

Safe Havens Hit Hard – A bigger Picture Look

July 3, 2017

On what we thought would be a slower day there are some big moves (to the downside) in precious metals, treasuries, and the Yen:Dollar. Chris Temple joins me to recap what we are seeing in the first trading day on the second half.

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    Jul 03, 2017 03:21 AM

    Chris Martenson — 30 June 2017 — Oil demand and Economic growth

    Jul 03, 2017 03:26 AM

    U.S. 10 yr. just hit 2.35%

      Jul 03, 2017 03:48 AM

      Hats off to Chris too bad all the Sprott pumpers don’t realize what Chris has pointed out vs manipulation as currency traders/pros.. trade $Yen/Gold/US10year as one trade

      The election results Sun in Japan is what sent yen lower as the outcome was an upset….no manipulation just a pure trade

        Jul 03, 2017 03:00 PM

        Rick Ackerman called this move in gold one week ago. The news you point to is a cover story just like almost all news. You should know this by now.

          Jul 03, 2017 03:04 PM

          Craig Hemke saw it coming also.

        Jul 03, 2017 03:09 PM

        lol you either work for Sprott or this blog sonny boy as your a real amateur…all pro traders realize trend outcome calls are always in play but it takes an event to create the reaction and the Japan election created this result as traders would have sold $yen as soon as the outcome was known…as that they did….real simple stuff boy!

          Jul 03, 2017 03:20 PM

          That’s nonsense, Bill. Gold was going where it was going regardless. I’ve seen time and time again for many years, news or not. Real simple stuff, gramps! “lol”

            Jul 03, 2017 03:57 PM

            your the guy who sits in the cheap seats at the game and yells at the pro “your a bum” I googled Rick A was a pro trader and even better was a market maker (sorry this will be way above your pay grade) every professional trader is aware of where the support and resistance levels are within their sector and that of the sectors that drive/influence your position its why so many amateurs diss chart traders because there are always more than one outcome but any trader who bought gold or $yen when the results were announced is clueless to what drives the sector and if RA had a lower target great the outcome is working in his favour ifthe outcoe was the opposite RA would have to react to the event driven trend….basic trading sonny….ever wonder why you never hear the Sprott boys speak like Chris did? because they are buy side salesmen who use manipulation as their excuse for being dead wrong for years!

            Jul 03, 2017 03:49 PM

            read R.A site regarding E Mini S&P thats exactly how a pro trades if lower these are the dip buying zones and if higher one should be onboard watching to see if resistance falls and one adds as confirmation of the trend takes place, thats how pro’s make money regardless of so many experts suggesting an equity crash for years now as I highly doubt Rick gets caught flat footed very often as its all about money flows… lets golf!!

            Jul 03, 2017 03:20 PM

            I can tell you this, Sherlock, Rick doesn’t care about news or what most people call support/resistance. furthermore, “boy,” if you were as observant as you think you are, you’d know that I’ve never dissed anyone for trading the charts. What other way is there for an active trader? As for Sprott etc, what makes you think I care anything about what they’re up to? I corrected you on Rick Rule’s comments the other day because you needed correcting. He did not “slip up” as you claimed and his affiliation with Sprott had nothing to do with anything.

            You’re probably right about Rick not getting caught flatfooted very often. Congrats.

            Jul 03, 2017 03:36 PM

            JIM ROGERS – 2 July 2017 – If Gold Goes Under $1000 Then I Will Buy…

            Rogers has been consistent for at least the last year.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:28 AM

            Rick may not set up his original positions based on a possible event like an FOMC meeting or US economic data nor does any professional as the chart trends are always in place BUT your very foolish to believe adding to a position or cutting a long position and going short is not event driven as anyone short oil as the chart at the time may suggest and OPEC suddenly announced a significant cut to production well that event would have one long very quickly regardless of the chart correctly confirming a short position just before the announcement. The gold chart was showing no reason to be long since mid June. RA was calling for $54.72 silver April 28th 2011 but I’m sure he cut his long position as the chart trend rolled over and the COMEX raised margin prices 80% in 8 days during silvers top = event driven

            Every blog has their paid troll to keep the slant going and no doubt matt you are that troll

            Enjoy the Kool-Aid

            Jul 04, 2017 04:31 AM


            Jul 04, 2017 04:42 AM

            You’re the fool, Billy. I suggest that you ask Rick if he’s event driven or gives a shit about any news.

            You’re way is the only way, isn’t it?

            You’ve been about as useful here as your little b.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:03 AM

            Some people follow what you say Mat, thats true, Bob thinks you do good stuff, some people even think you should write a book.

