

Monday Special with Eric Coffin

Big Al
June 23, 2014

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    Jun 23, 2014 23:58 AM

    This guy hits it on the bullseye! The key is not jumping in the fall but smart money jumping in ahead of that move. Im going to post that on my wall. Statement of the week.

      Jun 23, 2014 23:37 AM

      He has been hitting bullseyes for quite some time Glenfidish!

    Jun 23, 2014 23:06 AM

    What I worry about is that sentiment and volume has been so low, that with the recent buying of mining stocks many have slammed up into overbought conditions.
    I know stocks can stay overbought for long periods of time, but it is a warning flag.
    I have been buying for several weeks, because some of the really small companies are simply hard to buy in quantity without driving up the price.

    Jun 23, 2014 23:19 AM

    I also seriously monitor the price of oil and energy stocks, because energy is the lifeblood of all viable economies.
    There seems to be a disconnect in the US with reality. Maybe it is just complacency, I don’t know.
    I consider volume in trading as very important, second only to price.
    Watching volume data on Brent today versus Cushing, for example, Brent volume was much higher than normal, Cushing was lower; Brent was slightly up, WTI was slightly down.
    I know there are variables such as inventory levels and storage capacity that I am not considering, but the US seems to think there is no oil problem in the world, whereas most of the rest of the world (especially Europe) seems very concerned.
    This divergence of opinion concerns me.

      Jun 23, 2014 23:22 AM


        Jun 23, 2014 23:22 AM


          Jun 23, 2014 23:39 AM

          Hi Jerry,

          I went to verify it and it turned out to be false. Sorry. Am I right?

            Jun 23, 2014 23:42 AM

            see my notes on the subject at Gary’s post…………..I also, went to and read a different article…………but, there are still a lot of EXECUTIVE ORDER, and they seem to ELIMINATE the rights provided by the CONSTITUTION…….Let’s compare notes………..thanks…………………………….j………….

            Jun 23, 2014 23:03 AM

            Constitution doesn’t provide rights, it protect them. Rights come from God.

            Jun 23, 2014 23:50 PM

            Yes they certainly do, Wayne!

            Jun 23, 2014 23:10 AM

            got ya Wayne……….sorry……for the wrong word…………You are correct…..thanks

        Jun 23, 2014 23:50 AM

        No. What exactly was the topic? It’s easy enough to dig it out, if I know what it was about.

          Jun 23, 2014 23:09 AM

          The topic was executive orders of OBAMA……….it was a 500 word or longer essay concerning the number of executive orders that Obama has issued while in office.
          I know you and I have mentioned this before…………maybe about a year ago, at that time you corrected the number of executive order, which was posted as incorrect.
          I may have jumped the gun, on my concerns,,,concerning the removal of the post of JOHN B…………..but, it did mention the ZERO, ELIMINATING BY EXECUTIVE ORDER the rights provided by the Constitution , which is not news by itself, ……..But, I thought the article might have contained additional info. of any NEW EXECUTIVE ORDERS, which seem to happen on a daily occurrence. My CONCERN , was that the article DISAPPEARED SO QUICKLY………it got me nervous…….with the BIG ZERO in command, anything can happen…………respectfully……………………..j………….

            Jun 23, 2014 23:51 PM

            Your Big Zero had nothing to do with it. I am careful in our efforts to only post credible information.

            Jun 23, 2014 23:31 PM

            I would expect nothing else,,,,,,but, reliable info………..Not my ZERO…….

      Jun 23, 2014 23:38 AM

      What did you think of Gary’s comment earlier today re: energy?

        Jun 23, 2014 23:14 PM

        Short Crude is my bet.

    Jun 23, 2014 23:56 AM

    The 50 minute video here:
    is worth watching.
    This indicates my views on the subject of energy and resources.

    Jun 23, 2014 23:02 AM

    This is the only article I can recall recently about executive orders in the mainstream media:

    Jun 23, 2014 23:38 AM
      Jun 23, 2014 23:39 PM

      What land grab? The authorization enables the creation of ecosystems and parks in areas where landholder conflicts may arise. So it is just something that enables expropriations where needed and as seen fit. Like the Bundy Ranch as one example. Sounds good to me.

