

Gary feels that a final “bloodbath” in gold is right around the corner.

Big Al
June 5, 2015

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Gary is looking for a significant drop in the price of gold which he feels will make many current holders very uncomfortable and possibly exit their positions with no plans no re-enter the market. As he is predicting a turn upward within a few months, he is suggesting that investors, rather than take significant short term losses simply exit now and stay in cash until a bottom does come.


    Jun 05, 2015 05:16 AM

    I thought the bottom was in at $1700 or was it $1400 or $1300 perhaps $1200 or $1130 how will anyone know when the bottom is in, using the last 4 years as a guide?

    Gary C.T. is going to be calling you nuts! with any calls of bloodbath phase, I thought it was a bankruptcy phase not a bloodbath phase?

      Jun 05, 2015 05:22 AM

      bottoms in secular Bull markets (which gold is in) will come eventually!!

        Jun 05, 2015 05:23 AM

        Exactly what we were told at $1700.$1400.$1200.$1130 Dan. eventually = hope, good luck!

          Jun 05, 2015 05:26 AM


          that’s my bottom for gold ๐Ÿ™‚

          Jun 05, 2015 05:31 AM

          well…you call it hope…. I believe in fundamentals…they matter sooner or later! ๐Ÿ™‚

            Jun 06, 2015 06:18 AM

            Gold has performed poorly even on the recent pullback in the US dollar. This poor performance has been in most major currencies looking at the charts on Kitco for the last 60 days, especially in dollars, pounds and Swiss francs and even in Euros.

            I note also that the Japanese Yen is breaking down which previously correlated in 2013-2014 with the large falls in gold, especially in early 2013. The breakdown in the Yen bodes very badly for gold, given recent history (the last 4- years).

            This could be a secular bear market in gold. it is already, nearly 4 years in the making. The jury is out right now. Perhaps there could be a new bull market from 2017-2014 on the next dollar down cycle whenever that comes but don’t necessarily expect gold to skyrocket when the dollar reaches its top, perhaps in a couple of years’ time. It could end up like 1985-87 with an abortive rally in gold not going to new highs.

            We have had a little cyclical bull in gold in Euros and in other weak currencies for the past year to 18 months but that is correcting at the moment. So there is currently no sign of strength in gold.

            The jury is out altogether but a double bottom at $1130 would not surprise me, nor would a move to $1080 or even $1010 this summer and that might not necessarily be the final low.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:04 AM

      The bottom will be in when Gold closes above and takes out $1382 to the upside.

      The first minor resistance at $1239 didn’t even get tested on the last weak attempt by Gold to rise, but clearly $1308-1309 is the first resistance gate to cross. Next is $1347. The primary target though to show Gold is finally in a confirmed uptrend is $1382.

      Until that happens everyone is still just speculating. As for a bottom, I’ve been fairly consistent that I think $1044.70 and $993.20 are the 2 low bottom support targets; but that really, nobody can rule out that the $1130 Nov 2014 lows were the major bottom.

      The Gold market hasn’t been back to test $1130 yet, and hasn’t broken 1382 to the upside yet. We’re in trading range limbo until either $1130 or $1382 gets tested.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:26 AM

        I will say Gold at $1169 is far closer the $1130 level than $1382, and it is much more probable we’ll be testing the lows this summer.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:21 AM

      I’ve explained this before. A bankruptcy phase is a long drawn out process where overleveraged companies go out of business.

      A bloodbath phase is the last 5-7 days of an intermediate decline.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:27 AM

      Final bottom is likely next summer at about 800 and about 1000 this summer for a temporary bottom with a strong rally of about $200 by the end of Sept.

        Jun 06, 2015 06:28 AM

        I tend to agree but ti does depend mostly on when the dollar tops. Since the major dollar upmove started only a year ago and has in the past lasts at least 3 years (like 1982-1985) or even more (1996-2001). Unless something aborts the dollar bull market early, expect more grief in gold and other commodities.

