

We Need a Real Second Party!

Big Al
October 13, 2012

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    Oct 13, 2012 13:43 PM

    I’m Canadian born and raised, I’m always taken back by the amount Americans place the importance on their politics, why?

    The economic data that is released by the governing party is pure outrageous BS, inflation as an example anyone out there eating three meals a day believe inflation is 1.7%

    No party is ever accountable for their actions, election promises and never revisited.

    I do find it odd how those that protect their wealth/purchasing power by buying gold actually waste time talking about issues that are the fundamental reasons for owning gold as an investment, the governments at all levels are out of control with their spending and the only answer to keeping the whole banking sysytem afloat is a FASB ruling #157 allowing banks to mark their toxic waste mortgage holding to make believe levels vs market value …there is no political party that can change what is coming, complete insane money printing bringing with it another wave of inflation and everything priced in US$’s will be exporting its inflation around the world.

    Here in Canada just as our real estate was rolling over during 2008 our government increased our CMHC mortgage pool from 100Billion to 600Billion along with extending mortgage amt from 25-40 and no-money down loans, in fact one bank lent 110% as if you could afford the monthly payments with “0” down they would automatically give you 10% of your mortgage amount in a line of credit….now in 2012 our government removed the “0” down payment and reduce the max lending to 30 years…but the easy money junkies have already maxed out their debt levels. Guess what real estate across Canada is now being revalued alot lower.

    The global governments are the reason the world is in such a mess ($1700+ gold is telling the financial world somethings amiss) and yet we think these governments are going to prevent tuff times ahead????……gotta laugh at Bearnank telling the Jackson Hole group how

      Oct 14, 2012 14:39 PM

      Howdy JJ,

      I particularly enjoyed your comment about no accountability for completely disregarding campaign promises. I particularly wonder just why the President is never asked about his promise to lower the deficit when it is now about sixteen times higher than it was when he took office.

      Big Al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:45 PM

    sorry I got cut off, lol! If QE1 and 2 were so successful why does America need QE#3… sad!!

      Oct 14, 2012 14:40 PM

      Maybe JJ, because they were not so successful!

      Big Al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:22 PM

    Geez, JJ, IMHO and with all due respect,
    You arent telling us Americans nothin we didnt know…it is TRULY a mess down here! 🙂

      Oct 13, 2012 13:33 PM

      Hi Marc, JJ is asking why americans put any importance to their politics.
      It makes no differance. Now a Ron Paul win would matter, but not Romney or Obama.
      Its I believe about the same in Canada, except “the plan” is no riots or revolts etc, they want the resources and there is only 30 million people, easy to handle. But Canada has the same government as the states do. Its the banks or the military industrial complex. Paul Craig Roberts thinks its the military, I lean to the banks.
      Otherwise same government. So, he asks, Why Bother?

        Oct 14, 2012 14:18 PM

        Gotta vote you conscience, benb! (Or maybe not vote you conscience)

        Big Al

        Oct 14, 2012 14:42 PM

        A big fat yep!

          Oct 14, 2012 14:45 PM

          I will say this I very OBLIGATED to vote. As the youngest son of a WW11 AND two uncles in the the theatres, I have a DUTY to vote. That is how I feel. I highly respected by Father and I will get off my arse (Irish term) and vote. But, I WILL vote according to my conscious. Irregardless of what anyone thinks or says. Ron Paul or Gary Johnson anyone?!

    Oct 13, 2012 13:44 PM

    We need a Jacksonian party unwed to the Central Bankers!
    Unfortunately this may mean we need a modern day Battle of New Orleans to get started.

    Oct 13, 2012 13:01 PM

    Real Liberty thru Ron Paul, will he win, probably not, but Americans need to send a message. “We need a 2nd party” well said Al and Jeff.

    Oct 13, 2012 13:51 PM

    JJ – same dichotomy at the provincial level and the federal. To the point where now “right” and “left” are part of the political vocabulary, even in Quebec. I never heard the political spectrum defined that way in the ’80s and ’90s. The pupeteers push their control mechanism everywhere, including Canada.