        Jun 23, 2014 23:08 PM

        Bundy, under the law, owes the govt a ton of money! Note that the rest of pay whether we agree or not.

    Jun 23, 2014 23:56 PM

    When did you last read the Constitution,Birdman?

      Jun 23, 2014 23:25 PM

      CFS… Judging by what the bird posts about the dollar, tells me he has no understanding of the Constitution….But I must say I enjoy his comments.

    Jun 23, 2014 23:26 PM

    The evolution of money in eight easy steps:

    First there were monkeys picking nits of each others scalps. We had no cash in those days so payment was in kind. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. That was money in the monkey kingdom. We still use that money today I am told.

    Later we got a little more sophisticated. As cavemen, not all hoods were alike. Some of us had better gardens, more wood for fences and fatter chickens. Some of us were closer to the buffalo runs. Also we really needed help from other tribes with the annual hunt. So barter with labour developed. We worked together and shared in the proceeds. Socialistic perhaps but it worked. It was a big advance over picking nits off our scalps.

    Later on the whole money thing really heated up. As we developed societies we discovered that others could produce things for us that we could not make ourselves. But we still had no money. That was when trade broke out and one guy discovered he could trade a chicken for another guys baked bread or woven pants. The excitement was palpable.

    We moved on quickly after that. Bigger traders came and caravans and camels arrived. They wanted something of value in trade that was ordinarily difficult for others to acquire. Transportability was a big issue with them. So metal, salt, gold, silver and spices substituted for the things we needed directly. We may have wanted wheat but we discovered it made a lot more sense to take metals as they were easier to transport and exchange them with someone nearer where we lived.

    Well it was just a matter of time before someone made metals into a system with measures. The first money was borne as lumps of copper, iron, gold and silver that could be weighed and whose values were known. Not long after, those same lumps were formed into uniform coins. Currency was born. We celebrated our own genius.

    As time went on though we discovered that the metals system was limiting our growth. For some odd reason those shiny little coins kept ending up in hoards where all the metal was in the hands of one group of people and none in the hands of the other. The system was failing since it drove trade to a standstill and forced us to go to war to get some of it back.

    So us people invented paper money to transfer wealth and make trade and we decided it was better to keep our gold and silver in vaults at home and instead just trade with paper notes and bills. It was a brilliant achievement. Trade flourished and most of us got wealthier.

    But that system had problems too. Some of the tribe were cheating and they printed more paper than there was gold in the vaults. We learned the meaning of bank runs and how furious paper holders could get once the gold was found to be gone. So then a few bright guys had an even better idea. This one was going to be the greatest ever because it would get rid of that pesky gold once and for all.

    We would just print money and not offer gold anymore. That was really the best idea yet.

    Under this new system we could become very rich without even having to own anything of value. A big military was however helpful in making it all work. Everyone participated and we pretended that sometimes our money was worth more and other times the other guys money was worth more.

    Even the brightest minds could not see through the veil. So that went on for quite awhile until people discovered that everyone was actually getting poorer together no matter what the money was worth compared to other money. It was a dilemma that demanded a new solution. The answer was to figure out a way so the people could not compare the money of course.

    We knew the old system had to end. Something better was needed to replace it. And then it struck a bunch of smart guys what the real answer would be. We would just stop printing paper! Who needs that old junk anyway. Better yet, lets not even have different kinds of paper. One would surely do and pretty soon everyone will have money again and none of it will go up or down based on other money.

    And that is where the world is heading now. We won’t have paper anymore. Soon enough we won’t have different kinds of paper money either. Just one kind in electronic bits and bytes that everyone enjoys access to and uses happily day to day. And not a man in a million will be able to figure out its true worth because it is going to be worth whatever they are told. Only computers can count that new money anyway.

    And that is the evolution of money in eight easy steps. Step nine is telepathy by the way. 😉

      Jun 23, 2014 23:14 PM

      Monkeys us?

      Remember the old Spencer Tracy movie or are you too young!

    Jun 23, 2014 23:31 PM

    The Scopes trial movie was remade recently.
    Here’s the trailer: