

Tuesday and the Doctor is In

Big Al
September 15, 2015

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Currently, the Dow is jumping ahead of the Fed decision. Will the markets continue to appreciate?

    Sep 15, 2015 15:52 PM

    Looks like Big G (Gary) is gonna be right about 2K on the S&P. The EVIL “they” are trying to squeeze us shorts out.

      Sep 15, 2015 15:45 PM

      Who is Little G?

        Sep 15, 2015 15:49 PM

        Along those lines, we also know and love Big Al…..but who is Little Al?

        Sep 15, 2015 15:25 PM

        Excelsior, meet Little G: g

          Sep 15, 2015 15:09 PM

          Wow. One more of life’s mystery questions crossed off the bucket list.


    Sep 15, 2015 15:26 PM

    American exceptionalism at its finest. Americans simply outperform, outproduce, and generally are smarter than theire European, Russian, and Chinese counterparts. Pluss the federal reserve has our back.

    The entire world pretty much works for us, and sells their countries natural resources below market price. I just paid 2.12/gal at local gas station. Who knows, its probably Russian or Saudi Arabian produced.

    The world is our slave.

      Sep 15, 2015 15:04 PM

      That is one of the dumbest comments I have seen here.

        Sep 15, 2015 15:17 PM

        one of the dumbest? I thought it was THE dumbest. Thats the point.

          Sep 15, 2015 15:26 PM

          Oh good, what a relief. Sorry.

        Sep 15, 2015 15:30 PM

        … and one of the truest probably!

          Sep 15, 2015 15:32 PM

          … for the time being that is the psychology. I mean that I am agreeing with the second half of the comment starting with the remark about the Fed.

    Sep 15, 2015 15:36 PM

    The Attack of The Apologists TF metals Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    The Bullion Bank Shills and Apologists have begun a coordinated and orchestrated attack against anyone drawing attention to the scam and charade of their fractional reserve system. Rather than let their half-truths and distortions stand unanswered, we thought it best to turn the tables back on them, instead.

    Here’s the timeline of these latest events. In July and August, this site and others diligently chronicled the daily machinations of the delivery fraud of the Comex. The most recent article detailing the recent shenanigans can be found here:

    Sep 15, 2015 15:37 PM

    “The House of Commons debate on assisted suicide was thoughtful, profound and moving, a leading pro-life MP has said.

    Fiona Bruce, who spoke against the Bill, said MPs were determined to seriously weigh up the arguments expressed before deciding how to vote last Friday.

    At the conclusion of the debate, 330 MPs voted against Rob Marris’ Bill, with 118 MPs in favour – a ratio of nearly 3:1.”

    A massive defeat for the would be people snuffers in my view.

    Sep 15, 2015 15:55 PM

    Richard, I keep looking at the commodity channel index (cci) on the HUI monthly. The (monthly) oscillator is more oversold than it’s been in the entire trading history of HUI. It’s at -150+, off the chart! Then I look at the ADX/dmi trend indicators on the monthly HUI and they aren’t budging from displaying a continuing downtrend. It seems like irresistible force meets immovable object.

    Sep 15, 2015 15:06 PM

    Power; thanks for pointing that out. I believe the immovable object wins out for the short term to medium term—–that would be the ADX/dmi trend. I’ve mentioned awhile back that I thing the HUI moves down (potentially) toward 50-75.

      Sep 15, 2015 15:11 PM

      Yikes. 50-75 is pretty low on the HUI. Do you think that will happen by the end of 2015 or early 2016 on the Major Bottom in PMs?

        Sep 15, 2015 15:49 PM

        Excelsior; 50 would be the worse case horrible scenario. I believe that there will be downward pressure on the HUI until about mid-December and most likely it would be in the 80-100 range. That’s the point that I really get interested in some of these PM stocks. That could be the bottom in most of the PM stocks but not necessarily in the PMs which could move a “tad” lower. If the end of the month plays out as I’ve been mentioning—a slow gold move down to about the neighborhood of $1050, the opportunity lies in taking a position in a lot of good companies. A lot of the PM stocks don’t have big % moves down any longer when we get to the end of the year.

          Sep 15, 2015 15:09 PM

          Good call going short the VIX Doc, looks like there is still room to tun there too judging by SVXY.

            Sep 15, 2015 15:48 PM

            A Listener; you’re correct—-it has room to run yet. After it tops out short term, it’ll then get very interesting as to whether we have the “blow off” top mentioned by some of the analysts or whether folks are sucked in to get smashed by another leg down. I’m waiting expectingly for the monthly chart of October to give us some guidance.

          Sep 16, 2015 16:02 AM

          Thanks for the thoughts on PMs towards year end Doc. It’s still a ways off but I didn’t know if you were using the monthly charts and this pegged for year end or early 2016.

            Sep 16, 2015 16:10 AM

            Listen to Gary’s comments on this today, Excelsior.

      Sep 15, 2015 15:33 PM

      Also, sentiment towards gold is at a level of optimism near the lowest levels in the past decade according to SentimenTrader. Nothing seems to be able to break, or brake as the case may be, this downtrend.

    Sep 16, 2015 16:07 AM

    Oil has broken the 50 day as I expected it would soon. It is headed to 48 to 50 soon.

      Sep 16, 2015 16:16 AM

      I think it’s on its way to 55-57.