

Vladimir Putin’s New York Times Editorial

Big Al
September 12, 2013

I would bet that most of you have read this, but if you have not click here.

I sure would like to hear what you think about this!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:36 AM

    For years now Obama has been telling the whole world we are not exceptional so why would it matter if Putin does?

      Sep 12, 2013 12:25 AM

      In all fairness, I don’t recall him having said that.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:25 PM

      Good question!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:51 AM

    Right on, Comrade Putin.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:26 AM

      Interesting editorial coming from a former KGM member!

        Sep 12, 2013 12:26 AM

        Putin was the head of the KGB for years. DT

          Sep 12, 2013 12:44 PM

          Okay so not a good guy. How about the other one?

    Sep 12, 2013 12:51 AM

    Their tyrant is more insightful than our tyrant.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:26 AM

      I would have to agree Tex.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:19 PM

      He is one hell of an opportunist that’s for sure.

        Sep 12, 2013 12:25 PM

        Yes, he certainly is!

      Sep 13, 2013 13:41 AM

      Yes Tex, but we better watch out for Obama the Lob-a-Bomba on Syria, et al

      Here’s the segmented messages coming out of the White House at carefully scheduled time intervals so as not to couple the two and reawaken the resistance against bombing Syria with no boots on the ground–as did Japan when they bombed the hell out of Pearl Harbor:

      First, the WH calls for Congress to delay the vote allowing him to go to war, but “not in the classic sense of the word”–God help us! Then again, we should give Karry the benefit of the doubt: you can’t rule out the he was abducted by aliens who remove portions of his brain.

      Next, White House proxies and shills are out there saying the WH doesn’t need Congress’s approval or a declaration of war to start WWIII.

      Thus, we need that vote ASAP knowing full well Obama will lose and Congress will take back their Constitutional authority, right and obligation to declare war in any sense of the word. No more Texas two-stepping or barnyard chicken shuffling from our presidents. Our Speaker of the HOuse needs to put on his big boy pants and schedule the debate and vote on the floor–not tomorrow or whenever, but right now.

      Some say this will the tie our President’s hands. Well, exactly! We the taxpayers can no longer afford this nonsense; we the people have sacrificed enough of our sons and daughters for reasons coming out of our White House(s) that can’t stands the light of day or test of time. .

        Sep 15, 2013 15:05 PM

        Great comment BJ! Thank you!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:57 AM

    Any advocate of the United Nations, a blueprint for global conquest put in place by the Marxist agents of big banksters, ought not to be listened to or trusted. It is unfortunate indeed that many do not understand Marxism and it’s goals. Al, have you read The Communist Manifesto? Are you an advocate of public education? If so, you are a Marxist and are therefore working against the very principles of freedom you claim to cherish. I think you admitted once to reading The Creature from Jekyll Island. The same author has also written about the United Nations. I respectfully suggest that you read the most widely read political pamphlet in the history of the world and pick up a book by Griffin on the UN. Working to GET US OUT!

      Sep 12, 2013 12:25 AM

      When the girls were school age Kathy and I were not in nearly the same position financially that we are now. We had to really cut corners, but we spent a total of about $500K to send them to private schools. That should answer you question about my stance on public education.

      I will, by the way, read Griffin’s book on the UN


    Sep 12, 2013 12:23 AM

    Obama #Fail

    Sep 12, 2013 12:23 AM

    I ask you all who has been the aggressor(s) since the end of World War II, and who has learned from their mistakes.

    America was the sole superpower and they violated the trust of other nations so much so that the others who can’t stand down the aggressor have decided to acquire the only means they can to act as a deterrent making the whole world vulnerable to apocalypse. The United States by acting irresponsibly has endangered us all. I say seek peace and safe harbour and listen to Putin’s criticism. DT

      Sep 12, 2013 12:28 AM

      I agree Machine Gun!

