

Discussion with Kenneth Abramowitz on current political issues.

Big Al
October 27, 2017

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    Oct 27, 2017 27:10 AM

    Upstate new york REP congressman last night on tv , say they may not vote for tax package if the deduction for high state income taxes is taken away. Same for california REP congressman , with good reason. Every diduc will be fought over. best of health and wealth to you all S

      Oct 27, 2017 27:28 PM

      Still a big mess, Russell!

      Nice to know the opinions of those who count though!

    Oct 27, 2017 27:42 AM

    Demublicans vs Republicrats

      Oct 27, 2017 27:29 PM

      Getting pretty close to that Jason. But as I have said in the past, I still have hope for Trump.

    Oct 27, 2017 27:22 PM

    Question??? Why are tax dollars going to Israel. It’s a rogue state

      Oct 27, 2017 27:45 PM

      Be Course you a Coein Slave ! A Dollar is Slavery and Bitcoin is the Prison !

      Oct 27, 2017 27:31 PM

      In light of the pure and simple fact that the U.S.; France; and, the U.K. did the deal (put them there in the 40’s), I would have to say that there is a certain responsibility on the part of those countries.

        Oct 27, 2017 27:40 PM

        AL ! The Game is Much more Bike !

        Oct 28, 2017 28:13 AM


        Your understanding of the history and mine differ. If Benjamin Friedman is to be believed, the Zionists offered to the Brits to save their bacon by bringing the US into WWI, IF the Brits would give them Palestine. And of course, the Balfour Declaration was addressed to top Zionist, Lord Rothschild. This version of history seems credible to me, but I’m always interested in more evidence.

        So I don’t really see how the US owes them anything except a pop in the nose for all our dead.

        If the US put the Zionists in Israel, it’s because the Zionists manipulated the US into it, imo.

        What good has America’s relationship with Israel ever brought America?

        Then there’s the tidy coincidence of the sequence of events of the creation of the Federal Reserve, institution of income tax, and then propagandizing an anti-war public to get involved in WW1.

        We know the Zionists were behind the Federal Reserve, which may be the worst crime ever perpetrated on the American people. I don’t know about the income tax, but common sense says that it was the same people as those who created the Fed.

        As for the propaganda to enter into WW1, it was people like Sigmund Freud’s nephew Edward Bernays, who had this to say:

        “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

        Sound a little like what the Jewish Zionist media is doing today?

        America has no obligation to Israel.

          Oct 28, 2017 28:16 AM

          Not to mention, if the US had not entered WWI, the Europeans would have been obligated to come to a reasonable peace, instead of the outrage that was Versailles, which guaranteed WWII.

          Oct 28, 2017 28:18 AM
          Oct 28, 2017 28:23 AM

          +1 GH

          Oct 28, 2017 28:27 AM


          I thought that my understanding of the creation was pretty accurate. You know what? Maybe it is incorrect.

          If you have some facts that prove me wrong, please forward the links of them to me and I will seriously study each and every one of them and devote some editorials to this subject. GUARANTEED

            Oct 28, 2017 28:41 AM

            Well, Al, the Benjamin Freedman version of events is from his 1961 speech at the Willard Hotel in DC.


            There are a number of versions of this speech of different lengths on youtube, so I am not sure which is the best one.

            At present I can’t say I KNOW this is the true version of events. But I don’t recall catching Freedman in a single statement that clashed with the truth as I understand it, and it certainly meshes coherently with other things I think I know.

            Like I say, I always keep my eye out for more evidence.

            Oct 28, 2017 28:44 PM

            Thank you, GH

            Oct 28, 2017 28:51 AM

            I should modify my closing statement from above,

            from “America has no obligation to Israel”

            to saying that America’s obligation regarding Israel, given its historic role in its creation, is to help carry matters through to a conclusion which restores peace and puts an end to the gaping flesh wound in the Middle East that is Israel. That is a far different proposition that what is happening currently.

            Oct 28, 2017 28:41 PM


            I could not have said it better myself.

            Oct 28, 2017 28:52 AM

            badly phrased. not meant to imply an end to Israel. Just an end to the intractable problems.

    Oct 27, 2017 27:23 PM

    These gentlemen are on the right path.America is finished if you cannot release 50 year old documents on the jfk papers.

      Oct 27, 2017 27:32 PM

      One could argue that Spacenormal. i had a chat with Bob M. this morning and that subject was “front and center”.

    Oct 27, 2017 27:20 PM

    It’s not just America that needs to be tarred with that brush, just think about all the other countries and how they would have fared. Our species is doomed because this is a worldwide problem. DT

      Oct 27, 2017 27:24 PM

      Remember, “The Day The Earth Stood Still’, humans have failure programmed into them from birth. That is their love of violence. DT

        Oct 28, 2017 28:30 PM

        You really think that pertains to all humans, Mr. Tracy