

It is really a question of integrity.

Big Al
March 20, 2018

Regarding the FBI and DOJ, it has to be a question of integrity and common sense.

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    Mar 20, 2018 20:48 AM

    In Sharing Memos, Comey Did Nothing Wrong as a Former Official and Everything Right as a Whistleblower

      Mar 20, 2018 20:04 PM

      s Steve Vladeck notes, the only even remotely plausible statute under which Comey’s conduct might be criminal is 18 U.S.C. § 641, barring the conversion of government property. But, as Vladeck also notes, in U.S. v. Morison (as well as Carpenter v. U.S.) courts determining whether information qualifies as property focus on the financial value. There’s no argument at all here that Comey’s memos had financial value.

        Mar 20, 2018 20:05 PM

        Present and future value……..will be discovered……..if, he writes a book……jmo

          Mar 20, 2018 20:09 PM

          One only has to go back to the original duties , of Comey, to bring charges against Hilly,
          and the destruction of the 33,000 email. and servers……

            Mar 20, 2018 20:10 PM

            Pay to play,……..and Comey is knee deep in the swamp…….

            Mar 20, 2018 20:26 PM

            Jerry, now that is absolutely correct. I simply don’t like the smell of how that issue was handled. Do you?

            Mar 20, 2018 20:34 PM

            DITTO……..Comey, Mueller, ……..Lynch…Obama….included

            Mar 20, 2018 20:59 PM

            Pure, blatant, criminal corruption.

            What other possible motive could there be for their knowingly illegal use of their own private servers for government business?

          Mar 20, 2018 20:13 PM

          COMEY: Correct. I understood this to be my recollection recorded of my conversation with the president. As a private citizen, I thought it important to get it out.

            Mar 20, 2018 20:17 PM

            In any event, the argument this qualifies as conversion of government property under § 641 is laughably thin, regardless of whether the documents qualify as government records or not.

            Mar 20, 2018 20:19 PM

            Not “laughably “ a court of law………..”thin “is sometimes good enough to get a judgement in a court of law with a great attorney……. 🙂

        Mar 20, 2018 20:25 PM

        I believe that you are absolutely correct. Let’s talk about integrity though. Integrity to the organization.

        Jerry I am certainly open to other opinions on this one!

          Mar 20, 2018 20:27 PM

          Comey……..should be held to a higher standard ……with Integrity…..

            Mar 20, 2018 20:33 PM

            Thank you Jerry!

          Mar 20, 2018 20:28 PM

          By the way, Jerry, intuitive comments on your part. Thanks

            Mar 20, 2018 20:33 PM

            Thank You……..

          Mar 20, 2018 20:58 PM


          I appreciate what you are doing but I think you and JM have missed the target entirely. This is not a question of integrity.

          Comey claims he has integrity and Trump does not. But JM can verify what I am saying. In uniform we were not allowed to be political. You could vote but in no way could you visibly support any candidate in any form. People in uniform are supposed to be non-political.

          Since when is the Director of the FBI or the DOJ or the National Security Advisor a political position? They are in exactly the same position as members of the military, you are not allowed to be political and clearly under the Obama administration non-political officials were using their positions for political purposes.

          It doesn’t matter what they may think of Trump or Obama or Bush for that matter. Government officials appointed to office are supposed to be neutral.

            Mar 20, 2018 20:16 PM

            Great comment……..jmo

            Mar 20, 2018 20:17 PM

            Hear, hear, Mr. Moriarty, the problem with Comey is his political bias and corruption.
            Not only did he try to hide and Obfuscate the criminality of Ms. Hillary Clinton, who used a private email system to avoid FOIA, (As did Obama in using Yahoo emails under a pseudonym, Lynchalso), but Comey compounded that error, by precipitating an investigation into Trump which Comey knew was based on fraudulent lies (the Dossier).
            Comey further compounded things by lying under oath to Congress, as has McCabe.
            Much of the leadership of both the CIA and FBI are, unfortunately, politically biased or corrupt.

            Mar 20, 2018 20:35 PM

            Well sure Robert, and that is exactly the point.

      Mar 20, 2018 20:23 PM

      You can certainly look at it that way, AJ.

      Mar 20, 2018 20:51 PM

      AJ, are you inferring Comey was a whistle blower? Your Jan 2017 article is way behind on facts. What exactly was Comey claiming was inappropriate? Was it the President asked him to go light on “a good guy”, Flynn, who the FBI interviewers, and Comey, felt (according to recent memos) did not lie under oath? And he has no other charges against him? How about when Comey claimed, under oath, he did not leak to the press, nor had anyone else leak to the press while the investigation email was ongoing? Recent information, beyond your article, show’s otherwise – McCabe was fired for the leak, and claims Comey authorized it. My point – that Comey was a coward not to make allegations himself directly to the public. Right or wrong, for a man who claims he is a honest saint above us all, facts are clearly turning against that claim. The email investigation was flawed, he supervised it, managed it, and keep it from the Dept of Justice prosecutors – these facts are now uncontested, actions should be taken to re-establish credibility of the FBI.