    Two party Dictatorship

    Oct 13, 2012 13:35 PM

    Sorry I certainly didn’t want to highlite the obvious to my American friends as you are living the reality… I’m observing from a far…and our Canadian situation is far from perfect…we still have emergancy level interest rates in place killing cash held positions yet our Bank of Canada allows our banks to charge 19%++ on outstanding credit card debt?!?!

    **As long as the BANKERS run our global governments we are ALL screwed!!…every bailout has been to bailout the financial sector as it has nothing to do with helping the guy on MainSt…..its all about the Trillions of OTC derivatives which are very interest rate sensitive
    As for the need for a true second party isn’t that suggesting America has 1 decent party??? hmm really!

      Oct 13, 2012 13:38 PM

      JJ, isnt Carny an ex goldman sacks guy? They are everywhere.
      I played little league baseball with a guy that pitched. We called him JJ.

    Oct 13, 2012 13:48 PM

    welcome aboard, fellow Canuck…you may have posted before but these are the first of yours that I’m seeing….I think US banks should certainly be audited for their toxic debt so the world can determine what the toxic debt levels really are, then hopefully the rest of the world will follow.

    Oct 13, 2012 13:52 PM

    …in their own jurisdictions, we could compare these bailouts to the the spoiled offspring of a wealthy family, where a young man keeps spending while not working/working p/t and the parent are just so sure that if they keep giving him enough, eventually he will find himself and become self sufficient.

    Oct 13, 2012 13:05 PM

    …except that the parents have already sold off and double mortgaged everything, are 3 weeks from bankruptcy with credit cards maxed out and dad has taken to playing lotto tickets to try and make rent

      Oct 14, 2012 14:16 PM

      That is not such a crazy story, proud canuck!

      Big Al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:48 PM

    Write in Ron Paul, somebody should produce a bumper sticker.

      Oct 14, 2012 14:19 PM

      That benb, is one heck of a good point!

      Big Al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:25 PM

    Regarding politics; I take the ostrich approach … just try to ignore it; not an easy thing to do.

    I forget if it was on KER weekend show or one of KWN broadcasts where someone pointed out that a large majority of politicians are lawyers, and that right there is cause for concern … even worse than bankers.

    Up here north of the 49th our Prime Minister’s official profession is “Economist”. Now, if my son was an economist I certainly wouldn’t brag about it at a party, but it’s better than “lawyer” or “banker”. I don’t pay much attention to what our favourite “economist” is up to, but on occasion I turn on the People’s Radio (CBC) and hear the lefties complaining loudly in high pitched whiny voices about Stephen, so I suppose he’s doing a few things right, eh? 🙂

    Off topic:
    During my recent move I was without internet service for 2 weeks. Nothing in my portfolio went down the crapper; nothing went to the moon. As I suspected; just leaving things alone works just as well as worrying and tinkering. Added bonus was that I had plenty of time to read the old fashioned way … from a book! And discovered this tid bit which I find quite amusing.

    Code of Rules

      Oct 14, 2012 14:07 AM

      Irwin….one good link that makes you think deserves another:
      George Washington, sometime before the age of 16, transcribed Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation, to wit:

        Oct 14, 2012 14:49 AM

        Yikes! Dennis M.
        – and to think; some say that the 10 commandments are too much. 🙂

        However, I would add one more for the benefit of the wedding party I saw yesterday.
        “Comely women of available status and greater than twenty-one hands in stature (7 ft) should consider wearing a skirt with length measuring not less than fifteen inches”.

        #30 (but if three walk together the middest Place is the most Honourable ) reminds me of the riddle; “If you see 3 cowboys in a pick-up, which one is the experienced hand”?

        Answer: the one in the middle; he doesn’t have to drive, and he doesn’t have to open the gate!

          Oct 14, 2012 14:53 AM

          I like the finis…..
          110th Labour to keep alive in your Breast that Little Spark of Celestial fire Called Conscience.

          Irwin..I would add..111th If you find yourself disheveled awaking in a house of ill-repute or constables hold hung-over and unable to stomach breakfast then repent of the mannerisms which arrived you there.

