

Al on G. Gordon Liddy

March 14, 2012

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Al Korelin-Market Analyst and Chairman of AB Korelin and Associates will join us to talk about the very fragile world economy and if it is recovering.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:46 AM

    Please take a look at this movie. It gives a very good overview of what is going on on planet Earth.

    Avid fan

      Mar 14, 2012 14:05 PM


      Give me a little bit of time and I will get back to you.

      Big Al

      Mar 15, 2012 15:24 AM

      Hey Anonymous,
      Watched a little of your movie. Sorry, it is clearly a promo for the NWO and their push to move us in the direction of these ‘nutty’ psuedo-alternative energies. Government has no business indebting its citizens by throwing money, that we don’t have, into all these experiments. Let the private sector do it and it will happen in due time, at a pace that can be sustained. It’s a nice, warm, fuzzy, feel-good promo, but its a “panacea”.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:51 AM

    The water in the tub has to much” lead “in it…..and not enough” leaders” in it….

      Mar 14, 2012 14:06 PM

      Hi In the Box,


      Big Al

    Mar 14, 2012 14:17 PM

    Mar 12 Scientists say America is too dumb for democracy to thrive SFGate

    This articale is on 321 gold, I kinda believe it.Personally, I think the solutions are obvious, the issue is, only reasonably intelligent people see it and most, like this articale is saying, are not reasonably intelligent.

      Mar 14, 2012 14:07 PM

      Oh yeh benb,

      It would appear that most are not reasonably intelligent.

      Big Al

    Mar 14, 2012 14:42 PM

    If we want to understand the Obama agenda, we have to understand who or what he is NOT.

    He is not a patriot. The idea of patriotism and love for one’s country is well passe for him. He is the post-American president of America. He is a globalist and an internationalist. America in its old form stands in the way of the NWO in whose service he is. His job, as was that of GWB, is to continue the work of making America NWO-compliant. The old, mighty, healthy America needs to be ground down, deconstructed and demoralized until it is no longer too unwieldy to be integrated into the NWO. The task is to make it small and pliable enough to be just another part in the great NWO machine.

    America is being bankrupted by forces who have a larger goal in mind. They are internationalists first and Americans last. The anti-carbon agenda is part’n parcel of this drive. The idea was to implement global carbon taxes, to fund more and more global bodies, like an independent UN army which is directly controlled and used by the UN, without the oversight and interference by contributing nations.

    Obama’s understands his job to be that of the deconstructionist. The last thing he wants is to restore America to greatness. This is not what he came for, this is not why THEY sponsored him to be president.

    Thus, energy independence, which would be good for the country, is not to be fostered. Instead, American wealth is to be siphoned off to what you call “crazy” countries.

    Artificial crisis are manufactured which allegedly need global solutions. See global warming. Then there was H1N1. The idea is to empower global, unaccountable, bodies to dictate global initiatives. So America, as a sovereign nation state must be abrogated. This is why they signed Kyoto and similar agreements. The idea is a sovereignty transfer. Anything that diminishes the independence and sovereignty of the nation state is welcome.

    We are seeing this big time in Europe. One of the ruses to distract from the actual agenda is to make the loss of sovereignty there appear to be the result of a German power grab. But the German elites are doing what they are doing for the same reason Obama is doing what he is doing. IE. to use their respective countries to advance the globalist agenda and to diminish the independence of their own countries.

    Merkel is doing what she does not for Germany but for a greater ideal. She is as post-German as Obama is post-American.

    There you have it. I’m not nuts!

      Mar 14, 2012 14:10 PM

      Hi Peter,
      You have it exactly right!! I agree on the not nuts part too.

      Mar 14, 2012 14:03 PM


      You are dead on the money. What is so astounding and genius about the NWO plan is none of it is hidden. It’s in the open. The Monied (Banking) families, political triad (Treason), education (Brainwashing), Military (Death by Force) interests for decades have incrementally put this plan in place and its all basically done by American’s who are globalists and communists. They’re only connection to America is a passport and a birth certificate.

      The average American’s I work with and talk to daily become violently angry if you are to present these disgusting documented facts to them. The degree of apathy and denial is so profound it leaves one speechless.

      The lose of communication with close friends and family members is not uncommon when divulging these terrible transgressions..

      Now these same American globalist freaks of death and destruction who have been in-charge for decades with the vast majority of mindless, dumbed-down American’s agreeing are continuing the plan as ordered, With Obama as the puppet figurehead for the UN they will continue the deconstructing of poor nation states with vast wealth in the ground.

