

Is the gold market looking more like 1975 and 76?

Big Al
July 9, 2013

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    Jul 09, 2013 09:44 PM

    Was Cory even born before 1975?

    Jul 09, 2013 09:01 PM

    You seem to forget that revolving credit use increases at times of necessity. With stagnant wages and increased expenses, the credit card is for many a last resort. Consumer confidence numbers are as manipulated as the CPI. People in the “real” world can see the inflation, even if it is hidden in the reduced product size. Big Ben’s tapering is a sign that he knows inflation is closer then it appears. When the “head” rat begins to leave the ship you should know whats coming.

      Jul 10, 2013 10:19 PM


      Big Al

    Jul 09, 2013 09:11 PM

    Would that be lots of ratlings?

    or lots of rattlings?

      Jul 10, 2013 10:21 PM

      I know that many don’t believe this, but IT IS NOT ABOUT RATINGS!

      Big and Old Al (Does this make any sense?)

    Jul 09, 2013 09:14 PM

    GLD inventory dropped another 7.21 tonnes today.

    Jul 09, 2013 09:23 PM

    But SLV dropped (confirm dropped) 16.5 tonnes.
    Does this mean the COMEX is also running out of silver?

    Jul 09, 2013 09:29 PM

    What is also interesting that over time one sees an ebb and flow in and out of dealer accounts and customer accounts. As I look at the numbers for the various banks it appear to me some concern for safety of deposits is beginning to start. There is consistent unilateral flow out of customer accounts.

    Jul 09, 2013 09:53 PM

    Well now we know part of the reason for the oil surge:
    Panic in the Gulf of Mexico….

    Jul 09, 2013 09:13 PM

    What did I say a couple of weeks ago about this?

    Please read this story.
    I don’t expect any blame to be assigned, but it stinks.
    The arrogance of the administration, that thinks it has the right to act illegally, unconstitutionally, has no bounds.
    I said this accident did not pass the smell test a couple of weeks ago, and the assumption should be made of assassination rather than accident. With more details like “no skid marks, now available, I’m more sure. I’ll make a further prediction: autopsy will show no smoke in the lungs. Michael Hastings was killed before he hit the tree, and the fire was to cover up as many facts as possible.
    (Darn! Now I have to put on the false beard and trench coat again)

    Jul 09, 2013 09:56 PM

    I have never bought gold because I was fearful of the financial system or fearful of inflation. When I bought it was like anything else it was I believe undervalued, and I have always bought physical again to avoid counter party risk. ( a bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush). I haven’t purchased any gold now for 26 months.

    I am not worried at all about the price of gold now because The US debt is my insurance policy and you can’t find a better insurer than that. The Fed is on fire and their trapped and we will see deflation when the debt defaults. Gold will hold it’s value no matter what. DT

      Jul 10, 2013 10:26 PM

      The thoughts behind our actions exactly, Machine Gun!

      Big Al

    Jul 09, 2013 09:02 PM

    Better question to ask, Does the federal reserve look anything like 75, 76?

    ……..still fighting the fed….

    Jul 09, 2013 09:03 PM

    The pilot flying the Asiana flight had 33 hours of experience flying the plane.

    His co-pilot who was training him: this was his very first training flight!

    Jul 09, 2013 09:14 PM

    For the first time in more than a month, gold finally managed to close above the 13 day moving average today. The daily MACD is about to make a bull cross while even the weekly MACD is starting to curl up. Friday’s plunge ended with a daily RSI above 30, indicating that it was probably just a weak retest of the prior week’s low. These small positives look better when you consider the charts here:

    Jul 10, 2013 10:02 AM

    I don’t know.
    Russian propaganda is well prepared.

    Jul 10, 2013 10:08 AM
    Is the US fast asleep to what is happening?
    It feels at times someone is planning the destruction of the dollar.

    Jul 10, 2013 10:18 AM

    You think this is bad:
    Then just wait till the IMF story breaks.
    Hundreds of millions of dollars unaccounted for. May go into Billions.
    Why do you think the US is pushing so hard to get access to Swiss banking data?
    (Sorry, Uncle, If you’re reading this. I don’t have a Swiss bank account. You should look into where those Billions of NSA dark funds are disappearing to.))

    Jul 10, 2013 10:27 AM

    And so it goes:
    And you thought I was joking, when I typed: “The World is Not Enough”

    Jul 10, 2013 10:57 AM

    Could this be the first example of rats joining a sinking ship?

    (and I’m talking about currency not people)

    Jul 10, 2013 10:15 AM
    Jul 10, 2013 10:20 AM

    The Inevitable Collapse of Gold (3 minutes)

    “In the last few weeks, I’ve been getting many questions from people about what is happening with gold. The inquiries have been coming from all sources, email, phone and even comments from previous Planning with Ed Insights.

    “Here’s my take around the gold collapse.”
    ~Ed Rempel

      Jul 10, 2013 10:22 AM

      I think Mr Ed’s “collapse call” qualifies as a bottom call.

        Jul 10, 2013 10:46 PM

        Yeh but look what happened after my “bottom call” at $1321!

        Big Al

      Jul 10, 2013 10:33 AM

      Ed is possibly buried in he midwest and never been outside the US?

      He brilliantly expresses what might have been true when the US dominated the world.
      But he is totally wrong as the US dies, sadly.
      People in the rest of the world do not think like Americans. They appreciate something real in which to store their wealth. Just wait until the US dollar starts to fall seriously.

        Jul 10, 2013 10:50 AM

        Canada. So he is not buried — yet.

    Jul 10, 2013 10:24 AM

    I really don’t know which is in worse shape!
    Almost any one could collapse at any moment.
    And don’t forget revolting France.

      Jul 10, 2013 10:47 PM

      We do seem to be on the cusp, CFS

      Big Al

    Jul 10, 2013 10:46 AM

    […] file here at the blog – just click on the image to the right – or you can go directly to this page over at […]

    Jul 10, 2013 10:59 AM

    Don’t worry about a thing CFS – that is if you take seriously the words of E.U. president: Herman van Rompuy spoken earlier last week – “Financial stability has been restored’!”

    Al really should hold a weekly competition as to which politician gets to spout the greatest lie!