            Oct 14, 2012 14:34 AM

            Aye, Dennis M.

            I toast thee with a Vodka Mudshake – Cappuccino flavour!
            (agitor avant d’ouvrir)

            Oct 14, 2012 14:14 PM

            “sláinte mhaith”! back at you Irwin

            And tu ne cede malis sed contra audentior ito while you are at it!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Oct 14, 2012 14:22 PM

      Thanks for the link, Irwin,

      That was a cute read!

      Big al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:13 PM

    What happens when the food producers decide not to honor food stamps or cards however it is set up in The US because they are accepting worthless value for real goods. With the use of cell phones the populace will form into flash mobs first at supermarkets and then at strategic choke points. This idea of feeding all these people to keep them content is going to backfire in a way I can’t imagine.

    Just think of the consequences when the people can’t access food anymore.

      Oct 14, 2012 14:24 PM

      I have been more than just a bit concerned about that scenario, Machine Gun!

      I, by the way am not even close to kidding!

      Big Al

    Oct 13, 2012 13:33 PM

    Irwin – If you want to see how persavive is the presence of elite canadian families in the political arena, take a look at the offsprings of the players mentioned by Carroll Quigley:

    Anglo-American Establishment

    I have not review the lineage of Harper, but it seems clear to me he is just as much a pond in the game as anyone else, serving his masters faithfully.

      Oct 13, 2012 13:03 PM

      I’m sure you’re right, Missive.

      I’ve listened to a few of Lindsey Williams’ presentations so I don’t doubt the “elites” argument.

      As for Flaherty/Carney: I used to blame Flaherty for our 2006 Halloween Massacre (income trusts debacle), but have since learned that it was the brain child of Carney, who took Flaherty into a little room and explained to him how things were going to be. Maybe it was the right thing to do, maybe not, but I do know that I was soundly spanked that night. 🙁

    Oct 13, 2012 13:35 PM

    @benb – I like to describe Carney and the finance minister of Her Majesty`s government in Canada with this expression:

    Carney and his sidekick Flaherty.

    Since the guy who prints the money has power over the one asking for it…

    Oct 13, 2012 13:02 PM

    Carney was placed into his position ,usurping the tradition of BoC.
    Carney is GS.
    Carney is their man.
    Carney did the bidding for his masters when the trusts and oil/gas infrastructure was handed over.Canadians should have smelled the urine then.

    Oct 14, 2012 14:42 AM

    Jeff nailed it! The Republicans have no credibility.

    I’m still looking for all that WMD to surface Iraq. Remember that great BIG Promise that that Iraq will use its oil to REPAY America for the cost of that “war” that was never declared. Sure thing–keep the faith! I’m still waiting for that trillion to come home, how about you? And gee, isn’t the world a safer place after Bush “liberated Iraq?? Promises, promises. At least the Dems are intellectually honest about their big government agenda whereas the Republicans have to lie like hell to better enable them to spend like crazy.

    Yes indeed, we need a true second political party.

      Oct 15, 2012 15:23 PM


      I may get shot, but I kind of agree with that comment!

      Big Al

    Oct 14, 2012 14:15 PM

    What America needs is ..No more Presidents………..& a third party made up of “TRUE” Americans…..Who honour the CONSTITUTION…….Then perhaps you will get rid of the PARASITES who are robbing your country blind & grinding it into the ground, for their own greed.

    Oct 14, 2012 14:16 PM


      Oct 14, 2012 14:18 PM

      LARRY…………10 -20 years from now , Americans will look back & think…..RON PAUL…….Why the F$%K did we not support this man .

        Oct 14, 2012 14:32 PM

        Today I think Ron Paul; but when I look back 20 years I remember Ross Perot and see that it’s played out just as he predicted. But 20 years into the future I’ll probably be too old to remember my name. Even so, it sure has been a fun ride! Only wish my children and their children could enjoy I freedoms I experienced before Johnson’s Great Society decided to steal from our national trust funds to underwrite Big Brother.

          Oct 15, 2012 15:48 PM

          I concur, Bj,

          Big Al

        Oct 15, 2012 15:15 PM

        I agree completely, Mr. Irish.