        Interestingly, the current dollar rally actually came quite late – and looking at the dollar tops in early 1985 and late 2001, the next one might be due sooner (2016 sometime?)

        However, the cycle lengths in the USDX are not quite uniform anyway.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:21 AM

    wheres Matt..??

      Jun 05, 2015 05:22 AM

      he was mauled to death by the gold bear he didn’t see in the room, R.I.P.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:52 PM

        Yeah you wish. My account of many miners is actually up today (not much, but still UP). I’ve been a buyer of select juniors today. Good times. ๐Ÿ™‚

          Jun 05, 2015 05:37 PM

          I think they are talking about the other “Matt” not “Matthew” ๐Ÿ˜‰

            Jun 05, 2015 05:47 PM

            How many paper claims per registered oz on Comex this week?
            Paper claims ready to settle with paper. Uncle Scam unlimited.
            The relevant gold sits in China,India and increasingly so in Russia.

        Jun 06, 2015 06:39 AM

        Ha Ha – Hilarious ๐Ÿ™‚

    Jun 05, 2015 05:23 AM

    Gary, I saw a very strange move in COMEX when the non-farm payrols came in and gold was trash and almost imediatly come back up with 80% volume. What do you think?

    Jun 05, 2015 05:31 AM

    Bankruptcy phase … bloodbath phase … Intermediate cycle, daily cycle …
    eight years cycle … right shift cycle … left shift cycle … really … seriously ?
    I think i’m gone a flip a gold coin.

    Until the comex breaks, gold stays cheap.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:16 AM

      GOOD ONE………A savage with a stick that might cause a bloodbath……. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Jun 05, 2015 05:20 PM


    Jun 05, 2015 05:39 AM

    Got too cocky yesterday and bought GASL thinking job report would come in weak, sending the energy sector soaring. I sold this morning with small gain. Just wondering does anyone think natural gas bottomed, or could it have further to go?

      Jun 05, 2015 05:12 AM

      Jane, I’ll attempt to answer that one. Based on the technicals I follow natural gas like oil has further to fall.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:37 AM

        Thanks, I thought maybe a weak job report would send dollar reeling causing natural gas to bounce off support and rally back up to $3.00. Make my biggest mistakes when I get too cocky. Good thing got out on time. Thanks again.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:40 AM

    Will this bloodbath phase be worse than the bloodbath phase that took gold from 1700 to 1200?

    Jun 05, 2015 05:42 AM

    Gary, are you saying it’s going to be worse than the October 2008 bottom for gold? That would take gold to the low $700s.
    700 is Harry Dent’s prediction.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:24 AM

      It’s going to feel worse although i doubt gold goes below $1000 and if it does it won’t stay there long.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:21 PM

      Harry dent predicted $250 in peter Schiff show last year.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:17 PM

        There would be 0 gold miners left with today’s input costs in mining at $250 an once, so personally anything less than $800-$900 is just nonsense.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:44 AM

    I agree with Gary about the Fed raising interest before long. They have already lost all credibility and will stubbornly try to regain a bit of it. No, it may not be good for markets but the majority of the committee will try it anyway. Don’t forget, if they really knew what they were doing economically, we wouldn’t be where we are in the first place. Then, if things go badly, they can always reverse, but the damage will be done.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:05 AM

      Good thoughts Silverdollar.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:11 AM

    Somewhere in the WORLD there is A BLOODBATH…………..

      Jun 05, 2015 05:12 AM


      Jun 05, 2015 05:21 AM

      Encyclopedias and Telephone books have been rough markets ever since this internet thingy came along. It’s been a blood bath for those over-extended in those markets. ๐Ÿ™‚

        Jun 05, 2015 05:41 AM

        Fuller brush and home tv repair business……………..long gone , along with shoe shine kits and white pressed shirts.

          Jun 05, 2015 05:43 AM

          Wagon Wheels had a tough year, along with VHS resellers.

            Jun 05, 2015 05:46 AM

            floppy discs………and a wang machine…….

