

Bob and Al discuss the little tail wagging the big dog.

Big Al
August 27, 2013

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    Aug 27, 2013 27:41 AM

    It’s sobering but refreshing to hear Bob’s views on this critical subject. Here we go again, just like dire warnings about WMD a decade ago re Iraq (proved baseless). The western powers want war, so pretexts will be found to justify it, even if they have to be manufactured. And with the power that the media have, even though polls show opposition to war, it will happen again. Woe is us!

      Aug 27, 2013 27:00 PM

      Hope not, Arnie D because this one would be a lot worse than Iraq or any of the others!

      Aug 27, 2013 27:30 PM

      Bob is not an alarmist he is a truth sayer who doesn’t need to take the truth serum. DT

        Aug 27, 2013 27:48 PM

        I happen to completely agree with you again, Machine Gun!

      Aug 27, 2013 27:26 PM


      Bob is a man’s man. The last of a dieing breed. I always enjoy his perspective as he and I have an open dialog off air from time to time.

      What is unfolding is not by accident or chance. We have the world on the cusp of complete financial, moral, and cultural disintegration. The very fabric of humanities coping mechanisms have been compromised by decades of the world’s ruling elite and shadow govt’s enclaves and highly skilled and targeted indoctrination programs.

      Every western nation has a full scale propaganda and control architecture woven throughout its society that maneuvers the dumbed-down masses in organic, counter-intuitive directions without exposure through a Hegelian Dialectic feeding frenzy.

      It starts in the public school systems in most all nations at grade one and evolves through years of indoctrination implementation to be used as a intellectual firewall to delay and obstruct critical thinking so that questions and accountability is always in the abstract. It is critical that the oligarch structure maintain full power at all time and remain unexposed to the dumb masses so the ruling elite can carryout the never ending war machine and a close second is financial domination with those two forces interchangeable at all times to facilitate never ending profits and control at the top.

      Now the scales have tilted in a very real and dangerous direction because full spectrum dominance is so profound and diabolical because of the addition of the unchecked “Surveillance Architecture” that is fully implemented and above the law or any checks and balances.

      Never before have the legacy puppet masters (World Banking / Monarchy elite) that have and are in charge of world militarism and shadow governing bodies for centuries been confronted with such an avalanche of collapsing financial institutions, immoral and decaying societies replicated through a general breakdown of human cohesion on a global scale.

      Simply put: the sociopaths and psychopaths in charge of the US and other western nations have run up against the reality of the exponential yield curve of growth and power sustainment on a natural equilibrium. Now in today’s world everything, every action has at its roots the mechanism of FORCE.

      We and the world in general have been consumed by something like a “Borg Parasite” These are sick, selfish humans that lack empathy or compassion……..They derive and evolve as only they can….as power hunger organisms that have consumed the halls of power with no respect for human life.

      We as a world are literally on the brink of the beginning of WWIII and as always the killing fields will be repenished so the American people can watch it from the comfort of their living rooms.

      This time God almighty in his disgust for the hubris of man will be sitting this out and watching from afar!

        Aug 28, 2013 28:20 PM

        I truly hope that your last paragraph is not correct, V!

          Sep 02, 2013 02:34 PM

          I needed to look up Hegelian Dialectic on Wikipedia!
          Anyway, despite all their faults, I would rather learn to read in a state school than have no chance to learn to read at all like many of my pre-Victorian era working class counterparts.
          I don’t think that children necessaily believe what they are taught in school and furthermore, it is not a given that homeschooled kinds will learn critical thinking. They might just learn their parents’ and tutors’ prejudices.
          Anyway, my best friend’s little 6 year old boy asked me a profound question on his sister’s birthday last week. I can’t remember the question but it struck me at the time. He is capable of abstraction and critical thinking. When he was 4 he asked ”Where does the sun go at night?” and other things, though his recent question was more philosophical. He didn’t ask his teacher; he asked his Dad’s friend, i.e. me, while we were all dining out. The teachers can show him how to count, to read words and write words, then he will educate himself at home with books and on the internet, like his big sister. I buy her books for every birthday. They are lovely people, a real family. I fear for these kinds because of the psychos running our nations and they will need all their resources to survive and prosper. However, the world will be theirs, good or bad.
          Al, people on the show are overdosing a bit on doom and gloom. When has the Middle East ever been at peace? Never – and it never will be, untl Armageddon wipes it all out into a scorched desert.