        By the way, what does f?%k mean? Is that an Irish word?

        Help me out here,

        Big Al

      Oct 15, 2012 15:17 PM

      Mr. Sommers,

      Without Ron Paul we will go bust!

      Big Al

    Oct 14, 2012 14:52 PM

    People who support Ron Paul really need to get over it. They act as if he is the second coming of Christ. As good as his domestic policies may be, he is completely wrong and very naive when it comes to foreign policy. His ideas are not only very dangerous but are not even consistent with the constitution. The last thing we need is him running for president and splitting the republican vote. And to say that their is absolutely no difference between the republicans and democrats is blatently absurd. Their is a tremendous difference between the republicans and Obama. Obama is a left wing liberal radical socialist anti constitution anit life anti marriage anti capitalism man of lawlessness. How can you compare any party or person to that? Stop putting Ron Paul on some pedestal, because he too has serious flaws I’m not going to get into. He is for free markets? You think a nuclear Iran is for free markets. They will shut down the strait of hurmoz in two seconds and then what is Ron Paul going to do? He is part of the crowd that blames America first. He doesn’t understand that evil does exist, and there are people that want Israel and us blown off the map. Obama goes around apologizing for America and Ron Paul would do the same. End the only Ron Paul will do nonsense already and get behind Romney and Ryan, otherwise its four more years of what we already have only worse!

      Oct 15, 2012 15:06 PM

      Now, The Greater, I also wonder why he does not endorse Romney. Something to think about isn’t it.

      Actually, I do have a pretty good idea why that endorsement has not come out. He is firmly convinced as Jeff seems to be also that there is really no difference between the two candidates.

      I actually kind of feel the same way at this point.

      Trust me, I am really studying this whole “theater” closely.

      Big Al

    Oct 14, 2012 14:37 PM

    JAMES………..Answer me one question………..Why should IRAN not hold a nuclear weapon…..When so many countries do ?.

      Oct 14, 2012 14:42 PM

      BTW……I believe his foreign policy is correct………..What right have the Americans got , to tell the rest of the world what they can , or can not do…………..AMERICA “DOES NOT OWN THE PLANET” .

        Oct 15, 2012 15:57 PM

        Really, Mr. Irish, I could have sworn that we did own the planet!

        Big Al

      Oct 15, 2012 15:39 AM

      It is estimated that Israel has 200 to 400 nuclear weapons.

      The bombs used in 1945 were atomic bombs that employed fission not fusion which are much more destructive.

      Like Richenbacher said when he left the service after being the architect of The US navy’s nuclear sub program, there will be a war in which only the cockroaches survive.

      Without transparency and accountability by all he could very well been proven right.

      Maybe we will be lucky and the next nuclear exchange will be limited enough that man will survive and all the nations will come together to put an end to this madness.

        Oct 15, 2012 15:45 PM

        Words of true wisdom from a great private eye, Machine Gun!

        Big Al

      Oct 15, 2012 15:58 PM

      Common now, Mr. Irish, no complicated questions!

      Big Al

    Oct 14, 2012 14:12 PM

    Tony, people like James will never understand what liberty is or means, I am surprised when a person like himself understands that debt is not money. There is no way I am aware of that will enable these people to realise they have a facist government for example, even when everything they do is watched or recorded or they are personally stopped on the street and searched without cause. They believe that is the way it “should” be. They actually feel safe, if you can believe it.
    Its just the way some people are. No ofense to anybody, but I think it is because people are taught to have “blind faith”, they learn to keep their eyes closed.
    And propaganda can be hidden well.