            Jun 05, 2015 05:47 AM

            Pong is coming back……along with pac man………..

            Jun 05, 2015 05:51 AM

            a wang machine….did you mean a Tang machine?

            Aliens in the 1970’s wanted to trade rocks for Tang.


            Jun 05, 2015 05:54 AM

            Wang…….1970 first small office computer…….

            Jun 05, 2015 05:55 AM

            Ahead of your time……….

            Jun 05, 2015 05:58 AM

            Tang was that lousy orange drink ………you mix with water…… the 60’s

            Jun 05, 2015 05:32 PM

            Oh yeah….I am familiar with Tang…and was given it by rangers in the desert when I got so dehydrated I was hallucinating and my body was shutting down. They finally convinced me I didn’t need more water but needed electrolytes and explained the reason Tang was given to the astronauts was for concerns of dehydration.

            I responded, “well if it’s good enough for the astronauts dehydration, then it good enough for me.” ๐Ÿ™‚

            Jun 05, 2015 05:36 PM

            Honestly I can think of a million jokes I’d like to make regarding word plays with a Wang Machine and getting Tang…..but they wouldn’t be suitable for this venue.

            I’ll leave it up to everyone else to ponder Wang Machines and Tang’.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:19 AM

    Looks like the call on lower oil was wrong. I sold out yesterday and jumped back in today. Oil stocks started going up while oil was down significantly. Maybe the sentiment is shifting. Oil may help pull the whole market up.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:29 AM

      Better read the news…………saudies are pumping more oil…………

    Jun 05, 2015 05:24 AM

    Gary, unless Jamie Dimon told you so, your guess is as good as others. No technical is relevant with the manipulator.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:45 AM

      I will just try to call the bottom in real time based on my cycle counts and the duration of the bloodbath phase when it begins.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:11 PM

        Why do we have to have a bloodbath phase in gold? why? Why not in stocks? We can call the current one blood bath already. Most miners are only <5% of their peak. Do we really have to go to 1%?. Gold only has this kind of drop once in 35 years, quite bloody already. John Embry called it end game years ago, which is happening now. How about the if the second shoe you are waiting is not dropped.

          Jun 05, 2015 05:31 PM

          Almost all intermediate cycle declines have a final 5-7 day bloodbath phase as the asset makes a final intermediate cycle low. It doesn’t matter whether it’s gold, stocks, oil or the dollar. They all exhibit this complete panic phase at an intermediate degree bottom.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:25 AM

    The studio dog is calling for a gold target of 1033 for this summer.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:04 PM

      The Studio Dog has sat in a lot of these editorials, so I’m not ruling out its opinion.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:29 AM

    I have a $550 bull position on NUGT that gold (major miners) goes UP. I have a $1550 bear position on JDST that gold (minor miners ๐Ÿ™‚ ) goes DOWN. So I am ready for a move to $1150 OR $1250.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:40 AM

    Contrary to what the gold bulls would like you to believe damand is dropping. This should set the stage for the final drop into the 8 year cycle low later this year.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:13 PM

      If the drop in gold price is due to slump in demand, why do you call manipulation. I cannot understand. Are you talking from both side of your mouth?

        Jun 05, 2015 05:17 PM

        This article makes sense. Gold demand drops as prices go down and increases as prices rise which is what makes the bottom and tops. Bottom is close but not in yet. Bloodbath phase needs to occur to wash out ALL long term holders so cartel wipes everyone currently holding in COT. I’ve been on side lines for months and i am waiting for wash out of COT on extreme side so i can murk this sh1t good. Murk’em

          Jun 05, 2015 05:30 PM

          AmeriKans will Perot bye low sell high, bye low sell high Polly wanna cracker! But when YOU buy low to sell high later the same Perots say why are you buying that asset, it’s not worth anything. lol Stupid Perots.

