

A New Guest With A Unique Look At Gold

January 17, 2018

Kevin Vecmanis, Founder of VanAurum joins me for the first time to share his thoughts on the gold market. I was just introduced to Kevin’s service and after reading over a number of articles on his site and a long conversation with him I find his look at the markets very valuable.

Please let me know what you think of Kevin and if you have any followup questions regarding his analysis or the gold market in general please comment or email me.

Click here to visit the VanAurum website for more information.

Click download link to listen on this device: Download Show


    Jan 17, 2018 17:52 PM

    Off Topic:

    If you don’t like Google, Facebook, Twitter censorship, Clif High has a brilliant suggestion:

    Jan 17, 2018 17:09 PM

    Ira’s End of Day TA:

    Jan 17, 2018 17:14 PM

    Thanks, cory – I have the vanaurum site bookmarked.

    Jan 18, 2018 18:30 AM

    Cryptos Find A Bottom After Largest Bitcoin Crash Since 2014

    By Goldfinger on Wednesday, January 17, 2018

      Jan 18, 2018 18:52 AM

      This is a pretty funny little sketch I saw online:

      * Warren Buffett returns to tell us about his Crypto experience so far

        Jan 18, 2018 18:04 AM

        For those following along, obviously Bitconnect was outed as a total scam and many investors lost big chunks of their investment when they were shut down. In retrospect this video should have been a warning to any investor with 2 braincells to rub together not to follow ass-clowns into business.


        Bitconnect Carlos from NY by My Bitcoin Life

        cryptocurrency pathfinder – Nov 14, 2017

          Jan 18, 2018 18:06 AM

          Now that’s a crypto crash: BitConnect Coin dives 90% as company shuts exchange

          Market Watch: Jan 17, 2018

            Jan 18, 2018 18:08 AM

            I just lost $20000 with Bitconnect Exit Scam

            Wlvrne Music – Jan 16, 2018


            Jan 18, 2018 18:37 AM

            @Goldfinger – “Bitconnect was a US$1 billion+ Ponzi scheme that thrived on two things:”

            1. A rising Bitcoin price to gather attention
            2. New investors to continue pumping in money

            “By creating their own coin (Bitconnect Coin or BCC) they created an artificial market by making people buy BCC with Bitcoin in order to lend BCC back to their “lending platform” to generate all the crazy returns that you’ve heard all about. Now the joke is on everyone who stayed in Bitconnect up to today because they have announced they are shutting down their exchange and lending platforms and “transferring all your lending wallet balance to your BitConnect wallet balance at 363.62 USD” – this is the “out” they always knew they had and hence why created an artificial market for their BCC coin which should have been called Ponzi Coin. Now everyone who was “lending” money through Bitconnect is stuck with BCC coins which are NOT Bitcoins, and in all likelihood BCCs are completely worthless now because there is no demand for them. Only supply. This is how a Ponzi scheme ends in the 2018 world.”

            #Bitcoin #Crypto #Bitconnect #Ponzi

            Jan 18, 2018 18:43 AM

            Controversial digital coin exchange Bitconnect has imploded in the crypto blood bath

            Jan. 17, 2018 – Sam Jacobs, Business Insider Australia


            Jan 18, 2018 18:45 AM

            BitConnect Shutters Crypto Exchange Site After Regulator Warnings

            Stan Higgins – Jan 17, 2018


    Jan 18, 2018 18:45 AM

    Gold & Silver Price Update – January 17, 2018 + Gold Final Pullback

    iGold Advisor – Jan 17, 2018

    Jan 18, 2018 18:10 AM

    (OGC) OceanaGold achieves record annual gold production and achieves 2017 guidance for sixth consecutive year

    @newswire on January 18, 2018

    Jan 18, 2018 18:56 AM

    Found this perspective from Gary Savage interesting:
    What Happens When the Stock Market Bubble Pops?
    “The liquidity will flow into commodities causing inflation…just like it did in 2008. This time the bubble will be in the precious metals market instead of the energy markets though. The metals have held up much better than the rest of the commodity sector. Big money has been accumulating all last year in preparation for what happens when the stock bubble pops. This is why stocks and gold have gone up together for two years. Gold will continue to rise as the bubble in stocks becomes more mature and more and more liquidity starts to move over to the metals in preparation for the stock market implosion that is coming later this year.”

    Tweet LinkedIn Google + | Digg This Article
    — Published: Thursday, 18 January 2018 | E-Mail | Print | Source:

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    Jan 18, 2018 18:12 AM

    I appreciate the fact that this gentleman attempted to view the gold market from a slightly different bent, namely the “four or five times a year when there is a tradable range”. Good to listen to something new sometimes. Thanks Cory!

      Jan 18, 2018 18:26 AM

      Agreed. Those were interesting comments and there usually are 4-5 swing trades per year in any sector or stock if one is watching, and uses TA to assist with entries or exits.

        Jan 18, 2018 18:27 PM

        Glad you guys liked hearing from Kevin! I am new to his service as well but so far I like what he is doing.

    Jan 21, 2018 21:59 AM

    When you need to recover stolen bitcoins, recover your investments from bitconnect, TBC and so on, look no further than….They take care of all hack related and antihack related issues.

      Jan 21, 2018 21:55 PM

      Thanks, Samantha and good to have you with us.