      They are about to unleash death, destruction and genocide across the African Continent. The Military machinery of the NWO (USA) will steal all the remaining resources of poor African countries all in the name of democracy, just as we’ve been doing for decades around the world.

      We are in for some very dark time’s indeed because this rabbit hole goes so deep it can’t be imagined.

        Mar 14, 2012 14:14 PM

        Hi Vortex,

        I think the problem is that many people are not familiar with this subject and others don’t see anything wrong with it.

        Here’s an example, my best friend says, “Al, I don’t fear my government and you seem to.”

        There you have it.

        Big Al

          Mar 14, 2012 14:25 PM


          You are correct my friend.


        Mar 14, 2012 14:49 PM

        You see it as I do. In the old days I would have called you “anti-American” and thought you a communist. It’s funny to learn that the Marxists of old were actually right about some things – but DON’T get me wrong…

      Mar 14, 2012 14:10 PM

      Hi Peter,

      I don’t think that you are nuts!

      Big Al

        Mar 14, 2012 14:46 PM

        Thanks. But what about you? Are you nuts?

          Mar 14, 2012 14:00 PM

          After about 7:30 p.m. seven days per week? Yup!

          Big Al

            Mar 15, 2012 15:05 AM

            AL…..I can beat that………I’m nuts all the time……..Thats what keeps me sane, Must run the white coats are coming………I love it when they chase me…hehehehahaheeeeeee

      Mar 14, 2012 14:57 PM

      Very well put. You are indeed exactly right. Some may not agree because they cannot wrap their minds around this idea that anybody could be put into power in the USA, who would not have America’s best interest at heart. This idea that America could be deconstructed right under our noses is anathema to most Americans. I do believe that you are right on and this is what the elitists goals are. Very articulate postulation!! Congrats. If you’re nuts, then so am I.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:05 PM

    Hi Al,
    I totally agree with Mr. Liddy’s insight on Obama. He is orchestrating the destruction of America as we know it. Most Americans including the independents are very aware of the lies on the unemployment numbers, shovel ready jobs and Obama not raising the sea levels. I believe any one of the candidates could win over Obama. As I said before the Democrats are the ones that keep bring up the social issues. Obama cannot run on his accomplishments so they fabricated a war on women by the Republican Party.

      Mar 14, 2012 14:15 PM


      The next few months will be truly interesting as you imply!

      Big Al

      Mar 15, 2012 15:14 AM

      Peter Castanheiro, Karen…..In my opinion the man obama is just the front man for the NWO……………but then what do we know, after all we are nuts haha

        Mar 15, 2012 15:42 PM


    Mar 14, 2012 14:06 PM

    Hi Al, I agree with Karen and Mr. Liddy`s assetment on Obama-the tree hudders association. My all those coal-fired power plants that have closed, and will be closing down all over the landscape, 33 Gigawatts taken off line with an est. 150,000 per year job loss from 2012-2020 , then there`s natural gas and shale gas is being destroyed as we speak, then where will this so-called new energy come from more subsidized solar green crap. Then onto what came by Fed Chairman Ben B. how rosey those employment fig. are `Investors Dumping Treasuries` investors thinking that times are better take the plunge dump T-bills to go buy dollars, to buying stocks and throwing more money away at a faster rate to boost the economy. Then there was J.P.Morgan dividend surprises investors, Irks Fed, Ben B. thinking that there would be more loose money out there to help other failing banks, but Ben B. got pissed off at Jamie Dimon. Damon`s quote was very interesting `I have a great fear someone`s going to try to write a book in 20 years, and the book is going talk about all the things that we did in the middle of the crisis to actually slow down recovery.`

    Mar 14, 2012 14:34 PM

    Hi Al, didn`t you have on your show Ellen Brown? She`s a pretty smart, `How Greece Could take down Wall Sreet`, posted 2/20/2012, …As MF Global found out the hard way, there is no such thing as “risk – free speculation“ protected by derivatives.

      Mar 14, 2012 14:35 PM

      Evening Dennis B.

      Ellen has been on the show numerous times in the past.

      I like her a lot and will definitely invite her on again.


      Big Al

    Mar 14, 2012 14:49 PM

    Liddy makes a couple of great points…one, that we have a hand in solving our problems, but that we won’t take the initiative. The other, less interesting to me as I don’t care too much for the current crop of Repubs, is they are squandering time. August is far too late to campaign against Obama.

      Mar 14, 2012 14:34 PM

      Hi John W,

      Agree with both of your points completely!

