Weekly Market Close with the Doctor
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The markets basically closed flat on this past week.
WOW. Tell me your secret!
Buy Exxon and Shell and MMM and SmithKline in 1980 and ignore charts and news and just hold on. Is this a great country or what?
? I understood Doc, was expecting a lower price.
Gotta agree with ya Al.
I think they are talking about different lows. Al is just talking about a low in general while Doc differentiates between short term lows and longer term ones. He recently said that he would be waiting for silver to go lower before buying. I think he was expecting that low in Jan/Feb.
(For the record, I think we’ve just seen the intermediate term low and that silver will not be lower next year.)
Yes Bonzo, it actually is a great country. All we have to do is make it better.
You mentioned the lack of vetting, Big Al. As an equal opportunity offender, here’s a comment you won’t like……
What about Catholic and other ministries getting almost $2 billion in US grants (tax-payer money)to re-settle refugees?
You heard about the Islamic terrorist creating mayhem on Ohio State U. earlier this week?
Guess who was responsible for settling that Criminal in Columbus?
Answer: Catholic charities.
Well there you go we now have proof positive that “The Catholic Church and The Lutheran Church is supporting terrorism in the U.S.”
Common CFS you are smarter that that!
The US Government is great at producing paperwork. Rubbish at actually performing a job well.
Paul Ryan has no conscience, all he cares about is himself and he will kiss b#tt from morning till night 7 days a week, 365 days a year, to keep his high profile job. He talked trash about Trump until the election, and now he is picking up his trash, what a despicable person. DT
Very interesting CFS. I wonder how many unprocessed refugees Obama is willing to take from Australian refugee islands: Manus, Nauru and Christmas island? Is it merely a coincedence that this deal has been recently agreed upon as Barack nears the end of his last term??? Looks a little suss to me.
Ozibatla, it stinks, but the bastard does not care about the US.
You think Hillary was a crook! Just wait until we find out how much Obama has in secret bank accounts.
If true though CFS, will that info ever be divulged?
He was a lowly state politician before becoming president of US.
But has recently bought a DC mansion among embassy row.
He bought an estate in Palm Springs California and has an estate in Hawaii.
All bought since he became President.
He used to have a small house in Chicago prior to being president.
Common CFS “secret bank accounts”? That is getting a bit out there!
Al, that is standard operating procedure for corrupt politicians in other countries. What make the US immune?
If you want ‘out there’ check into the evidence that Obama and the Clintons hang out with Satanists, pedophiles, and Muslim Brotherhood.
Clive Maund is another who has had a sudden change of heart. A month ago he was stating the S&P was looking “very toppy and vulnerable to a significant correction”. Now his latest narrative suggests a fresh leg up in US stocks and a sustained long term price uptrend in the S&P market.
I like Clives pieces for entertainment and interest purposes but take his analysis with a pinch of salt as he is notorious for being abit of a “turn coat”. By changing his rhetoric he is indirectly admitting error on his own behalf.
I often wonder if analysts spend too much time looking at charts? If you analyse every minute detail on a chart, you can find a supportive pattern whenever you may need it. Drawing lines and shading areas all over the place sometimes only illustrates ones imagination.
funny and good points Ozibatla.
We post in a room over at CEO called “AndThenTheresMaund” because most investors that have followed Clive Maund’s work feels the same way. He is entertaining, very intelligent, and some of his technical analysis is actually pretty good, but he has the Dennis Gartman flip-flop thing going on. He also goes so strongly one direction, that when he reverses course, it is very hard to know whether to take any of it seriously.
“And then theres Maund”. Ohh that sentiment is gonna stay with me everytime i read his articles now.
Deutsche Bank to pay $60 million to settle U.S. gold price-fixing case
Deutsche Bank AG has agreed to pay $60 million to settle private U.S. antitrust litigation by traders and other investors who accused the German bank of conspiring to manipulate gold prices at their expense.
The preliminary settlement was filed on Friday with the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, and requires a judge’s approval.
man finds gold horde worth $3.7 mil in inherited home & the tax man cometh heavily!! http://schiffgold.com/key-gold-news/man-finds-gold-horde-worth-3-7-million-deceased-relatives-home/?utm_source=SchiffGold+News+%26+Promotions&utm_campaign=0f8cd45971-PSGN_16_12_02&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0d6db532dd-0f8cd45971-193539809
As Skeeta mentioned previously, if you find $3.7 million in gold, you don’t tell anybody and tell the tax man “I know nothing…” 🙂
China gold premiums soar amid import limits
Cecilia Jamasmie | about 16 hours ago
Trump could reintroduce The Gold Standard, can you imagine the ramifications of abolishing The Fed and bringing back gold backed currency. Trump loves gold and I’m sure the thought of backing The US currency with real money like a fuse backs circuit breakers is on his mind. What has worked in the past will be considered by a President who nobody thought would negotiate peace with his rivals and get his way, “THE ART OF THE DEAL. DT
Most of the government and The American people had forgotten what made America great, Trump is bringing us back to the future. DT
Again, I happen to agree with you Mr. Tracy
Dick, opine if you would on the implications of that.
Glencore keeps Zinc market guessing on capacity:
Andy Home – Reuters
Ex, Northern Dynasty could easily get approval and if it does who knows where the valuation will lie. Markets are hard to predict but a company like this can’t be ignored or shut down by the EPA, at some point especially with a change in government some part or all of this fabulous deposit will be mined. The investors will be rewarded and that will be huge, count on it, meanwhile the hedge funds are buying in! DT
symbol NDM-TSX
Thanks DT. I agree that their asset is very impressive, but it has been embroiled in government stalls and lobbyist groups trying to block their progress for years. Of course, it would be nice if everyone could find a win-win scenario where the mine can benefit all stakeholders involved, but I feel there are other opportunities with a more clear path to success.
