Rex Tillerson comments at Stanford University about the future of the U.S. Policy re: Syria
Next the UN Resolution 2254:
This resolution was adopted unanimously by the Security Council.
Daniel McAdams believes Tillerson was misguided or deliberately misleading or lying with regard to U.S. intentions. I don’t believe that to be true.
I do know that if the US withdraws unilaterally, we will end up with a large country (Syria) controlled by Assad, Russia and Iran.
I would not expect Russia to withdraw voluntarily and neither do I believe the US should attempt to remove Russia.
No doubt you hate the idea of free elections and countries choosing their own leaders but there were free elections in Syria supervised by international observers and Assad won the election.
We do know Israel hates Syria and Israel owns Trump so the US not only supported the terrorists in Syria, the US took actions that created ISIS.
Like all of the other blind fools who support Israel and all of the illegal wars they have gotten the US to fight for them, you want to destroy Syria but never mention any solution. The US destroyed Iraq on behalf of Israel, the US destroyed Libya on behalf of Israel but left a vacuum and in both cases made a bad situation worse.
One day soon the US and Israel will pay for their lies and war crimes. Israel is literally committing suicide with the support of useful idiots. Of which you would be one.
Russia has no warm water ports with access to the Med. Russia has had a port in Syria, Tartus, for the last 45 years and unlike Trump, Putin intends to defend Russian interests.
Israel intends to fight wars in the Middle East to the last drop of American blood and that last dollar before bankruptcy. One day someone will begin to protect American interests the first part would be to identify both our friends and our deadly enemies. Russia and Iran are not enemies of the US.
Now, now Robert…let’s not forget that this is the United States of Israel.
Sharon even said so and so have other Israelies…”Every time we do something you tell me Americans will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear, don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
American soldiers and mercs gotta be in Syria and all over the Middle East…remember Israel will fight till the last American and the last America dollar.
And if you don’t think the US Gooberment puts Israelie lives ahead of Americans just consider the USS Liberty massacre.
Now get back to work, Robert, so you can pay those taxes…because the US Gooberment sends billions and billions of American dollars to the Israelie Gooberment every year. And that’s just what it admits to…the real number is far more. And besides, if they can’t get Uncle Sucker to give them what they want, they’ll just steal it…look at how they began their nuclear program.
Face it Robert, we are just the goyim surfs on Uncle Sugar’s tax plantation and Tel Aviv is its headquarters.
Oops…there I go again…denouncing everything…sorry, DT.
Do you ever listen to George Carlin. Your satire is as good as his, Eddy.
Ebo does come up with some good ones……… 🙂
Robert, I really can’t comment on Iran. I interviewed Triti Parsi a few weeks ago and I did leave that interview a bit confused.
Russia protecting her interests is a valuable point.
We all know how you feel about Israel and the help that the U.S. gives it. If we ever run into each other again, this would certainly be an interesting conversation.
I did notice that Sec. Tillerson did make a rather strong reference to free elections and that fact seemed to be diminished a bit and that it too bad..
CFS, I have invited Daniel to be on our Show. He and Dr Paul do make some good points and it will be interesting to speak with him on this issue.
I agree with what you are saying, CFS
Tillerson went on in conversation with Condoleezza Rice to talk about N. Korea.
In that regard I have heard speculation that the Missile warning in Hawaii was caused by an actual missile launch from N. Korea, but the missile was shot down by a sea to air missile originating from a Chinese submarine. I was unable to verify that.
I did not know that. Do you really think that Kim Jung un is that stupid?
Please respond with your opinion, Professor.
We do know China has the capability to shoot down missiles and it, indeed, indeed, practiced that last September:
McAdams: “President Trump…is shown to be nothing but a fraud.”
Interesting that today unemployment for Blacks in the US is at the lowest since records began almost 50 years ago. Some racist, some fraud.
Mostly fraud. The definition of “unemployed” has been totally corrupted.
How about coupling that with the latest housing start numbers, CFS?
Yes, ‘mostly’ is more accurate.
To me the things that matter are the wars, the fraudulent financial system, and policies that are constitutionally illegal. I have yet to see that Trump will do anything to improve these matters, or ‘make America great again’.
That said, I’ve always made it clear that I consider him to be preferable to Hillary.
Turkey Notifies NATO Of Imminent Massive Invasion Of Syria To Fight Kurds
So much for peace breaking out in Syria. I don’t imagine that is something the Zionists will permit.