      Big Al

    Mar 14, 2012 14:08 PM

    Tub quandry:

    When money is debt you aways need more of both.

    To understand that simple sentence is to understand The United States since 1913.
    and/or Central Banking in general.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:34 PM

    Hi Dennis,

    Great point!

    Big Al

      Mar 14, 2012 14:35 PM

      I am glad you started in on “The Road to Serfdom” the book has an interesting history.
      Below is a condensed version which appeared in Reader’s Digest as described in the forward. One of Hayek’s concepts being “The contention that only the peculiar wickedness of the Germans has produced the Nazi system is likely to become the excuse for forcing on us the very institutions which have produced that wickedness.” It was this concept combined with our healthcare discussions that made me think of the book.

      Otto von Bismarck’s 1880’s social welfare reforms made me think of the book in your blog’s discussions on healthcare. I think good old Otto led off with nationalized healthcare and later added a Social Security-esque program.

      Link to condensed version of Hayek’s The Road to Sefdom:

      PS. In the healthcare blog references were made to diet and exercise…to which I say good for them. It should be added that reading thoughtful books be added.

      Many of my clients suffer dementia. I like to exercise the grey matter and I do not like crosswords.

      So as you read think you are improving both your mind and your health,

      With or without that single malt.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:19 AM

        Morning Dennis,

        I am really enjoying The Road to Serfdom.

        It is more than just a bit thought provoking.

        It also seems to validate my philosophy.

        Thanks again,

        Big Al

          Mar 15, 2012 15:43 AM

          I thought it would.
          I am glad.
          The inconsistency I had was that 1) you seemed to be your validating of the ‘Logic’ of Health Reform, and;

          2) what I thought core philosophy is.
          The more we say….this program makes sense and that program makes sense it makes no sense to call yourself classically liberal/conservative.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:31 PM

    Forgive me if I’ve missed something, but isn’t this is same G. Gordon Liddy who is a convicted criminal, who organised the Watergate burglaries (and other attempts to pervert the course of democracy) and admits in his own biography to planning to murder a journalist (Jack Anderson)? How is this acceptable?

    I’m all for convicted criminals being given a fair go after paying their debt to society, but has he paid his debt, or even learned from his mistakes? Forgive, but don’t forget!

    The fact that I agree with some of his political views doesn’t give me any comfort at all. Actually, it makes me want to reconsider them!

      Mar 15, 2012 15:30 AM


      It is that Gordon Liddy. Consider two things though. Who knows more about how the government really works, a person like a Ben Stein who wrote a couple of speeches for Nixon but has never been to jail, or Gordo who was really in the middle of it all? Second, if he has paid his debt, which anyone must have a chance of doing or they will never reform, then we have to really mean it when we say it’s paid. If Mr Liddy can do something really productive like run a talk program, I say great.

      There was a politician in North or South Carolina busted for a scandal. He came clean and told his constituents how (whatever it was) happened, and how he now understood the weakness of government and the way those in power become corrupted, or at least goaded into doing dumb things. He was elected again (I wish I could remember the name, perhaps someone knows — it was within the last 7 years). Sometimes those who screw-up in the past, so long as they have reformed, can be terrific teachers.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:55 PM

        Sanford…? the one with the argintina girl friend, and told everyone that he was
        on the blue ridge parkway for a walk…?

          Mar 15, 2012 15:26 PM

          Mmmm, no, don’t think it was him. Busy these last few days, but if I figure it out, I’ll mention it in a fresher thread, as it’s a good lesson. I think it was before Sanford.

    Mar 14, 2012 14:39 PM

    Hi xoc,

    I believe that he completely paid for what he did.

    I find him, at this moment in time, to be a very interesting person.

    Do you have any comments about the Clinton family? How about presidents who send our boys/girls to war without Congressional approval. How about presidents who enact laws that our country cannot afford. How about criminals who engage in serious predatory capitalism and are rewarded by our government?

    How is this acceptable?

    Big Al

      Mar 15, 2012 15:18 AM

      Right on Al!

      Things aren’t always what they seem either. The worst criminals of all in a totalitarian system are never charged with any crimes. “Convicted criminal” sounds bad, but means less and less in such a system. As corruption grows, right and wrong become less and less synonymous with legal and illegal. Paradoxically, the more numerous the laws, the more corrupt the system is.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:51 AM

        Matthew. Well said.

      Mar 15, 2012 15:27 AM

      Big Al and Matthew,
      Both of you are exactly right. Cannot add anything to what you’ve said.

      Mar 15, 2012 15:08 PM

      Hi Al – really appreciate the comments, and I’m looking forward to the editorial.

