It would seem that the horses have returned to the barn concerning the issue of culpability on the part of many of the Progressives
The Epoch Times Managing Editor Jasper Fakkart discusses information from the Paper’s sources that clearly implicates a lack of wrong doing on the part of the Trump Administration just the opposite on the part of the oppositions. See what you think.
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Yup–pretty neat!
Yes but that chart is just the tip of the iceberg.
But how many of these criminals will ever see the inside of a prison cell???
I would bet the same number as the number from the 2008 collapse…and that would be zero.
Ditto……….JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG………you got that right
Listen to X 22 report , that b posted yesterday…….
Here is another one…….couple of new pieces of info
the above was b’s post
You’re welcome ootb
That would be disappointing!
McCain needs to be thrown out of the Republican party.
Sessions needs to hold a formal investigation. Possibly involving a special counsel or investigator.
Kind of too late, CFS
It is a serious problem that main stream media is heavily pro-Democrat, because much of the truth is being hidden, obfuscated by false statements.
Do you see any pattern to ownership of main stream media, CFS?
lol GH, pattern.
I got a giggle.
I cant remember if it was you or Ex that posted it, smile, be happy, be nice and live life.
Seemed wise to me.
Of course it is wise, b!
I agree, CFS
I get the feeling that Trump maybe running a bit scared or is receiving bad counsel from his attorneys who are either over-cautious or may be left-leaning.
In the isolation of the White House it must be difficult to know exactly who to trust and who may be part of the swamp.
CFS….With regards to your last sentance.
He ,TRUMP, only has to contact those of us at the KER , We could put him straight in aout five minutes
I don’t believe that he is running a bit scared. There is always the possibility of “bad counsel”
There are certainly no maps or identification papers in the swamp.
Regardless of memos or dosiers, etc. Clinton is still a crook. The Clinton Foundation MUST be investigated thoroughly, and I trust the whole Clinton family will spend time in jail.
If the statute of limitations runs out, there is still TAX EVASION, which does not have any such problem. It is clear that the Foundation was used to wash ill-gotten money and evade taxes on same.
CFS…I would much rather see the clintons charged with treason, rather than tax evasion, remember the little people get done for tax evasion, the big people are allowed to do it.
Sorry for the misspelling of my name
And that, will be the hardest to prove, Professor.
No, I believe it is quite easy. Just follow the money.
Look at how the Foundation paid for travel, hotel expenses for the Clintons, How it paid for parties, dinners, entertainment, etc.
The rumor is they have destroyed records. (Which by law must be kept for 7 years….so they may be caught on that I.R.S. felony)
Kind of summarizes what we have all been aware of all week.
Well done, Al and Jasper!
Let Deep State Gate and the perp walk begin!
Thanks Chartster!
From the horse’s mouth,
straight from Davos:
I will post that, CFS, thanks
The democrats defending this have spun them selves into a demention of stupid, so bad they are creating their own extinction.
(And it’s beautiful)
Could very well be, Chartster.
More important now,
that Trump not be caught in a Mueller Trap………
These corrupt weasels are are working for the deep state………Mueller should never have been allowed to waste the TAX Payers MONEY…….
Every day that the congress…holds back the memos, ….the congressmen should pay Mueller’s attorney bill…….Out of THEIR OWN POCKETS
Mueller did expose the FBI perps… If he had something, it already would have come out. Some swamp creatures have changed sides. White hats wear black hats and vise versa.
I agree, IF, he had SOMETHING IT WOULD HAVE COME OUT…..therefore, end the madness.
Start with some real litigation in the Clintons and Bushes………..jmo
They got to get Joe six and Sally to expect the arrests. No one believed that the deep state would be going down months ago. Now, everyone expects idicents and arrests. The public is calling for arrests.
Just look at 1 year ago. Nobody thought the deep state could be touched. And now..?? Hee hee..
* indictments
The good men and women in law enforcement and military have been chomping at the bit to get the ball rolling, for a long time. And it’s coming!
( as seen on TV )
I’m thinking you and I have a different concept of Deep State, Chartster.
I’m willing to believe Trump might take down some people that badly need taking down. But will he touch the real power structure? Not bloody likely.
The “real” power structure wont be touched.
Interesting how things work.
I’ve studied the hierarchy pretty well, GH.
But I’m always open to learn.
The 270 people connected to the Russia probes
START about 7 min mark………
more dead bodies……
Clapper…….info at about 8 min mark
The Russia probes are a witch hunt that has been going on since the end of The First World War. If there is robbery and rascality in Washington and The Federal Government blame it on The Russians. They know how the American people will take these disclosures. They will never rise up in wrath to punish the offenders who use false propaganda instead they will punish the whistleblowers who tried to bring the real facts to light. DT
Nice flow chart, they all should be put in jail. GO TRUMP!
It would seem that the horses have returned to the barn…
I would say the horses are out of the barn but the chickens are coming home to roost…
Roasted chicken up next…………..
Bammy McNuggets…
everything Fisa simply explained: James Perloff, “Trump: America or Israel First?”
Whata web eh?
about an hour James Perloff
Trump is working for Israel
Some people think Mr Perloff knows what hes talking about.
I know, maybe we get some deep state swamped drained or Hillary to jail etc, but I think the owners would sacrifice them in a heartbeat, if they figured it was to their advantage.
Israel always comes first…just look at the USS Liberty massacre.
No matter who is President, Israel, the banks, the MIC, etc. come first…the tax cattle come last.
“I think the owners would sacrifice them in a heartbeat”
Of course they would, b.
Chartster, no offense, but I hear lots of optimistic prognostications from you that seem very unlikely, with little concrete evidence to back them up. E.g. are you really proposing that Trump will take on the MIIC, the Central Banking mafia, and the Zionists? If so, you need to provide some substance to back it up, to have credibility.
Mr. Big Al Korelin,
I know you were a fan of W so this might be painful to listen to…but I don’t think you would disagree with what Deist says…plus great discussion of the various bubbles and the corruption of the system…
Owl…………great job………great chart……….appreciate you bringing on Jasper…..