      Mar 20, 2018 20:52 PM

      AJ, are you inferring Comey was a whistle blower? Your Jan 2017 article is way behind on facts. What exactly was Comey claiming was inappropriate? Was it the President asked him to go light on “a good guy”, Flynn, who the FBI interviewers, and Comey, felt (according to recent memos) did not lie under oath? And he has no other charges against him? How about when Comey claimed, under oath, he did not leak to the press, nor had anyone else leak to the press while the investigation email was ongoing? Recent information, beyond your article, show’s otherwise – McCabe was fired for the leak, and claims Comey authorized it. My point – that Comey was a coward not to make allegations himself directly to the public. Right or wrong, for a man who claims he is a honest saint above us all, facts are clearly turning against that claim. The email investigation was flawed, he supervised it, managed it, and keep it from the Dept of Justice prosecutors – these facts are now uncontested, actions should be taken to re-establish credibility of the FBI.

    Mar 20, 2018 20:51 AM
    Mar 20, 2018 20:55 AM
    Mar 20, 2018 20:05 PM

    “CIA Legend Ray McGovern On #Russiagate, Russian Spy Poisoning & Seth Rich Murder”

    He also talks about the deep state.

    (Richie’s created a new youtube channel).

        Mar 20, 2018 20:26 PM

        Be very careful in the US about freedom of speech. PRESERVE IT AT ALL COSTS.
        It has been lost in the UK, after centuries of free speech.

        Be very careful about allowing a powerful body like the Government to define what is and what is not “hate speech”.
        In England, if you advocate against the rape of young girls, that is now “anti-Sharia hate speech”.
        If liberal progressives get to define what is hate speech, do you doubt that the right wing will be silenced?
        Just note what has happened and is happening on Facebook, twitter and youtube. as conservative commentator accounts are removed.

        Be careful about political correctness. How long will it be before Christmas Celebrations are banned and become “Winter Festivals”?

          Mar 20, 2018 20:39 PM

          I hope you’ll realize the “net neutrality” push is simply the thin edge of the wedge to introduce government control.

          Mar 20, 2018 20:44 PM

          There is also such a word as “appropriate””, CFS

            Mar 20, 2018 20:32 PM

            Free enterprise, slander and libel laws have worked well for centuries in free countries for centuries.
            Do you really want a government to define “appropriate”?

      Mar 20, 2018 20:57 PM

      Ray McGovern is correct. Listen to him.

    Mar 20, 2018 20:51 PM

    Spring cleaning. That’s a mild way to put military tribunals, 18,500 sealed indictments, and the takedown of the deep state / shadow government from top to bottom. When America wakes up to the level of corruption, these people won’t even be able to dine out in public.

    A good way to pay down the debt would be a world wide pay per view of the court hearings / public hangings, as the people of the world want payback. From the top European oligarch, to the rogue black opps spook killing witnesses. Round them up and hang thier asses!

      Mar 20, 2018 20:45 PM

      I prefer to use the term “house cleaning” as in our house it is a very serious term!

        Mar 20, 2018 20:50 PM

        Heh heh, I get it. Can ya picture Mad Dog Mattis?
        ” we are about to undergo a [Spring CLEaning].

    Mar 20, 2018 20:01 PM

    We don’t whether Comey had accepted bribes from The Clintons. Things happen in high places that will never be revealed to the public. Greed knows no bounds look at The Clintons, when is 100’s of millions of dollars not enough. Bank records can be fixed if you are operating at a high level in the government. If Comey was asked in a court case why he didn’t expose Hillary’s e-mail server, he would simply insist on silence. Then he would refuse to take the stand in his own defense. If a jury knows the real reason for destroying e-mails they would commend Comey, but alas he cannot make disclosure because he would have to blacken the reputation of all around him, as well as himself. DT

      Mar 20, 2018 20:46 PM

      I completely agree Mr. T.

    Mar 20, 2018 20:29 PM

    WATCH: Cops Torture Mentally Ill Man in Restraint Chair for 2 Days, Laugh as He Dies in Front of Them
    Big BrotherCorruptionNewsPolice State
    March 20, 2018 0
    by Matt A, //

    San Luis O b is p o County, CA — Terrifying video of an in-custody death has recently been released confirming police officers tortured a man for days in a restraint chair and then laughed as he spent his final moments alive suffering in agony in his jail cell.

    Mar 20, 2018 20:45 PM
    Mar 20, 2018 20:57 PM

    Top US General Says American Troops Should Be Ready To Die For Israel

    I guess american troops will be under Israeli command.