      Trying to pervert the democratic process in the USA is an egregious crime that is really akin to treason. If Liddy didn’t believe in democracy, what is it that he was fighting for?

      Liddy’s 20 year sentence was commuted to 8 years by President Carter, surely for political reasons rather than genuine equity, so it is arguable whether he has fully paid his debt, but I am happy to concede that point, provided Liddy renounces his prior actions.

      Either way, I can understand how a good person could get caught up in something like that. What I can’t understand is planning to murder someone. That shows a particular psychopathy, and suggests Watergate was just the tip of the iceberg.

      I don’t think the Clintons’ failings are relevant. Corruption is absolutely endemic in US society, and should not be tolerated at any level or from either (or any) side of politics. It is interesting that Bill Clinton also tried to pervert the course of democracy (by perjuring). I think that the circumstances there were more understandable than the Watergate circumstances, but nevertheless, a President who doesn’t uphold the law is clearly not worthy of the Office.

      You make excellent points about the appalling actions most (if not all) Presidents have taken, destroying lives and livelihoods at home and abroad, and rewarding some of the worst elements of society. This is certainly not acceptable to me.

      It’s not a coincidence that those who seek great power (elected and otherwise) are almost always somewhere between narcissistic egomaniacs and psychopaths. They usually have a flair for appearing as a trustworthy, good-hearted everymen, but their actions betray them. We, the People are fooled time after time. It is a universal human weakness to be excessively trusting of those in power, particularly when they are saying things we want to hear, but by their actions we shall know them… which brings me back to G. Gordon Liddy. Has he renounced his prior actions and demonstrated a genuine remorse and understanding of how they harmed society?

      I do agree he is an interesting person, but right and wrong is far more important than right and left. If he doesn’t start with a solid foundation of respecting the sanctity of life, the rule of law, and general belief in fairness and compassion over strength and power, then whatever political views he holds are completely without merit, even if they do appear to coincide with what you and I might believe.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:31 PM

        “It’s not a coincidence that those who seek great power (elected and otherwise) are almost always somewhere between narcissistic egomaniacs and psychopaths. ”

        Alas, it’s a curse of us humans. But ‘evil is for good men to do nothing’, which is one reason we like this blog so much. I certainly agree that plotting to murder is pretty vile. I haven’t read the book…I’d like to think it was not serious, but I agree that’s alarming. That said, I believe Mr Liddy has said he’s sorry for his past (writing an expose on one’s self and not apologizing for major discrepancies seems odd), but not 100% sure.

          Mar 16, 2012 16:36 AM

          I hope you are right about Mr Liddy’s apology. If that is the case (and the apology demonstrated genuine understanding and remorse) then I would be completely comfortable leaving the past in the past and offering my unreserved friendship. On the other hand, without such an apology, I don’t see how anyone can be expected to trust him.

    Mar 15, 2012 15:57 AM

    Clinton is the only president who was broke entering office and had amassed
    a $175 million the day he left office..

      Mar 15, 2012 15:40 AM

      Hi In the Box and Matthew,

      You know I woke up last night thinking about xoc’s comment and decided to do an Editorial on it.

      I want to make myself really clear.

      Do the two of you have any input?

      Big Al

        Mar 15, 2012 15:14 AM

        Along the lines of what you were saying, it’s really pathetic that most do not recognize the extraordinary criminality of their leaders. If those same leaders (political/judicial) declare their actions to be just fine, the sheeple just accept it without any thought. They dutifully think what they’re told to think.
        The corruption that exists today is orders of magnitude worse than the Nixon era. Watergate is quaint by comparison.

        As Bernays (Freuds nephew) said, “The average citizen is the world’s most efficient censor. His own mind is the greatest barrier between him and the facts. His own ‘logic proof compartments,’ his own absolutism are the obstacles which prevent him from seeing in terms of experience and thought rather than in terms of group reaction.”

        In Propaganda (1928), he said:
        “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

        He felt that “the group mind does not think in the strict sense of the word… In making up its mind, its first impulse is usually to follow the example of a trusted leader.”

          Mar 15, 2012 15:22 AM

          MATTHEW………How very very sad…but true.

          Mar 15, 2012 15:04 AM

          Very interesting comments, Matthew.