            I seldom read what you say, I dont use charts like you or T Bill does, so as Ive said before, I dont have much use for your methods.

            I laff because your arrogant and rude to anyone that disagrees with your viewpoint all the while claiming the other person is wrong,rude and useless.

            Other people may have short memories but I recall years of you being completely out to lunch, but you are pretty good in a bull.

            So, when someone that does understand stuff points things out about you I laff and await your inevitable reply.
            Not to disparage you or be insulting as you most assuredly are by the way, but just because I think its funny.

            About time we had some giggles around here.

            All the best to ya Matty.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:11 AM

            Billy understands the little that he’s capable of. I’m just glad that the first person to ever call me a troll is an asshole.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:23 AM

            lol just as I thought… yup a paid troll as you just can’t let anyone post the last negative thought or facts about the pm sector, Sprott and Al should really pay up for someone with some writing skills when challenged….my way, nope not even close, right way well sorry for passing on the Kool-Aid any trader thats suggests their positions are not effected by events is full of BS ….Timminco is a perfect example as the hype took it to $35 yet the Q results clearly showed its silicon process was all hype yet so many applied your level of intelligence and held their positions ….as the event drove the stock to ZERO….yup ignore market events….wow the dumbest statement I think I’ve every read on the web

            Jul 04, 2017 04:32 AM

            So you’re calling Rick A. dumb? Like I said, only your way is the right way which is why YOU don’t like another viewpoint.

            B- I never said I was even close to perfect but I still captured plenty of action during the bear market and was in a great position to make the most of the lows 18 months ago.
            An example from 3 years ago:

            Jul 04, 2017 04:49 AM

            Guess it’s all perspective b…..from my vantage point TraderBill is very rude and insulting and contributes very little…..just looks to argue and ruffle feathers..

            Jul 04, 2017 04:18 AM

            Not sure Bill is here specifically to “ruffle feathers”
            What I see is Matt rubs Bill the wrong way, he is actually mentioning how “pros” trade.

            He is not the first here to mention that, the others if you recall got “run off” or didnt see any point contributing here.

            In any case I hope T Bill is witty and doesnt give up, I look forward to some chuckles.

            People should know buy now Mat can not leave alone a comment that disagrees with him in the slightest.

            I give him and anybody the benefit of the doubt and figure he does ok with his “style” of trading.

            Its not my style for sure, Im a gambler, but I do notice a few things now and then.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:46 AM

            If people don’t like responses to comments, they shouldn’t post them.

            Bill is not too bright for a pro if he thinks: 1.) Rick A. is dumb for ignoring news; 2.) this site was intended to serve the active trader, or, 3.) that someone is paying me to post here.

            Note that have never claimed that “his” way doesn’t work or that he doesn’t make money.

            Jul 04, 2017 04:49 AM

            * “Note that I have never…”

    Jul 03, 2017 03:56 AM

    Canada debt spike………things not looking good ……..zerohedge

      Jul 03, 2017 03:18 PM

      Same story for years now Jerry, its the debt.

      Individual states are going bankrupt now, interesting to see how they deal with it.

        Jul 03, 2017 03:39 PM

        Just raise taxes on the McManions…..

    Jul 03, 2017 03:56 AM

    Car glut…… american…….zerohedge

      Jul 03, 2017 03:23 PM

      Mr. Jerry, are you referring to this?

      Stockman says used car prices have begun to crater.

      Well, don’t worry. Some stupid and corrupt politicians will propose another Cash for Clunkers program and spend tens of billions of borrowed fiats to subsidize suckers to go up to their eyeballs in debt to buy a new car as long as they trade-in their perfectly good used car for destruction. That will make used cars unaffordable like it did last time.

      Ain’t the gummyment grand?

        Jul 03, 2017 03:14 PM

        Yes sir, …..same article at zerohedge……

    Jul 03, 2017 03:41 PM

    Jackass’ Red Glare Upon The Petrodollar

    For your holiday listening pleasure, Jim Willie returns for a comprehensive discussion of the petrodollar and how current events around the Arabian Peninsula are a sign of great distress for this monetary scheme.

    Again, what is the “petrodollar”. The idea was championed by Henry Kissinger in 1973 as a way to create ongoing demand for US dollars by maintaining the pricing of crude oil in dollars only. The effects of this were two-fold:

      Jul 03, 2017 03:45 PM

      Exxon……to have crypto dollar…….called “green algae”………. 🙂

        Jul 03, 2017 03:43 PM

        Exxon is one of the biggest owners of frackable land.

