

Companies that stood out at Beaver Creek

September 30, 2017

As promised below are some of the companies that stood out to me after my over 30 meeting in Beaver Creek. I did not get to meet with every company at the show so please do not think of this list as the only good companies that attended. I am only listing the names to get all of your opinions – good, bad, or otherwise. Please share in the comment section and feel free to email me.

I will be having a number of these companies on the show over the next number of weeks.

These are in the order of which I had meetings. All of these companies have my interest right now.

    Sep 30, 2017 30:54 AM

    Missing ATTAC and Victoria Gold from the Yukon plays. Why did they not got your interest, Cory?

    ATTAC has the only Carlin style deposit in the Yukon and has a joint venture with Barrick
    Victoria is building the next Gold Mine in the Yukon and has Thomas Kaplan on board

      Sep 30, 2017 30:18 AM

      I like Victoria with its 37% IRR

      Sep 30, 2017 30:44 AM

      Sorry ATAC with on t. Both also presented on the Denver Gold Forum.

    Sep 30, 2017 30:04 AM

    Thats a nice list Cory. I have a couple of those in the hopper. Thanks!

    Sep 30, 2017 30:10 AM
    Sep 30, 2017 30:43 AM

    Off Topic, but just thinking…..

    Have you ever wondered by the Best Time in history is usually referred to as “The Golden Age” ?

    Sep 30, 2017 30:32 PM


    You missed BAR who is sitting on 2 great finds

    Sep 30, 2017 30:15 PM

    Nobody has mentioned Wellgreen Platinum, they are in The Yukon, platinum is undervalued and so is Wellgreen, (TSX-WG). The CEO has been recently buying on the open market. When you are not loved play

    Oct 01, 2017 01:17 AM

    Dear Cory.
    Thank you very much for your great work. It is very appreciated.
    Approximately one year ago you interviewed an executive from Skeena.
    It could be interesting to hear a follow-up interview.
    From the video-presentation of the conference, I understand they are on a stable course.
    And back in June there were some significant insiders buyers

    I would also like to thank you for introducing Novo.
    It has been a fantastic stock in my portfolio.
    And I am sticking to it 😎
    Best. Anders

      Oct 09, 2017 09:46 AM

      Hey Anders, good to hear you have benefited from the Novo moves! I will also reach out to the guys at Skeena and set something up in the next couple weeks. If you have any particular questions please email me at I will note the insider buying from the summer.

    Oct 01, 2017 01:57 AM

    Keith Baron is a proven success, worth following:

    Oct 01, 2017 01:04 AM

    Although they are all fairly small earthquakes, I cannot recall seeing so many clustered areound central America in one weekend:

    Oct 01, 2017 01:41 AM

    Hi Thomas I didn’t get the chance to sit down with with either of those companies. Sorry but just ran out of time. I know the stories but will reach out for an update.

    Oct 01, 2017 01:48 AM

    Thanks for all the great comments! I’ll be in touch with all the companies mentioned.

    Oct 01, 2017 01:40 AM

    Palisade radio: vanadium uranium

    Oct 01, 2017 01:25 PM

    MORE IMportant than stocks………………..For US citizens………..IMO

    Oct 01, 2017 01:04 PM
    Oct 01, 2017 01:58 PM

    Artemis Resources board ARTT From @Iwantmymoneyback

    A couple of reasons why $ARV.AX is a clear buy and hold to me. Kudos to this man! @thunder54

    Oct 01, 2017 01:20 PM
    Oct 01, 2017 01:38 PM
    Oct 01, 2017 01:57 PM

    I decided to go to Barcelona later this month. (One of my favorite cities.)
    Now I wonder……

      Oct 02, 2017 02:01 AM

      Don’t forget to vote and watch for terrorists on the Ramblas.

    Oct 01, 2017 01:45 PM

    BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — The Latest on Catalonia’s referendum Sunday on breaking away from Spain (all times local):
    12:40 a.m.
    A Catalan official says preliminary results show 90 percent in favor of independence in the vote opposed by Spain.
    Catalan regional government spokesman Jordi Turull told reporters early Monday that 90 percent of the 2.26 million Catalans who voted Sunday chose the ‘Yes’ side in favor of independence. He said nearly 8 percent of voters rejected independence and the rest of the ballots were blank or void. He said 15,000 votes were still being counted.
    Turull said the number of ballots didn’t include those confiscated by Spanish police during violent raids Sunday that aimed to stop the vote. At least 844 people and 33 police were injured in the police raids.
    The region has 5.3 million voters.

    Oct 01, 2017 01:59 PM

    Oct 2 – Oct 4, 2017
    Mines and Money Americas
    Delta Toronto Hotel
    Toronto, ON

    Oct 01, 2017 01:29 PM

    It is interesting to note that Catalonia now has websites operating not under .es (Spanish designation), but as if Catalonia were a separate country. i.e. .cat designation.

    Oct 02, 2017 02:06 AM
      Oct 02, 2017 02:14 AM

      Just remember the following quote as the left starts spewing its usual garbage about gun control:

      “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”
      —Adolph Hitler, Chancellor, Germany, 1933

      Oct 02, 2017 02:27 AM

      Well after all the guy was in LOST VEGAS

      Oct 02, 2017 02:39 AM

      GOD ! Give Evil Play ! Put Bankers in Prison !

    Oct 02, 2017 02:15 AM

    Platinum and palladium ……….same price…

    Oct 02, 2017 02:31 AM

    PRAGUE (AP) — Australia’s European Metals Holdings says it has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Czech Republic giving it the right to mine lithium, a key component in electric batteries.
    Europe’s biggest deposit of lithium has recently been found in the northwestern part of the Czech Republic. EMH has had an exclusive license to explore for the element and the right to seek permission to mine.
    It plans to open a mine at Cinovec, on the German border, to produce about 3,800 tons of lithium a year.
    That would place the country among the top five lithium producers in the world.
    As part of its deal with the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade, EMH agrees to process the lithium in the country.