          Big Al

        Mar 15, 2012 15:45 AM

        Hello Big Al,
        Just a short thought on this subject of right/wrong, legal/illegal, moral/immoral.
        In a society governed by immoral and mal-intended lawmakers/lawbreakers, what is legal, may not necessarily be moral and vice-versa. Case in point: How moral is aborting our young in the womb, and yet it is legal. What may be deemed criminal to the criminal mind, may in fact be moral and ethical when measured against our God-given moral code. With respect to God and morality, let me give 3 points of logic that will nix any arguement against the existence of God, and here it is:
        One may ask the question, “How can there be a God with all the evil in the world”? I won’t answer that question here as it would take too long, but I will address the false premise that there is no God.
        The one asking that question is acknowledging the existence of God in the premise of the question. 1) If you acknowledge that there is evil in the world, then you have to admit that there is also good, or else how do you distinguish the difference. 2)If you can distinguish between good and evil, then there must be a moral code or a moral law, by which to do so. 3)If we admit that there is a moral law, then there must be a moral law giver, hence the existence of God.
        Best to you.

          Mar 15, 2012 15:01 AM

          Mr. Irish,

          You are a real jokester!

          Big Al

          Mar 15, 2012 15:02 AM

          Morning Mr. C,

          I have absolutely no doubt about the existence of God and I can give many concrete reasons.

          You have a great argument for His existence.

          God bless,

          Big Al

            Mar 15, 2012 15:22 PM

            Yes sir, Mr. Al,
            Just for clarification, I surely wasn’t referring to you sir, only making a general arguement to anyone who might make the case that there is no God. I know you have a strong belief.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:58 PM

        you know I always have something to say…

          Mar 15, 2012 15:07 PM

          yes AL let go all the way back to Watergate with Nixon, and Liddy…
          and bring all the players forward….Even Ronald Reagan was a crook,
          take the $1mill he got paid when he went to China to make the speech
          the year he left office….while in office he changed the energy policy
          from FmHA to the DOE…and gave ARCHER DANIALS THE DEAL…ON THE

            Mar 15, 2012 15:11 PM

            I have already mentioned CLINTON, OBAMA, SANTORIUM, WE KNOW ABOUT ROMNEY
            Lets talk about the people the senate who have been there longer than a week
            there is enought trash to send them all to prison….INSIDER TRADING FOR ONE.

      Mar 15, 2012 15:30 AM

      Hey JerryO^OTB,
      We’re in the wrong business. I was broke(relatively speaking) 3 years ago coming into this business, and while I’m definately ahead, I’m nowhere near 175M. I’ve got to rethink this in light of your post. ha ha.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:02 PM

        The problem is all of them…take santorium…he made $100,000, then last year
        he made while in office $500,000

        Take obama….makes $3 MILL on a book deal….these guys do not write books
        that is how they get paid under the table….

          Mar 15, 2012 15:23 PM

          Hi JerryO^OTB, Absolutely correct!

            Mar 15, 2012 15:04 PM


    Mar 15, 2012 15:02 AM

    Hi Al, do you know that Warren Buffett calls his investment in Dallas-Based Future Holdings a “Big Mistake.`in Feb.27, 2012. Then in he`s gone solar, on March 8, 2012 he`s speaking with Bill Clinton, and Prof. Nick Bostrom and the Next Economy. Then there`s the great idea of converting those out dated coal-fired power plants in to nuclear-thorium molten salt reactors then making from coal: oil amazing isn`t it using coal to produce synthetic fuels like diesel, jet fuel, gasoline; then at the same time making electricity. My isn`t how pushing Global Warming can work in pushing out to their knees the coal-fired power plant sector, then obtaining them for a song and making a huge profit at the end of the tunnel. Obama and his buddy Warren Buffett make rather a nice team don`t they, a tag team from hell. Since we all know that Global Warming is a hoax… but don`t you see the irony in this that the tree-huggers EPA crowd want solar and not want fossil fuel,but like it or not its coming and this is probably good investment advice, though I`m not a broker. But something else comes to mind that those very same coal-fired power plant could get some new financing in new tech on their old plants might be made into gold so to speak.

      Mar 15, 2012 15:59 AM

      Pretty good points, Dennis!

      Big Al

    Mar 15, 2012 15:19 AM

    Just a thought if AL CAPONE was alive today, “THEY” would probably put him in as PRESIDENT, & compared to this lot of gangsters running the show, he would look like a MINNOW.

      Mar 15, 2012 15:50 AM

      Hello Irishtony,
      Right you are my friend, and isn’t ‘O’ from the Chicago “family”. We have strayed a long way from our founding.

        Mar 15, 2012 15:44 PM

        MR C…….How very true, i remember reading the AMERICAN CONSTITUTION, many years ago & thinking………..PERFECT.

    Aug 17, 2012 17:48 PM