There are times though, to be the contrarian investor and bet on the optionality of a deposit and that it’s merits will be realized in the end. There are times where I was willing to stay long a company ensnared in challenges if you believe there is a light at the other end of the tunnel.
For example, I did this with Rye Patch, and went in big early on in their legal dispute with Coeur, because it was obvious they had done everything right and would come out the winner – (obviously that worked out).
Khan Resources was tied up with government nationalization in Mongolia for years, and came out the victor. They’ll likely acquire another Uranium company with their proceeds and become a big player in the next cycle.
There is enough momentum behind Bear Creek Mining that they have a high likelihood of coming out on top of their legal challenges and that will be a large upside value creation event for shareholders.
Mines Management finally came out on top of their multi-year saga, and Hecla acquired them successfully this year. However, that was a long wait for shareholder to have their money tied up dead in the water, so there is also “Opportunity Cost” to having idle money when it could be put into companies that will just be nice leverage on metals prices.
Sabina Silver & Gold also have a great deposit, but they’ve run into government/first nations/caribou issues, and those could still be a deal breaker, but I believe in the competence of the management team to get those issues resolved sometime this next year.
With Northern Dynasty, I’ve been watching it for years, and on that one, I want hard evidence that have a green light moving forward before I’ll touch it. That’s just me though, and I know other very savvy investors that believe and have defended the merits of the deposit and see it as being to important to ignore.
Personally, I wish all those companies all the success that they deserve and believe there is a way to strike a balance between the business, the community, the local government, the environment, and the investor marketplace.
Unfortunately Excelsior, too many completely disregard the concept of “opportunity Cost”!
Dick Tracy – I just saw this discussion about Northern Dynasty (NHK) as a big Katusa pick, and possibly a big Doug Casey pick. With those guys promoting it, then it may move regardless of what happens.
Check out this discussion on stock gumshoe:
*Michael Malone – November 27, 2016 1:18 pm
“I believe this is ( NAK )”
November 27, 2016 11:45 pm
“If it’s NAK then it’s about 6 months too late. The stock has already gone up 300% since June. At $5000 gold there will be a lot of winners.”
*John P Ferrone
November 29, 2016 10:15 am
“I beleve it is Brazil Rescorces”
December 2, 2016 10:08 pm
“Casey is a genuine legend like Rick Rule from Sprott. His protege Katusa just struck out on his own this year with a pay service. I bought. $1500, no refund. I just added $2000 for a lifetime membership literally today. I’ve made many, many multiples of that so far this year from his advice. No brainer. Katusa was the boy wonder for Casey for 10 years picking resource stocks. He picked Brazil Resources early 2016 (I made 250%). He announced NAK about June as I recall. It is my biggest holding and was up 20% today alone for more than 150% total (for me – got in a bit late). NAK remains a no brainer in my mind even after the run up so far – I am expecting a 10+ bagger from here. Buy on a dip. But a third stock recently recommended is JDL Gold. Three companies just merged under a dream team of management and ownership. No debt, lots of cash in the bank, positive cash flow and brilliant, proven ownership/management. So maybe Brazil Resources, maybe NAK, maybe JDL. Maybe someone else. Buy The Casey Report or better yet Katusa’s service or both. It’s not just that they are usually right but we are at a key moment in history regarding resource investing. This is the perfect time for smart resource investing.
Maybe the best in history. I learned the hard way (Allied Nevada) that I can’t pick gold mining stocks. So I am happily following Katusa and Casey. I know I sound like an ad plant but I am a regular Joe investor who feels he found the perfect research service for a perfect point in time to invest in resource companies.”
To my knowledge this was the latest update from NAK on the legal situation:
Northern Dynasty: Pebble Partnership, EPA Agree to Mediation to Resolve FACA Litigation
October 27, 2016
*** Unless certain people are privy to information that things are going to be ruled in their favor? (it’s possible insiders know something the masses don’t yet)
admin | December 1, 2016 | Copper, Metals
admin | November 22, 2016 (Hint: It’s the South African Charter….and will be a drag)
Bitcoin on a tear. Yall need to get a Bitcoin expert on the show to comment.
That’s an interesting idea Jason. I believe some of the issues in India and Europe have spiked the interest from people trying to get money outside of the standard fiat system. Crypto-currencies are definitely getting considered again.
VIX Peaks: A Trend Reversal Is Finally Here
Dec. 2, 2016
Ahead of promised cut, Russia’s Oil output hits record high
Fri Dec 2, 2016 – By Katya Golubkova | MOSCOW
This was an interesting piece on “Eurodollars”…..
The Eurodollar Market: It All Starts Here
In Financial Markets – December 2, 2016
Was really tempted to get in bitcoin back in 2012 before it took right off but just felt uneasy about leaving a so called investment in an online deposit account (Mt Gox). I know of a few people who were victims of the great hack in 2014 and feel vindicated even though i missed the great run up in prices in 2013/14.
Its an interesting development nonetheless that even after its blow off phase in late 2013, the price didnt totally collapse like many guaranteed it would. Not only that, its up nearly 300% since september last year. Legitimate physical asset or not, thats an impressive rally
I have been unemployed for 35 years now and am not included in government statistics.
Thanks heavens for my stock portfolio which has sustained me all these years!
Never with Fidel or Hillary!!!