          Jun 05, 2015 05:31 PM

          If you know physics you know this is called positive feedback. It is used to make 1 and 0 in computer. If demand drop as price drops, the price will drop to 0. On the contrary if price goes up, the demand goes up too, the price will go to infinity. So you can have two states, 0 and infinity (top limit in electronics). In any other field, we have negative feedback, so things change contineously instead of jumping between two states. This requires price drop demand up, price up demand drop.

            Jun 05, 2015 05:04 PM

            As Rick Rule likes to say, the cure for low prices is low prices and vice versa.

            Jun 05, 2015 05:40 PM

            I always loved that line and it really makes sense when you think about. When I first heard it, I thought:”What the heck!? This guy is an idiot.” But then when I listened further and replayed his interview over to hear everything he had to say, it all made sense and I thought then: “Damn. Why didn’t I think of that?”

            Jun 05, 2015 05:28 PM


            Jun 05, 2015 05:42 PM

            It would make more sense to a lot more people in the context of shopping at the grocery store. Low prices would lead to empty shelves if prices weren’t allowed to adjust with demand. The market rations goods and services automatically if it’s allowed to.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:34 PM

        The manipulation is both up and down. The bullion banks trade against the trend funds computers.But the general trend is still down.

        Jun 05, 2015 05:49 PM

        One day it is manipulation and the other day it is supply/demand …
        Is Gold Becoming Illegal?

      Jun 05, 2015 05:22 PM

      Mint gold coin sales are the major influence on PM prices? Give me a break.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:05 PM

    Murki’em lol

    Jun 05, 2015 05:10 PM


    Oil is closing significantly higher today. Could it be you jumped the gun abandoning your earlier call for higher oil?

    Jun 05, 2015 05:12 PM

    Your comment regarding gold today are spot on! I’ve been waiting in the wings for this to come ( thought it would have been a bit sooner… ) and hope this move confirmed the start of it. I do believe we might see a bottom by sometime in July.
    The last few weeks of the wash should be interesting for sure.

    Great comments today for sure, Gary.

      Jun 05, 2015 05:19 PM

      Gary has been spot on IMHO for last few months.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:18 PM


    Jun 05, 2015 05:26 PM

    This is where BitGold can save some of these countries …

    Jun 05, 2015 05:31 PM

    I can’t wait for these juniors to start going belly up. No pain, no gain. Their pain will be my $$$.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:54 PM

    Now a 3rd merger in the Uranium space announced in the last few months. Why would 3 different larger players in Uranium all go shopping at once if they didn’t feel now was the time to position for long-term growth in the Uranium sector?


      Jun 05, 2015 05:08 PM

      1) Energy Fuels takeover of Uranerz (that should be completed this month)
      2) Boss Power takeover of Anthem Resources
      3) โ€ฆ and nowโ€ฆโ€ฆUranium Resources takeover of Anatolia Energy

      So who’s next in the consolidation of the Uranium space?
      Are we near the bottom here in Uranium and that is why M&A are picking up suddenly?

    Jun 05, 2015 05:40 PM

    Good points, Shad

      Jun 05, 2015 05:26 PM

      Thank you sir!

    Jun 05, 2015 05:29 PM

    Bo Polny, who used to be a guest here, is calling for a massive surge in gold before june 21. He insists that we should hang on. A true genious.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:44 PM

    Wonderful…another blood bath…as if the last ten weren’t enough.

    Jun 05, 2015 05:59 PM

    China announces 20,000 tonnes of gold bloodbath.
    Oh,year,back to the American Fed paper reality show backed by thin air.
    Lap up that shock and awe.

    Jun 06, 2015 06:11 PM

    I hope Gary is correct about gold getting hit. It will be a great opportunity to load up on some gold coins and gold shares of the juniors.
    Only time will tell..
    Good luck ALL!

    Jun 07, 2015 07:48 AM

    Gold needs to move on……..stop bottom fishing and expect things to be better later,,,,,,this is later………Time waits for no man, time is short, and gold is well over due for it’s justified price, which should be well over $2300.

    Jun 08, 2015 08:08 AM

    The predictions and comments on this site are so in useless information…I don`t even read it anymore