

We discuss this topic with Chris today.

Big Al
February 3, 2016
We think it is interesting that other Fed people said just the opposite. What do you think?

Fed’s Dudley warns conditions are tightening

Financial conditions have tightened since the Fed raised interest rates in December, New York Fed President Bill Dudley said Wednesday, according to a report from news service MNSI.

Dudley also said in an interview with the agency that continued tightening on conditions would weigh on the Fed, MNSI reported.

He also reportedly warned that additional strength of the U.S. dollar could have “significant consequences” for the U.S. economy.

Dudley is president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and a voting member on the federal central bank’s policy making committee.

His comments come as the Fed ponders its next move on monetary policy. The Federal Open Market Committee in December raised its interest-rate target a quarter point after seven years of keeping it near zero. It was the first rate hike in more than nine years.

Since then, despite policy that Fed officials insist is accommodative, financial markets have been in revolt. Major stock market averages have fallen considerably, with the S&P 500 down more than 8 percent.

At the January meeting last week, the FOMC declined to raise rates and made some changes to its post-meeting statement that Wall Street considered significant. One move was the removal of the word “balanced” when describing risks to the Fed’s outlook.

    Feb 03, 2016 03:37 AM

    The FOMC may have pulled on the string and tightened the noose on the economy last December, very stupidly, but they don’t know what they are doing, IMHO.

    Pushing on a string does not work very well. Never has, never will.

    The US has the highest corporate tax rate in the world, and incompetent leadership (the ideologically addled Big Zero) and a whole Congress of mostly-bought idiots.

      Feb 03, 2016 03:26 PM

      It is my understanding that 75% of Americans to not trust federal politicians. Nor should they!

      Feb 03, 2016 03:21 AM

      Clearly there was a problem with the Democratic side too.
      What are the odds of winning 6 consecutive coin tosses? 1.56%

      Possible, but very odorous.

      Trump, very ignorantly kept raving about Cruz being born in Canada; proving Trump to be ignorant of the actual law.

      Feb 03, 2016 03:31 PM

      I watched that Reverend. As Glen Downs said, “elections here are starting to resemble those in banana republics.” I happen to agree.

    Feb 03, 2016 03:27 AM

    Cruz, in saying that Carson had dropped out, was in fact, repeating a CNN report which was factually incorrect and not corrected by CNN for several hours.
    Cruz ‘s aids were slow in their correction; until it was very late in the evening.
    (Cruz himself was, as far as I know, silent about any Carson drop out)

    Feb 03, 2016 03:32 AM

    Looking at the actual breakdown in voters’ profiles in Iowa, the Christian turn-out was anomalously large. The key to Cruz’s victory.