I notice your posting from Zerohedge about Turkey possibly attacking the Kurds in Syria.
To be honust this has been a possibility for …maybe a week or two?
Southfront is on top of whats happening in Syria.
Syrian girl was targeted and pretty much got shut down.(still on patreon)
u tube southfront or google southfront .org for up to date info.
Syria has said they may shoot down Turkish fighters if they fly into Syria, Idlib is the focus right now, other countries are making moves while Syria is still tied up.
The Syrians are still crushing isis, killing lots of them,(there are still lots to kill) funny how that doesnt get mentioned much.
Or Russians killing isis or Hezbollah or Iran.
I guess we dont want to give “the bad guys” any free publicity.
Another interesting point,(if anyone still has their eyes closed) its more and more obvious these “moderate rebels” are isis.
Be nice if the U.S. would just stop supporting them…even that would help.
Is U.S. supporting ISIS or was that Obama policy?
Remember Obama the closet Muslim and American traitor (Uranium One)
Recall mujahideen afghanistan 1979, following the money we watch these guys change to al qaeda then isis.
You could argue from afganistan it began a path of its own, but it was all paid for by the U.S. until Syria as far as I know, when some Arab countries decided to throw some cash in the isis direction.
This plan has gone on awhile, 1982 is the “Yinon plan” date.
We might assume thats when the Israelis started guiding the americans in that area.
Thats the big significance of Trump bowing to Israel at the wall, that tells us there is no change and he is just another Israeli or Rothchild puppet.
Anything “good” that might happen as a “consequence” of Trump….. most likely irrelevant.
Is Wilbur Ross still in Trump’s cabinet? Another sign he’s a Rothschild puppet.
The CIA first aligned itself with extremist Islam during the Cold War era. Back then, America saw the world in rather simple terms: on one side, the Soviet Union and Third World nationalism, which America regarded as a Soviet tool; on the other side, Western nations and militant political Islam, which America considered an ally in the struggle against the Soviet Union.
You make a great point B! Thank you.
Yeah, I don’t keep up to the minute on it. Thanks for the links.
If the US stopped supporting terrorists, I think the war would be over, other than the Kurd issues.
Disappointing that Trump has apparently decided to betray his non-interventionist campaign rhetoric.
Let’s see if this actually happens. For me, the credibility of Zero Hedge is on the line.
Good point, Al. Just because ZH says it, doesn’t make it so…we shall see.
oops………Ripple up 24%……..pass the jug………
But Jerry…you can have this bit coin for a Song…a Jimmy Song….:)
A little Ripple Red, and a Song…..who could ask for anything more…….. 🙂
Would that song be the Bitcoin Blues?
Need wine when you sing the Bitcoin Blues…so you don’t whine…
Bitcoin climbing back up or deadcat bounce?
Whine and shine to the Crypto BLues………
“President Trump is set to out-neocon the neocons with this foolish and destructive policy. The showman is shown to be nothing but a fraud.”
Bravo! Well said, Daniel. A fraud on practically every level one looks at, yet his base possesses such hatred of past politicians we’ll never get past the ‘blow up stage’ of his policies. jmo
Israel runs the U.S., everything Bob says on the subject is true.
I dont think anything about that will change as long as the christians support Israel.
There are just too many of them.
Bob posted a wonderul explanation pointing out christians have basically been duped to think they have any reason to worship Israel as they do.
But reason does not come into the equation when we talk about beliefs.
Therefore, we should be demonstrating to our governments to build nuclear shelters for us.
If Putin and China dont find a way to deal with Israel and the U.S. neocons(the christians wont, nor will the americans or Israelis)…..well, maybe rent a room on the iss before the rush.
Ah heck, maybe the aliens will show themselves and the neocons evaporate.
I had a lengthy conversation with retired professor from Trinity Western University and a published author. on this subject.
His point as a strong Christian was that the situation with Israel is not a religous issue at all but a Geopolitical issue.
I buy that.
Tens of millions of Christians have been duped by bogus pastors like Hagee into believing that they must adore Israel in order to enjoy God’s favor.
Hagee and his ilk are most likely either on the Zionist payroll, or have themselves been duped by those who are.
So for believers it is a religious issue. But yes, big picture, they are pawns in a geopolitical struggle.
I would have to agree with you….some of the Mega Preachers will have a lot of explaining to do……
I understand that you “buy it” Al
And so will millions of christians, the support for zionist Israel will continue.
In order to inform, first listen to Tillerson’s speech: