Bitcoin Regulation and Forks Upcoming
Jimmy Song joins me today to shares some updates on regulation and future forks for Bitcoin. In terms of regulation Australia recently froze some accounts in an attempt to get more control and information about accounts. Governments are going to continue down this road but will they have much success? We also talk about upcoming forks and how people holding Bitcoins can take advantage of these forks.
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Don’t understand how the fork instantly creates more ‘money’ that’s like me saying I’m going to fork my silver dollar and straight away have two dollars. This is quite an interesting video on it, it’s quite short
Hi Cory, I also have a question for Jimmy, if you buy bitcoin on an exchange do you own the bitcoin or do you just have a claim on the bitcoin, a bit like unallocated gold, thanks
I wish you would cover more explaination of market patterns and how futures completely changed the BitCoin marketplace and where it’s going from here.
From what I read, Australian banks did not freeze accounts because of Bitcoin transactions but notified account owners that their bank account will be closed. Some Bitcoin transactions however may have been stopped (frozen).