    Oct 14, 2012 14:44 PM

    I am fully aware we have a facist government and live in a country where our civil liberties are being eroded everyday. In the name of security we are trading our freedom, and we will lose both. Our country is going up in flames because we have become morally and intellectually soft. We crave all manner of convenience and entertainment. Robert E Lee was attending the baptism of a friends baby, and the mother of the baby asked him to depart some words of wisdom. He said “teach him to deny himself” This is a lesson we have all forgotten in America and we are now a nation of spoiled children and uncontented adults. We feel we are entitled to every good thing and feel mistreated when we do not get it, as if the world owes us something. This is not freedom. Yes I know what liberty is, it is not being conformed to this world but being transformed by the renewing of your mind.
    I do not have blind faith – I do not have faith in any man, we are all sinners and have all fallen short, including Mr. Paul. Anyone who supports him as if he can be our saviour are really the ones exercising blind faith. If we want liberty we need to start by getting Obama out of the White House. If you think we are losing our liberties now just wait until Obama gets relected. He will ultimately make himself a dictator, declare Marshall Law, abandon the constitution, bow to the United Nations and usher in Sharia Law. Then where will we be?
    So if you want to keep disparaging Romney and wishing for Ron Paul, all you are doing is helping Obama.
    And just for the record I supported Ron Paul four years ago. He wants to audit the fed and put the country on the gold standard which is great. He also wants to legalize illicit drugs. This is a disaster. When adolescents are hooked on drugs this is not freedom. He says we shouldn’t have interfered in WWII and helped Israel. This is shameful. If we truly believe in liberty we should want it for all. Not bury our heads in the sand, become an isolationist country and wait for the enemy to reach our shores. Live in realville, he lost, and it is now time to move on and get behind the one man who could at least get Obama out. Is he perfect? No. But he is our best chance. When the Lord Jesus Christ returns then he will set up a perfect government and reign on Earth for 1000 years.

      Oct 15, 2012 15:49 AM

      I for one am voting for Romney, under the lesser of two evils rule. But with you saying that Obama will usher in Sharia Law, I really doubt that because thats not in keeping in with step with his masters(the Rothschild Banking crowd) and their plans in the middle-east. The Rothschild Banking crowd wants all islamic banks in their pocket throughout the world at large, though most of the largest Islamic Banks are located in Iran right now, these banks*(Islamic Banking) headquaters are in this country. And these banks* have over a trillion dollars held away from the privateer-Rothschild/Rockefeller crowd, and wanting it no matter what. We`ve had Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Egypt go to the sword in slaughter for taking out these so-called rogue states just to get their(the peoples money)money, into the privateer`s money bag system. So they used G.W.Bush/Obama under the guise of weapons of mass destruction(WMD), protect Israel, oil resources, whatever, was the reason for all the bloodshed thus far my opinion. Ron Paul was my first choice for President and will always be, but Obama has to be taken out by voting him out through whatever system we have now the voting booth, so Romney is the only solution right now in getting rid of this odious person Obama. The ideal person is our course is the second coming of Jesus the Christ and His new Jerusalem.

        Oct 15, 2012 15:28 PM

        like button

        Oct 15, 2012 15:47 PM

        Yes, you are definitely correct Dennis F. regarding the ideal person.

        God bless,

        Big Al

      Oct 15, 2012 15:55 PM

      Now you also have a good point, The Greater!

      Big Al

    Oct 14, 2012 14:42 PM

    Ron Paul supporters understand that writing in Ron Paul hopefully sends a message, if only to other Ron Paul supporters to tell them they are not alone. They do this after careful consideration, they value their votes, they do so for their children, their families, their nation, they do so for liberty. These people are the ones that understand what is and has happened to their country, they know exactly what they do and why.
    What else can people do for liberty? Those that think replacing Obama with Romney are decived by the military industrial complex, the banks or both. A vote for either is a vote for facism.(Have you seen the results of unopposed facism James?) The presedents position is that of a puppet. Slowly people are realising but not fast enough to stop this war that has already begun.
    This war could take Billions of lives James…Billions.
    Romny has already told you he is all for it, no Obama is not good. (ndaa)
    Neither are any good, THATS the point, open your eyes.

      Oct 15, 2012 15:30 AM

      FIVE STARS for benb.

      Oct 15, 2012 15:52 PM

      Gotta agree with you benb!

      Big Al

    Oct 15, 2012 15:50 AM

    I am am member of the Tea Party. I know what has happened to our country as stated above. I also have a family and children that will have to grow up in a different American then I did. But I don’t need to waste my vote to send a message to other Ron Paul supporters. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Obama!