Thoughts on the upcoming State of the Union Speech tonight from Professor Sanders
Professor Alain Sanders opines on what could be accomplished in President Trump’s State of the Union Speech this evening.
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Two or is it three bankruptcies?
This is a much more important time. I hope and pray that he gets solid advice and that he takes that solid advice to hear.
4 bankruptcies.
Hey Al, our Rye Patch has soared from 15 cents to a buck. We is rich!
Remember the reverse stock split. I still think that Bill took the correct action and his shareholders will benefit.
Oh….never mind.
Trump CAN’T make peace with the “other side”; the system is far too polarized.
But aren’t we lucky that Doc told him at Davos to cut back on his tweets!
Are you really paranoid, if “they” really out to get you?
Paranoid implies one thing very different from knowing the correctness of a situation.
I have to say that, at least in my mind, the President brings a lot of it on himself. He would be a lot smarter to realize his strength and disregard much of the minutia and small talk. In many cases all he has to do is to “consider the source”
If he is the man that I thought he was when I cast my ballot, he will do just fine. The question remains, “is he that man?” All i can say is that I truly hope that he is.
insert “are” in my last sentence above
Good thing that you are not a retired English teacher. (And, I don’t mean English Literature!)
Sad Trumpet gets to hear himself and praise himself ——– his favorite thing. pray for sanity S
fI have been doing that for a long time, Russell!
Thanks GH. I have been busy recording and recuperating from my cold!
Off topic:
Since it’s the time of year for college applications, this may be of interest. White Americans suffer dramatic racial discrimination when it comes to admission to America’s top universities.
In fact, all groups seem to be disadvantaged in general, except for one, which enjoys a dramatic advantage over all others.
From the long article:
Our Universities, of course, are the indoctrination centers for Cultural Marxism.
Paul Craig Roberts is one of the few people of his public stature that is willing to state the plain truth about cultural marxism:
“Identity Politics is based in Jewish cultural Marxism, which was designed to break up goy society, and it has done a good job.”
Little wonder, then, that, “More than 25 percent of college students have been diagnosed or treated by a professional for a mental health condition within the past year.”
I would suggest that you go to the source provided by the following link:
A primer on Cultural Marxism. I’ve posted this before, but it’s important enough it’s worth posting repeatedly.
Who stole our culture?, William S. Lind
I don’t think that I personally buy into that, GH.
Based on what, Al? Do you have an alternative explanation for the origins of Cultural Marxism? It came from somewhere, and it is HIGHLY doubtful that this is any natural social evolution. It is a covert cultural war, in my opinion.
Lind’s article seems to me to make a pretty clear case.
Additionally, the disproportionate influence of one very small group is empirically demonstrable in all the various ‘isms’ that have fueled America’s culture wars.
Fair enough Al. But if you’re going to shoot down hypotheses, it would be a lot more constructive if at the same time you offered a plausible alternative explanation.
You may find this one interesting, Al.
Good topic , for the Whites in America to explore……reverse discrimination
Absolutely, Jerry.
The reality is dramatically different than what the mass media presents. But, of course, the mass media is a key tool of covert cultural warfare.
Harvard is a good example, ……they like the chinese student’s extra out of state money…
I was posting some of that last year, …..The chinese are not that much smarter than Americans, they just pay more to get into the University….
Some of the reverse discrimination , started at Michigan Un….about 15 yrs ago…..if, my memory serves me correctly…..White were complaining then, about the black athletes , getting scholarships over the academics scholars…….
I guess Michigan State will have a hard time now attracting jocks for their sports program ,,for awhile……
Affirmative action is racism.
We will explore the default rate later…….on student loans…….
Common Jerry, you know as well as I do that this is absolutely nothing new and a lot depends on the source.
Well, of course it is GH. A bit of a different context however.
From an economic perspective, the admissions process at the top universities ensure American competitive decline. This is a serious long-term issue, if the matter is not addressed.
see my note above………
Says something about the Jewish and the Asian kids! Know what GH? I am not even close to being surprised!
I’m not sure you understood the graphic, Al.
The right-hand column normalizes admissions by academic performance, and it shows that Jewish kids are wildly over-privileged in their admission to the top universities, while Asians are discriminated against.
BTW, the author of the above linked essay, ‘The Myth of American Meritocracy’, is a Jewish alum of Harvard, whose high intelligence is readily apparent from his writing.
He documents a dramatic collapse in Jewish academic performance over the last few decades.
So is Todd Bubba going to short his shorts all the way up to Kingdom Come??
How ironic that an ebullient State of the Union Speech may well mark the start of the collapse of the stock market.
Trump may try to manage debt, but history shows he does not do it well.