      Sep 12, 2013 12:59 AM

      Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. After WW2, the US had control of the world, perhaps not absolute power, but close, so it matters not that in prior generations America chose to tend to their own business: after WW2, virtually by default, the US called the shots, got used to it, and seemed to think it was now their God-given right to police the world. Now that arrogant attitude is being challenged. But power, once established, is difficult to relinquish, and even Americans can now see too much power is not a good thing, so I think Putin’s words internationally are being accepted as much wiser than those of bellicose Obama.

        Sep 12, 2013 12:09 PM

        Arnie D,

        I have to agree.

        Sep 12, 2013 12:21 PM

        No Arnie, he is just a better manipulator.

          Sep 12, 2013 12:30 PM

          Not sure he is better, but he is good!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:27 AM

    It is embarrassing to read this because basically Putin is lecturing us about the proper way to manage our empire. What a shame.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:29 AM

      I am certainly with you, Glen.

    Sep 12, 2013 12:38 AM

    Don’t you remember the Obama apology tour?

      Sep 12, 2013 12:38 PM

      I certainly do now. Thanks The Greater!
      By the way, how coould I Forget!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:13 AM

    Wow, that actually got printed in a U.S. newspaper?

    1953 the americans overthrow the democraticaly elected president
    Dr.Mohammad Mossadegh wanted irans oil for iran.
    1954 Guatamala presedent Jacobo Guzman wanted land for panamanian people
    americans killed him.
    1981 ecuador presedent Jaime Aguilera wanted resources ecuadors people
    americans killed him
    panama 1981 Presedent Omar Torrijos did renegotiate the panama canal, but getting americans to repay debt was too much. americans killed him.
    Venesuala 2002 attempted coup of presedent Chavez. wanted oil for people
    coup failed, now on invasion list.
    2003 Iraq, Hussein would not accept same deal as saudis, couldnt be assasinated,
    invasion. we all know what lies were told.
    Phillipines, Marcos corrupted
    Chili Peniche corrupted,
    Iran the Shaw corrupted
    How many am I missig, oh ya, Vietnam, 2-3 million dead, 58 thousand americans
    but geez,oil,banks and the military industrial complex made alot of money so I guess it was worth it.
    How many more am I missing?

    Sucks being right when your government is wrong, Voltaire said somthing like that I believe.

    Almost want to see this paper with my own eyes before I believe this actualy got printed. What are they up to now?

      Sep 12, 2013 12:01 PM

      I have no reason to believe it was not printed.

    Sep 12, 2013 12:28 AM

    BTE FWIW – Putin’s two daughters were born in Germany when their Father was stationed there as a membe of the KGB and they still live there, love it there and staying there. So he is not going to do any harm on Europe.

    Putin is winning the moral issue on the U.S. potential strike on Syria. But he has to now follow thru and get the chemical weapons out of Syria. If he doesn’t, the blame will come his way. So he has to solve it fairly quickly or he is seen as someone who talked but couldn’t get it done when he had the chance. He can’t hide forever behind the United Nations.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:05 PM

      Great point, Fred!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:09 PM

    What really shocked me about Obama’s speech was his comment that America is exceptional, implying of course, more just and moral and righteous than the rest of the world. Of course that’s not true, and it certainly wasn’t diplomatic. Of course his speech was mainly directed to Americans, but the rest of the world heard it too, so I don’t think it will earn Obama any brownie points, at home or abroad. Sad, sad, sad.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:11 PM

      Certainly no brownie points from here!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:51 PM

    Why do the Syrians need to surrender there Chemical Arsenal and Israel get to keep ther Nuc’s. That’s not a Balanced approach! I am Advocating that the Dictators in Damascus surrender there Chemical’s and the Corrupt Israel Government there Nuc’s.

      Sep 12, 2013 12:11 PM

      Why stop there, Mike, a good idea should include all the nations. DT

      Sep 12, 2013 12:21 PM

      Makes sense doesn’t it?

      Sep 12, 2013 12:30 PM

      Mike, there is not a civil war in Israel. I don’t recall that Israel has even had any influence in the troubles within Syria either nor been significantly involved in any aspect of the turmoil. At this point they are merely a bystander but are also being affected by the spillover of refugees driven out by Assad. Why even mention them? That is like saying Mexico should be punished for US warships anchoring off the coast of Syria.

