2018 28:56 AM

          I don’t know what part of, giving power back to the people and upholding the rule of law you don’t get, GH.
          That’s called bringing back a republic from being controlled by an oligarchy. To go over and explain a long list of accomplishments at this point is not needed. No offense.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:11 PM

            Don’t get me wrong, I’m not all negative about Trump.

            But, in 20 years, if there are another 5 or 10 million dead, and 10x that displaced, or if the US is war-torn ruin, it will be small solace that I insisted that Trump be held to his word where peace is concerned, but a hell of a lot better than if I had given him a blank check.

            Seems to me a rather asymmetric risk. I’l stick to demanding he keep his word, and pointing out where he goes wrong.

            If no one says a word in opposition to the highly worrisome signals, that only empowers the war vultures hovering all around Trump.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:14 PM

            BTW, another classic, breezy Chartster post.

            If I missed where you made your case and countered the concerns many intelligent observers have expressed, my bad, just point me to it.

            Mar 28, 2018 28:23 PM

            If I were going to be in politics, I would want my supporters out in force supporting my campaign rhetoric, making it clear that politically I had no choice except to fulfill my promises to them, so that I could not be pressured into unsavory compromises.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:30 AM

        IF, in 20 years it is as you say, I won’t feel a bit bad. Because when Trump makes it clear where he stands, I will recognize it and give credit where credit is due, good or bad.

        Until then, Trump no more deserves a pass than does any other politician when he makes moves clearly incongruent with his campaign rhetoric.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:03 AM

    The Saker seems to be truly worried that war is imminent. He is highly knowledgeable about the military affairs of both countries.

      Mar 28, 2018 28:03 AM

      To be clear:

      The Saker seems to be truly worried that war between the US and its allies and Russia.

        Mar 28, 2018 28:10 AM

        I agree. Although China worries me more than Russia.
        Russia’s capabilities are small compared to China.

          Mar 28, 2018 28:22 AM

          Big picture, yes, but The Saker is talking *imminent*.

          China made it very clear that it stood with Russia in the military parades celebrating the 70th anniversary of the USSR victory in WW2. Stephen Cohen covered it well on the John Batchelor Show.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:12 AM

    Trumpsters: do you think it is a good negotiating tactic for Nikki Haley to virtually threaten to kill Russians in Damascus? To blatantly, transparently frame Russia for Skripal? You can close your eyes to it, but the rest of the world has no reason to do so.

    Intelligent people around the world can see right through the US and it’s lies and aggression. To think one can maintain one’s position by intimidation and that ‘soft power’ is unimportant is exceedingly stupid.

    Americans are increasingly hated and despised around the world as their attitude of exceptionalism is laid bare for all to see. Sad.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:34 AM

    To me life is several degrees out of synch…It is more a derivative experience rather than life itself….The tribe has been replaced by endless government programs and infinite corporate options….Tribe, family, hunting, belief have been squeezed out of reality and replaced by a synthetic toxic and arbitrary (derivative) reality…..lost in space and trapped in an altered realty…unnatural

      Mar 28, 2018 28:41 AM

      and all of it in a fishbowl!

      great comment, lpr

      personally, my goal is to plant my feet in the primal, and only visit the derivative when necessary

    Mar 28, 2018 28:57 AM

    also, I wanted to add….surviving in a natural world made total sense…Surviving in this unnatural world makes almost no sense at all….So, in effect nothing can be understood by anyone but self…hence an isolated narcissistic world were the individual reigns supreme, because no one barely knows what to expect from any other individual…

      Mar 28, 2018 28:44 PM

      I wouldn’t call it the individual reigning supreme. I would call it atomization, deracination, homogenization, automation, to advance collectivization.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:00 AM

    I second the great comment by lpr.
    That pretty much sums up where we are at.
    Sad but true.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:01 AM
    Mar 28, 2018 28:03 AM

    thanks GH and Johnk
    I like this entireformat, while waiting for swing points!…unnatural, right?

    Mar 28, 2018 28:19 AM

    Bob Moriarty: Trump’s appointment of John Bolton is the scariest thing to ever happen in US history because there are so many aspects involved in this. John Bolton is owned and operated by Sheldon Adelson (Las Vegas/Macau gambling magnate). Trump acted like he was different from the rest of the politicians because he went out and said “I don’t need your money, i’m not like the rest of them.” – but then he went on to take US$30 million from Sheldon Adelson over the next year. Adelson wanted the capitol of Israel moved to Jerusalem, and sure enough Trump recognized Jerusalem as the new capitol of Israel even though such a decision was contrary to US and international law.

    CFS: I believe R.M.’s comment about “contrary to US law” is debatable.

      Mar 28, 2018 28:30 PM


      It has been US policy for 51 years that Jerusalem is occupied territory and has to be returned to the occupants at the end of the conflict. It is indeed contrary to US law that requires the US to obey international law that does not conflict with US law. The 1967 war was a war of aggression started by Israel and Israel was required by law to withdraw from all territory.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:24 AM

    yep CFS…..policy by doctrine of individual(Trumpian) survival……purely reactionary arbitrary unnatural synthetic nontribal…….But as in a natural world the biggest stick will survive or dominate…that has not changed……

      Mar 28, 2018 28:31 PM


      Russia is not stupid. If nukes start flying, they will attack the real enemy first.

    Mar 28, 2018 28:30 AM

    synthetic meds to cope with the synthetic reality…..Has total harmony…..The brave new world is NOW

      Mar 29, 2018 29:37 AM

      It is…

      Every year that goes by without rolling it back, a greater portion of the populace that knows no better.

      But, like in the markets, linear projection is very iffy, and maybe the moment of maximum despair is the moment to be most optimistic.

      Mar 29, 2018 29:42 AM

      R.e. xanax, I have come to know someone who knows the rougher side of life in Latin America. He tells me in no uncertain terms that the street crime that is so rampant in so many major Latino cities–e.g. theft with assault or murder–is more or less ALWAYS done by pharmaceutical pill poppers.

      Would it be any different in the US? Not likely. If we actually care about stopping crime, what would be more effective, going after all the street thugs, or going after the pharmaceutical companies who knowingly enable all of this?

    Mar 28, 2018 28:27 AM

    How important is Freedom of Speech?

    There is a reason it was guaranteed as the First Amendment to the Constitution.