            Sep 03, 2013 03:07 PM

            Some comments on gloom and doom, Silverbug Dave.

            First of all, your comment on the Middle East mirror mine exactly.

            Secondly, yes there is some gloom and doom on our show.

            I; however, don’t really view it as gloom and doom. I view it as a piece of reality that simply needs to be considered.

            Best to you.

    Aug 27, 2013 27:12 PM

    Site Suggestion for Al and Cory:
    Why not set up an “open thread” then members could share, discuss, debate etc.current events or other topics of interest. This could be set up come on line at midnight. Then the comments for the other links could be kept on topic so to speak… Just an idea as i often have links to share in the morning and just can not find an appropriate place to post them.

      Aug 27, 2013 27:35 PM

      Great idea Bobby,

      I will forward this on to Sarah and certainly discuss with Cory.

    Aug 27, 2013 27:30 PM

    Here is the “olive branch,” for those who haven’t seen it:

    Fascinating discussion. If I was Prince Bandar, I would watch my back. I wonder about the Saudis re-thinking who their friends are.

      Aug 27, 2013 27:45 PM

      Thanks Lore,

      I just posted the link to this article.


      Sep 02, 2013 02:37 PM

      Can you spell ‘Polonium’? Or perhaps he had better watch out for men with sharp pointed umbrellas!

    Aug 27, 2013 27:53 PM

    U.S. and European media propaganda machine has always been used to make Vladimir Putin appear to be a very evil man. I would suggest that the most evil people on the planet are the President of the U.S., his Cabinet, the Penatgon, CIA, NSA, Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Big Corporate America. Putin may not be a saint but who is. Putin hasn’t started any wars, has he? Syria is Russia’s ally. If one of the U.S. allies was attacked, the U.S. would say that is an act of war. But if the U.S. and its allies attack Syria, isn’t that an act of war against Russia? You bet it is.

      Aug 27, 2013 27:41 PM

      Good point, Fred!

        Sep 02, 2013 02:38 PM

        People here in the UK that I speak to think Putin is about the only world leader who has a brain.

          Sep 03, 2013 03:09 PM

          He certainly does have a brain, Silverbug Dave!

    Aug 27, 2013 27:55 PM

    I personaly can not see Ron Paul as President, but he would make a damned good Secretary of State or defense.

    Al,,,it has been about OIL, since the auto was invented………

      Aug 27, 2013 27:28 PM

      I said early today before this interview with Bob, war is unpredictable and you don’t know what sort of surprise the other guy has up his sleeve. I am not just talking about Russia this is also about China and they are very nervous that The US will effect their price of oil that could bring down their government. Look out you could be fighting on several fronts and that is a countries biggest military No, No! DT

        Aug 27, 2013 27:48 PM

        All I can say Machine Gun is that if this escalates into a war, we law abiding and opinionated citizens of the U.S.; Canada; etc. are in very deep you know what!

      Aug 27, 2013 27:42 PM

      Of course it has! Or at least soon after!

    Aug 27, 2013 27:09 PM

    Fred maybee you are right with one exeption! Please do not see Goldman and JP on the Same Side! JP is the next and last Wall Street Institution that needs to fail (there where 6 on the beginning of the Century)!! Wall Street will be Goldman and only Goldman will be Wallstreet!

    Aug 27, 2013 27:40 PM

    If you remember whenever a Monica Lewinksy story would try to dominate a news cycle Slick Willy would bomb some tents or an aspirin factory. Do you remember Bill leaving the Vineyard to return to Washington to launch some missiles when Monica was testifying before a Grand Jury? Nothing will spike a negative news cycle than the Commander killing some people….how Machiavellian…..but who are we dealing with but people who think they are more than a “Prince.”
    Maybe Obama is trying to distract us from Benghazi and the Egypt devolution.
    Do you remember when this was Obama’s line: All we need to do is talk…. We need to talk……Watch the whole clip this admin’s foreign policy is either pathetic and/or intentionally evil……………..:

    OFF THE WALL…………as we approach LABOR DAY,,,,,should we not just take off a HALF DAY……since we only have HALF EMPLOYMENT…….

    Aug 28, 2013 28:12 AM

    al a bick plan day shuts down the embassies and dan chemcial weapons end spin news and attack ! and all is ok CHINA RUSSIA EUROPE USA ALL 1 ! the new world order

      Aug 28, 2013 28:13 AM