        Sep 13, 2013 13:41 PM

        Bird, Isreal has no influence? I think the occupied golan heights might belong to syria.

          Sep 15, 2013 15:11 AM

          That does not relate to Syria’s civil war which is a political event within the country.

    Sep 12, 2013 12:04 PM

    Israel is surrounded by pyschopaths that want to eliminate them from the map

      Sep 12, 2013 12:31 PM

      If you check a map of Isreal 1946, you might understand why so many want to reduce Isreal.

        Sep 12, 2013 12:32 PM

        If you check a map of Israel from the days prior to Caesar you might see it in another light.

          Sep 12, 2013 12:49 PM

          Prior to the ceasers? 1000 bc? soloman? If we replaced all peoples around the world to where they were in that time period borders would be quite differant indeed.
          Just my opinion but a 1946 map compared to todays explains pretty well I think.

            Sep 15, 2013 15:12 AM

            That 1946 map is a manipulation of the facts and everyone knows it.

          Sep 13, 2013 13:34 AM

          Days prior to Caesar? are you kdding me? then all of us accross the Americas should give our lands back to the native americans.

    Sep 12, 2013 12:44 PM




      Sep 12, 2013 12:33 PM

      I gotta disagree silverman.

        Sep 13, 2013 13:52 AM

        Me too bemb.

        Israel’s so-called sanity is only skin deep. The whole notion of aliya was and is insane. As for James saying Israel is surrounded by psychopaths, he can’t see that Israel has quite enough psychopaths of its own. Read the Mordechai Vanunu story as just one illustration of that. There was a time when I rooted 100% for Israel, but absolutely no way now. The Zionists are a scourge. Christian principles’ Silver Man are only evident within a tiny minority of Jews living in Israel.

        The trouble is Silverman is that Christianity MUST evolve if it is to deemed plausible let alone honest to those who can’t accept it. Obama may even be right in the sense that much U.S. Christianity, from where I see it, is full of voodoo, self-righteousness and creepy fundamentalism.

          Sep 13, 2013 13:09 AM

          Andrew,Havnt read “Vanunu” story, but have read some winners.
          Interesting you mentioning “evolving”
          I figure thats true with all the religions, maybe everything actually.
          I see the “creator” as constantly expanding, or evolving. Just me of course.

            Sep 13, 2013 13:24 AM

            Yes bemb – I wish to ‘God’ He was as accessible to me as he seemed to be to the old guys in the OT. I don’t get bolts of lightning or even prayers answered in some way to give instant gratification, and boy have I tried asking!!

            Best, A

            Sep 15, 2013 15:13 PM

            I share you wishes, but I am truly comfortable with my personal relationship with Him.

            Sep 13, 2013 13:17 AM

            Andrew, lol, answered prayers, I once prayed for somthing. After about 5 years I got what I was after exactly as asked for. I understood that it took awhile to set up the precice curcumstances required. But I got it, the info really change my thinking.
            My point tho, sometimes they dont come as bolts of lightning, sometimes time is required. I guess you already knew that. Funny how prayer actually works somtimes.

            Sep 15, 2013 15:25 PM

            Funny how prayer works all the time!

            Sep 13, 2013 13:59 AM

            Nice way of putting it benb, although five years sounds pretty instant to me! lol.

          Sep 15, 2013 15:55 PM

          I don’t even consider what those folks are saying in any of my thoughts! They are simply crazy!

    Sep 12, 2013 12:44 PM

    Note to Obama,

    Never bring checkers to a chess match!

    Sep 13, 2013 13:34 AM

    I see Putin as a a hard nose communist that has made our president look fallabe in the eyes of the mainstreet media. That accomplishment alone is well worth the price of admission.

      Sep 15, 2013 15:27 PM

      I have to agree with you on this one LGC.

      I am not surprised; however, in the way this situation seems to be working out.