

Meals on Wheels funding cut headline and story was taken totally out of context. Here is how that happened.

Big Al
March 21, 2017

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Here is an example of how the Media tells the truth and then puts it in a context that alters the truth in the direction that it wants.

Outrage on Wheels

By Walter Olson
This article appeared on The National Interest (Online) on March 16, 2017.
It made for great copy — irresistibly clickable and compulsively shareable. “Trump’s Budget Would Kill a Program That Feeds 2.4 Million Senior Citizens,” blared Time’s headline. “Trump Proposed Budget Eliminates Funds for Meals on Wheels,” claimed The Hill, in a piece that got 26,000 shares.

But it was false. And it wouldn’t have taken long for reporters to find and provide some needed context to the relationship between federal block grant programs, specifically Community Development Block Grants (CDBG), and the popular Meals on Wheels program.

The story that Trump’s budget would kill the Meals on Wheels program was too good to check. But it was false.
I started on the organization’s own website. From Thursday’s conversation in the press, it was easy to assume that block grant programs — CDBG and similar block grants for community services and social services — are the main source of federal funding for Meals on Wheels. Not so.

Instead, as the national site explains, the major source of federal funding for the programs, accounting for 35 percent of overall local budgets, comes through the Sixties-era Older Americans Act. (Local programs also obtain support from state and county governments, private donors, and so on.)

According to the website, cuts have not been announced in Older Americans Act funding, although the group fears that they may lie ahead.

So where do the federal block grant programs come in? Well, they give states and localities a lot of discretion on where to allocate the money. One option is to add money to supplement Meals on Wheels funding. Some do use it for that purpose.

But as Scott Shackford makes clear in his new piece for Reason, that isn’t what CDBG is mostly about. CDBG funds regularly go into pork-barrel and business-subsidy schemes with a cronyish flavor. That’s why the program has been a prime target for budget-cutters for decades, in administration after administration.

It’s important to the CDBG program’s political durability that its grantees wind up sprinkling a bit of extra money on popular programs mostly funded by other means. That way, defenders can argue that the block grants “fund programs like Meals on Wheels.”

That’s what happened in the press this week. The New York Times got things rolling by reporting that the new budget proposes “the complete elimination of the $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program, which funds popular programs like Meals on Wheels, housing assistance and other community assistance efforts.”

CNN’s Jake Tapper then boiled it down to a tweet: “On chopping block: $3 billion Community Development Block Grant program, which funds programs like Meals on Wheels.”

Meals on Wheels’s own national website, meanwhile, quotes its CEO and president Ellie Hollander being appropriately cautious and conditional: “We don’t know the exact impact yet,” she said. Big cuts “would be a devastating blow.” According to the website, “Details on our network’s primary source of funding, the Older Americans Act, which has supported senior nutrition programs for 45 years, have not yet been released.”

Most of the major press coverage Thursday had nothing at all to say about the OAA, which would only have complicated the shock headlines. And social media burned all day with indignant posts that seemed unaware that no cuts had been announced as of yet in the main program that funds Meals on Wheels.

One reason was the press conference at which budget director Mick Mulvaney faced a host of questions about the new budget release, with Peter Alexander of NBC News pressing him especially hard on the aren’t-you-trying-to-cut-things-like-Meals-on-Wheels angle. Mulvaney repeatedly tried to switch the conversation over to the shortcomings of the wider CDBG program, and did not bring up the point about OAA funding at all. Amid further awkward exchanges, Mulvaney spoke about how social programs had often not been shown to have benefits. A charitable reading of his intended point was that activities funded by block grants in general often lack any proof of positive effect; a less charitable reading was that he was trying to single out Meals on Wheels in particular as an endeavor of no proven use to anyone. (A middle ground, I suppose, would have been to call his office for a clarification.) No prizes for guessing which direction the press, from MSNBC to New York magazine, chose to take for its headlines.

For many editors, “Administration wants to zero out Meals on Wheels” made good, emotionally satisfying copy — too good to check. But around the country, in coming days, thousands of persons touched by the program are likely to ask their visiting community member or supervisor whether it’s really true that they’re going to do away with the Meals on Wheels program, the way the man on TV or the lady on Facebook said. And after they hear a fuller explanation, they might decide that they trust news reports a little less.


Walter Olson is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.

    Mar 21, 2017 21:51 PM

    Trumponomics / draining the swamp / reality.

      Mar 21, 2017 21:17 PM

      Wow……..never knew about this one……thanks for posting

      Mar 21, 2017 21:16 PM

      Blimey. I never knew about this, either. Just when you think you know a little about what’s actually going on, bingo, it just gets deeper and darker. But in this case, hopefully brighter, if these actually lose funding.

      Of course, that won’t deter the Soros and Koch brothers funding one bit, only increase it in this case.

      Thanks for posting, Chartster.

        Mar 21, 2017 21:55 PM

        Your welcome, OOTB n DC.
        Most people don’t understand agenda21.

          Mar 21, 2017 21:27 PM

          To add a little bit further on agenda21.
          It’s a complete takeover of assets from local governments and municipalities. The local governments employees enjoy the money, while the “people” loose their wealth and assets. It’s a complete United Nations agenda SCAM!
          And John Doe public is oblivious to the corruption! Sick)

          Thank God for Truponomics! At least he understands what’s going on, because no one else seems to ” get it “!

          Mar 22, 2017 22:17 AM

          Mind boggling ……..AGENDA 21…….Be on GUARD…..

            Mar 22, 2017 22:20 AM

            This will be brought up again…….I am sure………

          Mar 22, 2017 22:22 AM

          I doubt you will find a recorded deed labeled agenda21. But agenda21 is the agenda for the 21st century. Who’s agenda? The globalist. Who are the globalist? The families that control the UN, the central banks and all top 1000 global corporations. You can find a national map of agenda21 controlled cities and counties. Key word “controlled”.

          The timing of when these cities came under control of agenda21 is interesting. Back in 2008-2011 the maps (control) expanded. When the financial crisis (they created) happened, some cities lost massive tax revenue and needed help. So the central bank owners printed some money and made them a deal they can’t refuse. Accept the money and all the new agencies and regulation/taxation/beuracracy that comes with it. The control comes through the new regulations. Regulations are not law, but the local judges know who their masters are, and the public gets the shaft. They effectively take your constitutional rights away through regulation. It’s regulation without representation. And that’s how they control every asset in the map. After all, it’s better to own nothing and control everything, right?

            Mar 22, 2017 22:41 AM

            that is why ,we (the American people) should have a DEBT JUBILEE……We sure as heck do not want to be like the Greeks…….

            Mar 22, 2017 22:46 AM

            For every new regulation, two regulation must be done away with…….Trump

            Mar 22, 2017 22:53 AM

            Yes! It’s amazing how much he has done thus far. But there are those that suffer from WIFS that will never see that.

            Mar 22, 2017 22:15 PM

            you are correct

        Mar 21, 2017 21:45 PM

        DC are you saying that it is brighter if organizations like Meals on Wheels loose their funding?

        I would assume that you are probably referring to the video that Charster posted.

    Mar 21, 2017 21:32 PM

    As I stated on the weekend , I thought Trump had actually cut about 3% of the meal on wheels budget and 31-32% was still being funded.
    The Cato Institute has more time and resources than I, so I would always tend to defer to their numbers.
    Meals on wheels has so many sub-groups and organizations that obtaining accurate numbers is quite difficult.
    I tend to believe little of the MSM data, since they appear to always present Trump in a poor light.
    It saddens me that the majority of the general public are so gullible and I am grateful for this forum to occasionally correct the record.

      Mar 21, 2017 21:49 PM

      I would be kind of surprised if the number was as high as 3%.

      That is worth doing a bit of research on.

    Mar 21, 2017 21:56 PM

    Al: Thanks for the clarification of this headline subject.
    On the CDBG program, I’ve had experience with it as a mayor of a small community. Our State gets 10 million annually and the Dept. of Commerce divides it up for ‘worthy’ projects. The monies are typically used along with local funds to do main street improvements (sidewalks, paving, sewer upgrades, senior center expansions and so forth. It has been a popular program but if the federal government has to borrow the money to give it away, then my opinion changes.
    However, when compared with pentagon spending…………’s really insignificant.

      Mar 21, 2017 21:51 PM

      Silverdollar, the point that you bring up is very interesting. Just shows how far in the hole the govt. is from a monetary standpoint.

      I do appreiate your insights stemming from your political background.

    Mar 21, 2017 21:58 PM

    Riding the DC Metro with some blow hard loud mouth government troll preaching to tourists about how if we get clean water and jobs to the jihadis we will have peace. What an idiot. The western white male needs to get over himself. You can’t apply western thinking to eastern originated problems and expect anything less than failure.

    Mar 21, 2017 21:53 PM

    Are you referring to clean water and jobs in his/her country or in ours. That poses an interesting question, doesn’t it?