          Jul 03, 2017 03:56 PM

          once they frack the heck out of the ground , they can grow algae slim… an extender for their greasing of america politics.

            Jul 03, 2017 03:57 PM

            The drug companies spend more than oil and defense companies combined on lobbying.

    Jul 03, 2017 03:43 PM

    Goldman…..predicts spike in Bitcoin to $3915……zh

      Jul 03, 2017 03:42 PM

      They talk their book.

        Jul 03, 2017 03:57 PM

        exactly, do the opposite………….

    Jul 03, 2017 03:09 PM

    Precious Metals 1. A bottoming process that has, is, and will be U shaped. 2. 2017 not to be an auspicious year for the metals and there is greater “hope” for 2018. 3. The first stop lower to be in the 1160 area and then possibly in the 1120 area. 4. The intermediate cycle is now verifying the large possibility of a left translated cycle. 5. The next best time to purchase will probably be in the August/September time frame.

    Jul 03, 2017 03:34 PM

    The Bank of Japan said they were going to defend the 10 YR JGB at a 0% interest rate.
    This has worked well for the Nikkei.
    The JGB10YR is now at .09%.
    The last time the 10YRJGB was in the .09% range was in February.
    3/14/17 the Yen was at .8742,AU was at 1203.80 and the Dollar was at 101.26.
    With the Fed raising rates,the ECB growing hawkish,will the Bank of Japan lose control of the JGB10YR?

    Jul 03, 2017 03:27 PM

    No more pork belly spending for Christie…….Christie gets sand kicked in his face as beach goers declare sand off limits. N.J. residence decide to egg Christie’s house while the govnor is relaxing on govt. beach……of the people for the people…..which the lazy arce decides……. let them eat cake……….Fake new…… 🙂

    Jul 03, 2017 03:31 PM

    Another North Korea missile launch nearing Japanese shores.

    Jul 03, 2017 03:41 PM

    Bagged 4.3% net today on DSLV and 5.1% net today on JDST. No complaints. Currently up about 14% on Litecoin.

      Jul 04, 2017 04:43 AM

      It’s strange that DUST did a little better than JDST on this run (probably due to the re-weighting).

    Jul 03, 2017 03:04 PM

    I know you like those 3x’ers. Watch BRZU, it should do good soon.

    Jul 04, 2017 04:32 AM

    Manipulation: How do you naked short an amount equal to the annual mine production when most markets are closed, within minutes, which always drives price down and not up, without Regulator action, and with less than 1% daily loss days, if the PMs are not manipulated.

      Jul 04, 2017 04:28 AM

      Of course all markets are managed. Notice I didn’t say manipulated.
      Whats a couple of digits between coterie.

    Jul 04, 2017 04:38 AM

    PBOC Hires Blockchain Engineers Who Will Oversee Creation Of The “Digital RMB”

    “The People’s Bank of China’s institute of printing science is offering six positions for the design and development of digital currency-related software and hardware framework, a recruitment notice said, adding that candidates with experience in blockchain and Big Data technologies will be preferred.”…

    The other day Japan decided bitcoin was hunky dory.
    The world moves to cryptos

    5% phyzz gold, leaves 95% for sumtin else

    Just thinkin about it, Maloney baloney (just funny I like maloneys work) has said 50% gold and 50% silver and he is 100% diversified.

    I guess he missed cryptos 100%.
    Everything in moderation, too much focus on PMs and a person misses alot of opportunity.

      Jul 04, 2017 04:25 AM

      I like Mahoney baloney video number 4………concerning the FED money machine…. 🙂

      Jul 04, 2017 04:30 AM

      I hereby officially upgrade your crypto status.
      Perhaps clueless was a bit to harsh.

    Jul 04, 2017 04:55 AM

    Media errors give Trump fresh ammunition

    A string of high-profile corrections and retractions by major news organizations on stories about President Trump or his allies have fueled more allegations of bias in the mainstream press.

    The relationship between Trump and the news media regularly hits new lows, with insults flying between the two camps and reporters warning that the president is inciting violence against journalists.

    But Trump’s allies on the right believe the president’s claims that the mainstream media is “fake news” have been bolstered by recent missteps. They point to recent admissions from top news outlets — including CNN, the New York Times and the Associated Press — that bombshell stories were either overcooked or included incorrect details.

    Jul 04, 2017 04:44 AM

    HAPPY 4TH……….

    Jul 04, 2017 04:46 AM

    Changing the subject, can anyone give me a update on Asanko Gold. I heard great things about it a while ago, but it fell off my radar. Maybe someone knows about it.